Is there a single good C+ IDE?

Every single one I've tried has been trash
bloated garbage
No dark theme and crashes every 10 minutes

I've been just using Vim with a makefile for several projects, but recently one of them has gotten too big to comfortably edit several different source files within Vim

Does anyone know a good C++ IDE, or maybe just a way to make Vim better for large projects?

Attached: 1538363162196.jpg (1024x1009, 93K)

have you tried Dev C++?

>maybe just a way to make Vim better for large projects?
Cscope and a sensible buildtool (cmake, scons, whatever just not raw Make).

visual studio is good tho

qtcreator is pretty gud

Attached: 1533542894946.jpg (235x283, 13K)

what's a C+

> VS Code
> great C and C++ extension with autocomplete and debugging support
> proper Vim emulation
> fuckload of themes and extensions
> It just works™

Attached: vscode.png (1920x1040, 161K)


What's so bad about vscode? I've had no problems with it.

>not vscodium
0.02 rupies have been deposited into your account, rajeesh

tried setting up vim with ale but couldn't, now i use clion since i get a free license either way


Qt Creator.
Or CLion if you have money and 192 cores and 3 TB of RAM.


i want to squeeze those hair balls on her head

I use VSCode at work on pretty large projects and it works flawlessly

Try Geany. It's what I've used for C and C++ development for years. It's lightweight but with autocomplete/symbols and build commands etc. I have a few color schemes too. It's easy to make your own, even.


>and crashes every 10 minutes
wat, it only crashes for me on close and that's if I go into sleep mode before closing it.

There's Qt Creator and CLion but they both suck iirc.
VS is gr8 if you have top tier hardware.

Geany runs on Windows btw

this, you really cannot compare jetbrains products with anything else right now. Only big downside is they use fucking java instead of some native language

Surprised no one has mentioned KDevelop yet. It's really good and runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

vs code

but how do you build and run something on KDevelop? Main reason why I prefer vim+makefile.

This. KDevelop is top-tier

What sort of prime idiot uses VS Code for C++ when there is the proper Visual Studio?

VS Code is for unemployed Linuxfags coping with not having IDEs

> VS
> Implying

Sucks that you don't have a job that provides you with keys that you can use on your own home computer. Must be awful living the life of someone who doesn't do a job that currently requires you to write C++ code, in which you use VS as your IDE.

Is there even a way to use GNU compiler properly with VSCode?
When I was using it, the c++ extension got really confused because I wasn't coding according to Visual Studio's C++ standard.

VS =/= VSCode


vim-plug with nerdtree and workspaces? are you using a DE or window manager?

Mind sharing your config, or colors at least? Can’t seem to find the same Horizon as yours.

Not aware of any ide or that allows you to use gcc properly (genuinely interested as well) :(. For a quick hack you can #define/#undef __INTELLISENSE__ so it ignores that portion of code.
On my phone atm, only the sidebar should be different in contrast but that piece of config is on the extension page.

t. >= 10 GiB of bloat is fair just because I don't know how to write a fucking makefile.

I used extensively vim and geany but now I use vs codium.
It is the easiest to set up and to use.
I have a ryzen 7 at home and a 12-core xeon at work, everything is smooth on both machine
both have ssd so loading times are not a problem.
16gb of ram at home (soon 64) and 32 at work, not a problem either and both are desktop btw.
I still prefer using a terminal to build/debug/git so I don't care about compiler/debugger/git integration