Am i cute?
Am i cute?
post feet
Argentina is white
lol fag
If you're a boy, I'll date you
india fea
And why if i'm cute white people in Argentina treat me badly?
cureipy nmebuá
Lazy eyed desperate attention whore
Kill yourself and your family
The same goes for you desperate sex deprived teenagers itt
Rude sage
They're racist.
I guess because you are mixed race and they don't like what you represent?
Yes, you're cute
>white people in Argentina
I'm gonna stop you right there
All Argentinians don't look like me. I'm so strange in this country.
Kik me?
I don't date old men.
Contrary to what some argies want to think, pale skin does not make a person white
a lot of newfriends itt
Most of them look like the Italian Phenotype.
There are 30M of persons with Italian descent in this country, without counting all the others european migrations.
italians are not white
And... what's the matter? I like them.
like I said earlier it probably has to do with the way race mixing is viewed there
they want to protect their racial purity and seeing a cute mixed race individual such as yourself just makes them uncomfortable
Post more pictures of your pretty face
I feel like y'all are liars. I consider myself an ugly person and all the people i've met called myself as that
you're not ugly. Your nose is a lil weird but nothing someone couldn't get over.
eithet way:
Either stop putting up with people being rude or stop coming to the internet for attention.
if you consider yourself ugly than you've never seen ugly lol
You look like my cousin
I like Middle Easterns
Thanks, it's mutual. I like everyone except jews and most chinese people
that explains the inferiority complex and complaining about racist wypipo desu
Middle Easterns don't like Native Americans though, we're too dark and have an asian phenotype, also we're short
those people do not like you
Not really, everyone has preferences but that's not always related to someone's origin. Instead of racial supremacy, we have nationality supremacy which is just as dumb imo. I don't really care about people's looks or race.
>I don't really care about people's looks or race.
Tell that to 99% of Middle Easterns
I can't help if the majority are pieces of shit, but I definitely don't share their mentality. Just for the record btw, middle easterns aren't tall.
It's not bad to not like people who don't look like you, it's something genetic. Do some research. Racism is natural.
I know that, I wouldn't be in Jow Forums if I didn't. I already said I just hate jews and most chinks, haven't gotten into people with certain political views ideologies.
>no timestamp
h-hi guys i'm a girl uwu
it's about time someone posted this
No, goblina.
femanon here too
timestamp o eres un gordo joto
>dug ID
faces like these always make me think that this person's grandfather was straight up sacrificing people to the volcano gods
it's like she came from isolated indian tribe. wouldn't be surprised if spanish wasn't even her first language
would smash though
post armpits
What's the deal with mexicans and spicy food?
big if true XD
and is everyone in this thread just pretending to be retarded thinking OP's pic is
? It's a Jow Forums filename, and not her.
do you have a weird aztec face?
Maybe if you wore glasses
no porque eres prieto y los de tu tipo me dan asquito
south mexicans are ugly and short
and spicy food it's ok
no i'm white like average north mexican girl
do you want to come to bulgaria?
>Jow Forums filename
Okay, so the person behind the screen is a man, this much is certain.
if you pay ;)
What is your race? Are you native? Are you a girl?
real question, how old are you?
If you are cute, what are you doing in Jow Forums?
huh, but i thought mexicans could just go to whatever country they like for free and stopping them was racist?
are you sure you can't find your way here?
horry shit, Chicanon was right. mexicans are IBERIAN. PLS BE MY IBERIAN GF. 'merica is closer than b*lgaria, fuck that other guy.
onions chilango blanco pero bueno. siquiera saca una foto con timestamp de una cosa que indique que eres mujer, ni de tu cara ni nada
that was a pretty good set up. I'm glad I didn't interfere.
puta verga s o y no onions
don't interfere you worthless peon
it wasn't a set up, it just came to me, because i'm so clever. that chica doesn't know what she's missing
even better. Great thinking on your feet, friend.
Chinga tu madre jotos
>A very common spanish word is cucked by the Jow Forums onions filter
kek how will spanish every recover??
i'm a cute shy nerdy girl
sorry i'm only interested in cute asians guys
me das miedo s:
we won't man
a ok :v
any of the nice latinas itt want to help my friend out?
>want to help my friend out?
You mean you?
don't you know bulgarians come from asia? google pavel chernev, he's the whitest man in bulgaria
what's your favorite bts song? fake love is pretty good
whatever makes the post funnier.
He looks like "el brayan" but with lighter skin.
Tunnel into the states and then we'll talk. Not interested if there ain't at least 10 boarder guards from booby traps down there too.
>there are /soc/fags on our precious board
Degenerates like you belong on a cross.
cringe. Stop using that word and your friend(it's you, don't bullshit us)'s chances will improve.
what the hell is going on? why Jow Forums looks like a city in california?
You are! Everyone is if they don't have a bad personality. Just don't listen to others! I'm a girl and I've always wondered if I was cute enough but I just ignore remarks though.
Do you seriously believe OP?
lighten up and r8 my friend pls.
and don't forget many of us fellow americans might be mexican too. (totally not me, though, haha, heh, )
Well not now, sorry for my mistake.
Well, at least we are not blacking your women. The older I got the less I like your women, spics (the heavily iberian) are better looking.
protip: Losing weight increases penis size, you fat fuck.
>i'm only interested in cute asians guys
do not like the same things as other girls.
Nobody understands me, the boys of my age are stupid
I love kpop
Is that something you could say?
suck my dick, u latina slam piggy.
This looks like my niece but a little older. This scares me.