What's your favourite Thinkpad clit?
What's your favourite Thinkpad clit?
you're moms
My mother is not a Thinkpad
still cant beat the macbook's touchpad
>the virgin slightly larger pad vs. the chad infinite movement in any direction
That keyboard. Ugh
that third little nub
the way my autism makes me want to touch it is like no other now
The left one. Good size, nice texture.
This one.
Based and respilled
The concave one. Th Dell one is even better. Shame you can't put it on a Thinkpad.
hey where's the finger-over-the-soft-rim poster?
It's a track pad.
The fuzzy clit is the best clit, the other rubber ones are impossible to get a proper grip on with your fingers.
3rd is comfy tier
Based and gottempilled
>gripping a track point with fingers
Nigger, what are you doing?
Are you seriously comparing a trackpad to a fucking trackpoint?
Trackpoints are infinitely better.
2 is best
That's a lame "keyboard" Why do you hate yourself so much?
haha that guy called you a bunch of moms
do they come in black, that red dot in the middle is fucking horrendous looking
Especially with my greasy potato chip fingers
The Cat-tongue one because it came with my x201. I should probably invest in one of the others.
>caring about aesthetics when using a chadpad.
soiboi detected.
You can find aftermarket clits in different colors. I think the originals look better, though.
But she shure is thiccpad
2, the others are just tiring to use for extended periods
since 2 doesn't rely on friction as much, you don't need to press on the thing
me on the far left
Do somebody knows where in God's green earth can I buy a few of the rightmost cap? for a t430
Second from the right. The rubber ones are cancer
this but unironically
Which one is the rarest hipster one
Everyone selecting number 1 has never actually used one of these things. Number 3 is the most comfortable and natural to use.
This is correct.
my gf doesn't have a clit, what's it like?
I've always called it a nipple
Far left. When I got my first Thinkpad, the seller gave me a variety pack of all 4 nubs and the far left one is the only one I didn't hate. I've since worn out two of them and have 18 more in reserve.