What are your hobbies anons? Excluding gaming & programming, IRL or computer based.
Jow Forums approved hobbies
dabbing on zoomers in apex legends
and boomer pilled
that's IRL and computer based
music, writing, cycling, fixing bikes
i literally have none
i prepare my dinner once a week but i wouldnt consider that a hobby
i feel like an outcast at work because i dont go out to lunch and get work done as fast as possible so i can go home early
i stopped talking to my parents because they'd always interrogate me about my friends (i have none) and why i dont have a gf (wouldnt date anyone i work with and i dont spend much time in public)
my daily routine is shower, work (programming), dinner, personal projects (programming), play video games for an hour or watch anime, sleep, repeat
if i could work from home and getting groceries delivered wasnt expensive id be a true hermit
im 27, make 6 figures, have a decent amount already set aside for retirement, get good benefits, and i still feel like a failure
>and i still feel like a failure
it's all in your head
That's a familiar story user, I know a few (2) people like that. Weird questions, but do you not like any aspect of being a (almost) hermit?
I wish I could just disappear and work from home ordering stuff/having sex with random girls
Archery and golf it has just as much technology autism but at least you're standing outside
>financially secure - ive got 5 months of savings, if i took money from retirement i could last 3 more years
>tons of spare time, gotten really good at c++ and perl, github looks decent, lots more job opportunities
>small apartment is fine for me
>lonely but too awkward to try to do anything about it
>no chance at getting gf
>only social interaction outside work is on discord
>isolation can be depressing
>havent talked to parents in over a year, no christmas cards or anything
>only order stuff online once a month so i dont have to talk to people at management office
that would be the dream
i used to go on backpages once a month but havent looked for an alternative since it got shut down, i bought some toys instead
it's doesnt feel as good nor is it as fun but it's a lot more convenient (and cheaper)
you aren't talking about hiring a whore, right
Bicycle riding
>100+ year old time-proven technology
>both practical and recreational
>free from the petrol jews
>can service your bike yourself easily
>enjoyable on your own
>keeps you healthy and sane
Truly the thinking man's hobby
Distance running and drawing.
>tfw have a pretty good if, stable job, good money, but constantly have people trying to get me to do stuff IRL and online but all I want to do most of the time is be alone and buy a sex doll and play video games
Grass is always greener, man.
Taking care of your gf
Rock climbing
Taking part in a non-profit
Drinking with your mates
i was about to get there but depression hits hard when it comes. I lost my job chances and shit. Im starting all over, it will take me a while, so try to stay positive and think in what you really care about, or you'll lose it all.
>frogposter is a normalfag
>>free from the petrol jews
>runs on petrol derived energy
>distribution network relies on petrol too
I grow plants and have a bunch of led shop lights they grow under. I've got a sansevieria and haworthia collection. Sansevierias are my favorite because they are like a deconstruction of plants, they go against all convention and are still wildly successful
Pic related, it's a a rare plant. You don't own anything this rare
I like to play with my dog, does that count?
this sounds max comfy to me. get some prostitutes if that's your thing, user.
playing keyboard and synths
cycling as a hobby is the purest mix of wits and physical ability
>needing approval for your hobbies
Learning Japanese, I go to classes every week.
Ĉu estas io malbona kun tio?
Go back to Mexico
Language learning. Im learning spanish and japanese
Ne, Esperanto estas tre bona lingvo
Mortigu vin
>Jow Forums approved
Well yes, that's Jow Forums in a nutshell.
>so u tk him 2 da bar?
Not buying it pedro.
Working out 2 hours a day max, i have my own personal home gym. It keeps me pretty sane and healthy.
Vi estas Aŭtisma, user, mortigu vin