Alright Jow Forums, tell me

alright Jow Forums, tell me
Best Editor?
How to get started?

Attached: Atom-editor.png (1102x840, 151K)

Other urls found in this thread:

it's everywhere
$ /bin/vimtutor

A good text editor has a low learning curve, an intuitive set of features and doesn't monopolize resources on your computer.
There's no reason in hell why a text editor needs hundreds of megabytes of resident memory.

atom is fucking garbage, use vscode

vscode. There's really no valid excuses not to use it unless you're a hardcore microsoft hater.

/usr/bin/env emacs -f help-with-tutorial

>install vscode
>suddenly it downloads plugins and other garbage when i open a .c file with it
>apt-get autoremove --purge code
>After this operation, 600MB disk space will be freed.

What makes it be the preferred choice over atom ?

It's a meme. I remember when it was Brackets, then it was Atom, now it's VS Code. Wondering what will be next.

I love pycharm
It is much easier to use while not being that different from VS
But I also code in python, which is the best language.

VS Code is the most reasonable response for writing code.

Sublime text is nice for quickly taking notes or editing files.

>there's no valid excuses not to use it
besides vscode bundling the most useless shot possible inside it (speech recognition) nor allowing customisation (Atom add-ons can literally change anything it's just like Firefox native extensions vs Webextensions) and besides that Microsoft explicitly stating that as soon as you enable their extension support you enable telemetry which states that they will Share data with third party companies and law enforcement of they have good faith doing so.

Vscode is just a brainlets atom.
Since Microsoft published the language server protocol every editor now offers the same intelligent editing capabilities meaning the only reason to use vscode is because you are a brainlet who can't setup a js langserver (which takes less than 10 seconds).

IntelliJ IDEA. Guess my race.


>most reasonable response
Tell me one reason to use vscode over any other editor now that every editor implements the langserver protocol.

Protip there is none except for you being a brainlet (i.e. failing in setting up a langserver)

Obviously not Indian or Soviet right

It just werks.

What's the best editor for a lite shit like HTML and CSS?

Emacs is by far the best though the learning curve is way too steep. Vim is nice but it is too minimal.

Vscode is the exact same as Atom just with a different UI and severely crippled plugins. If you need to use a JS editor you should use Atom over Vscode since Atom supports the langserver as well and has better extension support.

Attached: text editors 2018.png (962x930, 53K)

So you admit the only reason one would use Vscode over anything else is being a brainlet?
If it was hard setting up langservers I'd understand if half of g said vscode but this way it is just a proof of how much marketing can manipulate people who even think they are intelligent (fyi you are a literal 10iq inbred if you fall for marketing like vscode or brave)

I've just used Notepad++, not complicated and not completely bare bones.

Ie there is no reason and you just don't want to try something else. Makes sense.

So 161 people of the people surveyed are literal inbred retards. Why doesn't this surprise me.

More western than soviet.

Imperial Russia

There's a fine line between it just works and too much trouble to bother. You can rice your shit as much as you want while the rest of us get work done


Cursor and key discipline can make you a much faster programmer.

Since the colors go off your terminal it's very fast to find exactly what works for you and set it back up if your OS is a fresh install.

It works perfect over SSH and CSSH

The other guy explained it though. If you have an editor that abstracts as much away as possible and bundles everything that needs one singular command in reality this is a bad thing which is a red alarm for people who actually do work in the branche that isn't webdev code monkey.

This ha nothing to do with ricing. There is a reason the higher value the work you do have the more minimalistic your editor will be. The people using vscode are just code monkeys. I haven't seen a single competent person using vscode.

Why are you so fired up about what text editor someone uses?

It's not only the text editor. I hate people who use stuff just because they fell for the terrible marketing schemes and then shill for it for free.
If I could I would reset all of those people's brain.

Amerifat. I also use phone for computer. Linux on DeX is godtier. Program on phone so I can just hook up to any TV no matter where I'm at. I'm in the fucking future.

I wanted to do this for a long time now but I am missing a small enough keyboard and mouse and I need some kind of portable screen to carry around.

Probably emacs evil mode but fuck me if I have patience to learn that.

Micro GNU Emacs

For the terminal, I use Emacs with the Spacemacs add-on. For everything else, I use VS Code.

You can use vim key bindings in VS Code. It's what I do at work.

Has anyone used kakoune?
It looks promising but I suspect it's only regular user is it's author.
Plus, won't people eventually outgrow the "tutorial-like" interface?

Attached: kakoune.webm (958x527, 726K)

DeX allows you to use your phone as a trackpads. You can pair this with some logitech bluetooth keyboard and you're golden. Just make sure to buy an admin extension cable if you're gonna be going to hotels and wanna sit on the bed while you use the TV from a distance.

Oh shit, I see that you asked for portable monitor too. Check out that hori monitor they made for fighting game players. It was made for the ps4 and has hdmi inputs. The shit can fit into a bookbag quite nicely.

Just use Emacs

Even vim users are dropping vi for Emacs. There is no escape.

Attached: dogemacs.jpg (640x640, 63K)

Best editor is vim
Best IDE is emacs
Most likely to be used in enterprise setting is vs code
You should learn all of them, but if you have to pick only one thing I suggest vim, it's easiest and simpler and doesn't try to hold you hostage and never leave the application the way emacs does.

if you know what you're doing, all you need is vim

how do you add autocompletion to vim?
What's the best one?
I mean vim recognizes my kodeā„¢ and highlights in color everything, so it shouldn't be hard to have some simple autocompletion with control tab

Atom was first, retard.

depends on the language.
vim for c
intellij for java... etc...

>BEST IDE is emacs
Was true a couple of years ago. Vim + LSP has the same features. I still prefer elisp over vimscript though.

coc.vim +coc-java and there you go.

vim has auto complete ctrl+n/p

deoplete if you want something that also recognizes libraries

google coc.vim

Kate is the editor I prefer.
It have a ton of features I consider necessary by default and it is a good editor overall.
It is closer to emacs style hotkeys by default but it is documented so anyone can be productive without learning anything prior to using it.
I also use vim, but I have never been able to make it as good or understood why you want to write your own editor and not take credit for it?

Imagine using your editor because it is installed everywhere. Literally a cuck

Windows is everywhere, you still using it, man?

>Wondering what will be next.

>0 matches
Come home white man