Are iToddlers, dare I say it, BTFO?
Spotify finally calls out Apple's BS
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iToddlers BTFO
based satania poster
How will applel ever recover?
corporate slapfight bust out the popcorn
>bans (You) for blocking ads
> Spotify
Is that like iTunes for poor people?
is gabriel dropout actually any good
>a whopping 30%
You'd be making 0% if not for their devices, their software platform, and their marketplace. As if 30% is large. You're seriously complaining about not making enough profit. Get real.
>apple's platform literally made us who we are
>wash why can't we advertise on their platform FOR FREE?!!1!1
Spotthejew get fucked.
>Spotify goes to court to *reduce* royalties paid to artists
>Apple agrees to *increase* royalties paid to artists
w-we're the good guys, Apple bad, r-right goys?
I wonder if there is anyone actually falling for this shit.
>not monopolic
Does Apple discriminate apps based on how dominated their niches are?
>Does Apple discriminate apps based on how dominated their niches are?
No, but Spotify wants them to discriminate in its favour because it's a big boy.
what did apple do now?
they're kind of irrelevant nowdays
Spotify wants Apple to stop charging them 30% fee for stuff purchased through the app store, or to increase Apple Music's $9.99 """"uncompetitive"""" price to Spotify's level kek
>company that exists to scum off the work of artists attacks the ethics of another company that exists to scum off the work of artists because they want a bigger market share in being able to scum off of the work of artists
Didn't that electron app killed spotify few months ago?
>paying to stream music
>when everything is available for free on youtube
youtube kills my data bro
stream only the audio silly
or, y'know, if you have limited data, just download the music you want and put it on your phone
modern phones have fuckload of space, and if yours doesn't it's probably old enough to have a microsd card slot, and microsd cards are cheap. music is small, there's no reason why you can't put most if not all of what you listen to on the go onto your phone
It's pretty good. Same director as Minami-ke s1 and Yuru Yuri.
>Spotify + Hulu is $5
>Apple and Google play are $15
>Huh it's not fair why does Hulu get all the business! We are a trillion dollar company level the playing field please
Most of their paid userbase it's on Android lad
>>Spotify + Hulu is $5
I use Pandora, Spotify recommendations are pure garbage.
>using recommendations
good goy
Isn't the complaint more that Apple is taking a third of the money from Spotify anyway?
Apple can pay all the royalties it wants, because it has the whole pie to divi up. Spotify only has 70% of the pie.
In order for Spotify to compete with the royalty payments they would have to charge more, which means more money for Apple, too.
>not compressing all your music into text form, saving megabytes, then reading the notes so they play in your head
Wow, I just can't even like wow
That image we see two Spiderman's pointing each other.
Spotify would lose $0 if they were allowed to link to their own payment method or distribute the iOS app outside the appstore. Apple has somehow avoided massive EU fines for their walled garden until now but they're about to get absolutely raped, you can tell because of how aggressive they are over the accusation.
>Isn't the complaint more that Apple is taking a third of the money from Spotify anyway?
Almost. Spotify never paid that 30% though, since the users can buy a subscription on the website and just sign in, in the app. Apple allows that.
What it doesn't allow (and what spotify is bitching about) is to put a link/prompt the user to buy digital goods outside of the app store (for instance, from the service's website).
And Spotify is bitching that Apple can use iOS and the app store to prompt users to buy Apple Music subscriptions but spotify can't do the same. Well no shit.
The rules have been clear, if you want to use the App Store's popularity to sell more subscriptions, you pay the fee and that's the end of it.
Spotify has been finding ways to bypass that restriction, getting the occasional app version rejected from the app store when discovered, until they ran out of tricks. And now they bitch about it.
>Apple can pay all the royalties it wants, because it has the whole pie to divi up. Spotify only has 70% of the pie.
Nah, Spotify has 100% too, since they only sell subscriptions through the website so they keep all the revenue.
They're just scummy. They want fatter margins and are willing to fuck over the actual content creators, the people who produce the music that Spotify packages and resells. Other services joined them in the lawsuit too (actually, appeal to a decision that mandated increased royalties to artists).
Apple wants to maintain a better profile with musicians, so be it because they believe in paying them more or because it's good PR, they are the only major company not joining in on the appeal. They can afford to do that since streaming is not their main source of revenue, but the end result is better payout for the musicians.
>if they were allowed to link to their own payment method or distribute the iOS app outside the appstore.
They can do that anytime.
It won't be able to be installed in the majority of iPhones though.
But they're free to make an app for jailbroken phones.
>distribute your app through the App Store
>"waaaah why can't I advertise out-of-appstore services in the app store?"
>Apple has to play fair
That's the thing, they fucking don't.
>main competitor calling the other a monopolist