/pcbg/ - PC Building General

>Assemble a part list
>Example gaming builds and monitor suggestions; click on blue titles to see notes
>How to assemble a PC

Want help?
>State the budget & CURRENCY
>Post at least some attempt at a parts list
>List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work
>For monitors, include purpose (e.g., photoediting, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)

CPUs based on current pricing:
>Athlon 200GE - HTPC, web browsing, bare minimum gaming (can be OC'd on most mobos with the right BIOS)
>R3 2200G - Recommended minimum gaming
>R5 2600/X - Great gaming or multithreaded use CPUs
>i7 8700/K or i7 9700K - Extreme setup with RTX 2080/Ti
>R7 2700/X - VM Work / Streaming / Video editing

>Always choose at least a two stick kit; 2x 8GB is recommended
>CPUs benefit from high speed RAM; 3000CL15 or 3200CL16 is ideal
>AMD B and X chipsets and Intel Z chipsets support XMP

Graphics cards based on current pricing:
>Used cards can be had for a steal; inquire about warranty
>RX 570 8GB - good performance with great value
>GTX 1660 - standard
>RTX 2060 - very high framerates (requires complementary CPU and monitor)
>RTX 2060 - standard
>RTX 2080 - very high framerates (requires complementary CPU and monitor)
2160p (4K)
>RTX 2080 - standard
>RTX 2080Ti - better fit for 4K but expensive

>A 256GB or larger SSD is almost mandatory; consider m.2 form factor
>Bottleneck checkers are worthless


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Other urls found in this thread:


>no 9400f
>inb4 muh averages
it includes 0.1%/1% and it beats poozen in every single game
There's no reason to buy 2600/x over 9400f if you are only gayming

t. i5 8400 owner

Open the next thread then.
This OP is still better than the one the namefag shill is trying to push.

How much sense does it make to downsize my computer? I have no actual reason to, but it's a partial upgrade at that point if I were to do it (better motherboard), and better chance at upgrading the CPU later down the line.
It would mean selling my motherboard, case, cooler, and PSU.
Currently running a shit Asus B350 motherboard & Ryzen 5 1400.
Planning on upgrading to the MSI B450i Gaming Plus because it's supposedly got the best VRM's of any mITX AM4 mobo, and can apparently handle even a decently overclocked R7 2700X, which would presumably translate to a stock, or mild overclocked theoretical Ryzen 4000-series ~12 core, if AyyMD go that route. At the very least, though, would be going for a stop gap R3 3300/X (or R5 2600 on sale).
I've verified with the manufacturers (at least their public spec sheets) that all my other components would fit, but not sure about doing it yet.

Sucky newfag here. What does /pcbg/ thinks of this? Advices highly well-liked.
>MB: AMD Ryzen 3 Box processor - Processore 3, 3.5 GHz, Socket AM4, PC, 14 nm, 2200G
>CPU: AMD - Ryzen 3 2200G 3.5 GHz Quad-Core Processor
>Ram: G.SKILL Ripjaws V Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) 288-Pin SDRAM DDR4 2800 (PC4 22400) F4-2800C16D-8GVR
>SSD: Kingston SSD A400, 240 GB SSD, 2.5", SATA 3
>GPU: Asrock PCIe RX 570 D Phantom Gaming D 4G DDR5 DVI
>Power Supply: Corsair CX550 PS PC, 80 Plus Bronze, 550 W, EU

Brazillian teir build

But seriously an i3 is faster and you can use slower ram and just as cheap a mobo and use the stock cooler.

Why is the 2600/x listed? The 8700K/9700K do everything it does, just way better without gimping your performance.

But because it is really that bad, or because it is bad compared to top notch standards? I don't need it for some serious usage neither, just playing a few games. If it is really that horrible, how could I change to improve it?
I'll add the case as well: Corsair - 200R ATX Mid Tower Case

So the average AMD user?

Why isn't the i9-9980XE not the only recommendation?

Now open up a web browser and Discord and run the test again.

Background apps use ram not cpu

Because it's cheaper and performs admirably at its' price point.
Depending on country, the Ryzen 5 2600X is half the i7 8700K's price (~$300 AUD for the AMD part vs ~$600 AUD for the Intel part (the i7 9700K is another ~$50 AUD on top of the 8700K, too))
There are a lot of variables.


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Both CPUs (the i5 and R5) will be bottlenecked at 1080p by a mid range graphics card. The R5 clearly has more legs, considering the multithreaded performance and the fact that the new consoles will be Zen. There's nothing wrong with getting an i5 9400F, but the R5 is a better choice for most people

I have an i5 8400 and an rtx 2060 at 1080p 144hz. There is no bottleneck by the cpu. Its a perfect match for an upper midrange build

It's almost like people don't all live in the same country or something. Who would have ever imagined.
If you want Burger dollars on all of those, the 2600X is about $190 USD, where the 8700K is again about half of that, with the 9700K coming in at about $420.
Ignoring sales, this isn't too dissimilar from Australian pricing.
I'm not factoring in sales, since they can skew it well in either parties' favour.
What exactly is your point?

Thought you cunts were banned after the nz incident.

where is the 1660ti?

Telstra, Optus, and Vodafone ban the chan, TPG, Dodo, iiNet, and a lot of other ISP's don't.
It's literally nothing.

>its nothing
Hahaha cope

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What am I supposed to be coping with? Having to be on Jow Forums?
I'm not with a shit ISP, so I don't have to worry about them blocking me in any way, shape, or form.
Ironic that you had nothing to actually respond to my initial post with, though, so you have to resort to derailing it. Well done, user. I'm sincerely proud of you.
Have a good night.

I currently have this monitor and I want to upgrade to something with 4K. Is there a decent 4K60Hz monitor that can also do 1080p120Hz? Preferably with FreeSync as I don't want to be cucked by nVidia.
Also a bit related question: if I want to watch some kino on a 1440p monitor, should I go with a 4K version of the movie or the 1080p version? Which one would look better?

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brazil actually has huge intel shills. its really difficult to find a computer store that would attempt to sell AMD

im sorry did you mean a delided i9-7980XE?

1660 is cheaper performance wise. if you want power ofc get the ti

Yeah but both a good in terms of price to performance? So why not just mention both?

At the end of this saga, after putting the original shipped MB in after the replacement got no power, nowvit suddenly works no issue. Did absolutely nothing different from the last 50 times this week.

This is worse than not working, cause now I say "durr its ok" then rma period passes and then it fucks again someday, I just know it.

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Lads, best 1080p or 1440p, 24-27inch, freesync, 120hz or more, TN monitors, go!

the cheapest

when I overclock my monitor, my mouse cursor disapperas. I can still click and shit, only the cursor is invisible. What the fuck? I tried googling and the only relevant forum post was from 2005 and with no solution.

>rx 570 8GB

Is it ok if I pick up the cheapest one?

Nevermind. Put the screws in, tightrn the fan, plud in all peripherals and its fucked again.
I'm going to put my head through a fucking cement wall

can anyone here tell me what the difference between intel and amd is?
I always hear that amd is bad and intel is the best you can get but i don't understand why

I've been trying to find the cheapest videocard I can that supports 3 monitors, but a lot of the ones I'm looking up is overkill for what I need it for.
My old man just wants 3 monitors so he can have google earth and youtube up persistently. Many of the new on shelf low low end cards I'm seeing like the 730 (no display port, can't do 3 displays) and 1030 (only 2 outputs) just don't do the job.
Is there any super low end+cheap cards out there can can drive 3 displays?

Intel is typically better for purely gaming. Their higher end SKUs, such as the 9900K, are typically better than the top of the line Ryzen mainstream platform (2700X), but run hotter and draw more power.
Sure, a given Ryzen isn't the literal best possible CPU for gaming in comparison to a price-equivalent Intel Core series CPU, but who fucking cares. You shouldn't be buying a 6 core 12 thread Ryzen 5 2600 (for example) for purely gaming.
It's all overblown anyway. People shill and meme from both sides, and the people that actually want a legitimate response don't get it under the guise of "just look it up".

>just games
>power is no concern
>heat is no concern

>not just games
>multi-threaded performance

"Pure Aryan gaming" is fine on a 2600.

You only start to see the benefits in gaming with a 9700k when the rest of your build is also over $2000. Few make a PC that expensive. For anything less, going AMD saves money which means more to go toward fast storage and GPU.

yeah? Can you suggest any models that you know have good Freesync range say 30-144?

is monitoring gpu/cpu temperatures through programs enough to gauge whether my pc has enough airflow/good temps? I have my pc in a tight place right now and im wondering whether i could be slowly fucking something up but temperatures never reach dangerous highs

Wait for Ryzen 3 to do all that

As other anons have said, price/perf aka value

>There is no bottleneck by the cpu
That's literally what I said, retard. The bottleneck is the graphics card. Read my post again.

It's fine, just superfluous. I have budget, mid range, high end listed.

Check the OP pcpartpicker for the best 1440p TN monitor

Make sure it has two fans, and always check reviews of the model you pick

750Ti? Not sure

Just don't get some MSI Armor bullshit. Sapphire Pulse is fine.

So I guess I shouldn't pick up the Power Color, ASRock, or the Gigabyte, because those are the cheapest ones and I don't care about overclocking.

Thats what I've been finding too. Unfortunately the price on that card has been going back up a bit (still cheap, but I wanted dirt cheap). Might have to bite the bullet and just get it.

Cheapest on newegg and reviews say quiet

Temperatures are basically a meme unless you're heavily overclocking

Thanks. I wasn't sure because I heard that cheap cards are shit such as Gigabyte and Power Color.

Apparently the simple use of screws gives my pc a "usb device over current error"

Is it easy to find mb screws/standoffs in Japan

>2060 is 1440p standard
More like 2070. Who the fuck buys the 2060 to play at 1440p?

How likely is it to overclock an RX470 to withing RX570 range?

Should add that I can get the 570 for ~$115 USD (converted, pretty good price refurbished), and the 470 for about $10 cheaper.

Can I overclock a HD 5850 until I upgrade my gpu?

People that are okay with console framerates. Yes those people do exist.

so it works outside the case but not in? whats your test bench?
if it isnt a incorrect grounding you are accidentally short circuiting something. take it out of the case and reassemble it, if it works, something in the case or the mobo is causing a short

Does /pcbg/ put hardware stickers on the case?

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OP works for Nvidia and is trying to trick people to buy a 6Gb card for 1440p so they'll have to buy another card in a year or two to have enough VRAM and he hopes if they're dumb enough to buy a 6Gb card for 1440p today then they'll be dumb enough to upgrade to yet another Nvidia card in a year or two after being duped like that.

It's the 1060 3Gb shit all over again. Seemed fine according to some reveiwers on launch who only tested low VRAM games. Then 2 years later it's
>woops yeah we were wrong! but that's okay! because at the time it seemed fine! not our fault we tricked you into buying this garbage :)))

CAN you?

thermal throtting on non-oc machines is not fun. actually had performance boost on a I7 8700 that got a tower cooler when i was originally looking to increase CPU longevity.

all you need is neutral air flow. you dont need temps to tell you of it.

It works in the case, but not if the mb is screwed in, giving me a "usb device over current" warning shutting off after 15 seconds. Even 4 in the corners lightly screwed causes this, but if it just sits there with no screws its fine. I guess the solution is to buy new screws (i only have 7, err 6 now I lost one in the case) and standoffs. Unless I'm missing something else causing the problem.

Does there exist a modern keyboard-computer form factor similar to the Amiga, Commodore or Sinclair?

Attached: homer.jpg (480x360, 38K)

its not the screws, they do grounding with the case. recheck the PSU, recheck the grounding on your case, its possible you have a short wire touching something somewhere

May I then?

/spoiler my pc isnt grounded.

I've turned this thing upside down for a week. Theres no such wires. I move nothing but the screws and it causes a change

What do you think? Any ideas how to improve/fix this?

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Replace liquid with coffee

im guessing you didnt connected the USB cables before
well if the case USB port isnt causing this issue then its really the issue of RMA it. good luck

Yes you may.

why is your cum blue

I rma'd it and they sent a board that gets no power whatsoever from the psu.

wew lad you got chinked

wheres the light
im supposed to appreciate alll that blue gunk without RGB reminding me im a poor peasant?

The 2070 is only 15% better than the 2060, retard. Buying a 2060 for 1440p is like buying an RX 570 for 1080p. Damn good, but of course not amazing.

Likely, mine will at stock voltage.

>trying to trick people to buy a 6Gb card for 1440p
Status: Meme

>It's the 1060 3Gb shit all over again
Status: Delusion

is there a 5.25” bay or external 3.5” bay accessory that has built in, self winding cable reels gor things like usbc, microusb and lightning cables?

In my line of work I am frequently connecting various devices and phones to my pc and I think it would make cable management easier and improve workflow.

I drew a shitty picture of what im looking for.

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if you dont wanna use one of those cable management gadgets in your desk, i have seen a few retractable cables like that around, but not on internet. maybe ebay has them?

Design it, get it produced in chink land and sell it on amazon and newegg until the chinks start selling it cheaper than yuou

Hmm. I could use a 3.5” > 5.25” bay adapter as a base. I already have retractable cables for each that I want. All I would need is an internal usb hub and a face plate. I could make a prototype.

if you could 3d print the faceplate the USB conectors could literally disappear in the front

This should be enough to attempt two prototypes.
What does Jow Forums think? Will it work? I'm considering using CAD to design a faceplate that has buttons to push the wind-up buttons on the reels. Maybe opening the reels up and refitting its design to accomodate.

Attached: 525BayCableReel.jpg (1920x952, 270K)

no buttons, just have a means to gently snag the cables so they dont get retracted unless you want them to
remember those USB reels already have a system like that most of the time

I see. Makes design even easier.

is hyperthreading useless for 8c and up for gaming or not?
some games have improved framtimes without ht right? but what about studders?

I want to get a 1440p or 4k 60fps monitor for Youtube.

I have a desktop with an RX480 and a i5 6400 so I couldn't game on it but that's alright, I don't game much anyway.

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>bought 2080ti
>looking at i7 9700 or higher processors
>the most graphically intense game I play is subnautica

What form of mental illness do I have?

>bought an RTX 2060
>the only graphically intensive game I've played since then was Metro Exodus
>didn't even turn on Gay Tracing
Autists unite.

>buying a gpu before a cpu and entire system
well u def have something

just buy a 9900k since u have blowing cash at excessive pc parts syndrome


The i9 9900K isn't better than the i7 9700K in current games

You want a 4k screen just to browse youtube? what the fuck

>t. 4k screen owner

Ya they're pretty expensive I'm thinking of 1440p.

4k is nice on youtube. Can view 1440p content non-maximized at native resolution within the site. And 1080p still looks okay upscaled 50%.

8c/8t is fine.
You can get stutters from background shit on 6c/6t but 8c/8t seems to stay smooth.
HT is garbage, unlike AMD's SMT.

Should I buy the PG27AQ? It retails for $950 and a friend is selling his brand new, sealed one with transferable warranty of the full 3 years for $500.

>about to buy system
>see this
intel this build

>asking about monitors
Im convinced /pcbg/ doesn't know shit about them

nice blue koolaid

prolly: Acer Nitro XV273KP
if you absolutely must have a 120hz+ 4k...

>1440p monitor, should I go with a 4K version of the movie or the 1080p version?
im willing to say the higher res will look better (no shit sherlock)

Do you have a delidding kit?

tell me why I shouldn't order a sapphire vega 56 pulse right now
inb4 nvidia - the shittiest cheapest 2060 is pretty much exactly the same price, but then I'd have to deal with their nonfree blob linux drivers and I really don't feel like wasting multiple hours on that bullshit

4k obviously
I have a 1080p panel and 4k rips look infinitely better.

I've been trying PBO and I'd rather just manual OC my 2600x to around 4.1ghz, but does the power draw even matter?

I get more consistent framerates and less stuttering at 1440p 144hz at the manual OC than I do with PBO

I'm thinking you should stick to 1080p if it's for youtube only. The difference isn't worth upgrading your screen for..

>delidding kit?
a what? no

about 50 expensevier but better overall.
in the future get a AiO for the CPU and you can properly OC it.
id honestly try to improve the GPU, 2060 should not age well.

you dont need it for mid tier gaems
tbqh incel got better with their internal paste for their 8th gen

>says gpu wont age well
>puts in a 6t cpu
surely it will age well