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Shitf edition
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This thread is hilarious.
Have I been off Jow Forums for too long?
Is this now a thing?
Under 600 EUR
>Location (continent at least)
>Preferred switch type
IBM Beamspring
>Form factor
100% or Battleship
Full RGB
>Previous/current keyboards
Model M
Dell AT102W
>IBM Beamspring
The question clearly says it's only preferred. It's not like I actually expect there to be some Chinese clone knock off beamspring out there for us.
Membrane > Mechanical
> Membrane Keyboard General
Finally a thread where Topre can legit come out on top.
Dedicated shitposters, fake bumps etc. Its a years long campaign to kill Jow Forums.
IBM 4704 model F model 400 or just a model F 122
Topre is not membrane. But maybe we can discuss Model M here.
>Membrane Keyboard General
Why yes I do love my membranes
Topres are overpriced rubber domes
Model Ms are glorified membrane keyboards
learn ur memes please b4 posting
Woah, I did not actually expect a real answer. Thanks!
This is literally the only /mkg/ in a while where Topres are specifically off-topic you nimwit
Under £200
>Location (continent at least)
>Preferred switch type
UK or US, not bothered
>Form factor
10 keyless or 60%
>Previous/current keyboards
Filco majestouch 2 10 keyless - I like it, but I spilt beer on it and it's dead.
The pok3r looks nice, but a little tricky to get here.
You made me google the difference between these two terms. Until this point, I'd been using the two interchangeably.
I feel like people like you are pandered to buy a huge amount by the modern mechanical keyboard craze. Isn't it like you could just close your eyes on any random website and click buy and end up with the keyboard you want?
you what mate
Not him
I bought my MX Blue POK3R without doing any research as my first mech a few years ago. Ended up loving it.
You could give me a big kissy on my pp you britbong cutie
y-you too
>finally thrift an alps keyboard after 100 visits to different thrift shops
>it's universal 2kro
most old keyboards are, unless they're programmable like the anykey or capacitive like BTC foam and foil
that's not a huge issue, a ton of pcbs these days are compatible with alps switches
which switches are they anyway?
my first mechanical one (GMMK) in its natural environment
Didn't know they used ISO-DE in Australia.
Membrane > Mechanical
Unironically. Mechanical keyboards hurt my ears. I like their tactile feeling but the noise makes my head hurt.
Am I wasting my time trying to build a TKL? Would I be better off just buying a high-profile CTRL or something?
Those two aren't mutually exclusive. Nevermind that you can get mechanical boards that are quieter than a regular rubber dome board.
Under $100
>Preferred switch type
No preference
>Form Factor
100%, Preferably with volume or media keys
No preference
>Previous/current Keyboard
HP 505060-371
>pop off my caps to clean my keyboard
>there is some still liquid cum under my left control key
i need to take better care of my keyboard
>cumming anywhere near your keyboard
I genuinely don't understand this. Do you people stand up with your cock over your desk or something?
looks hot. which keyboard?
The only keyboards we're allowed to discuss here are the Model M and the Dell Rubberdome.
Try reading the post again nigga.
How do people still get these confused?
Rubberdome keyboards use rubber mounds in place of a spring for return force, membranes deal with actuation method and not tactile elements/return force.
Membranes are cheaper and don't last very long. Hence why the Model M is only rated at ~50m key-presses versus the Model F which has around 2.5b.
Ducky One 2
This is the one without the backlight, the backlit version is ~$30 more.
If you're looking for a first time switch recommendation try clears or blues.
>Membranes are cheaper and don't last very long. Hence why the Model M is only rated at ~50m key-presses versus the Model F which has around 2.5b.
50 million? That puts it on par with Cherry MX, doesn't it? I've read that bargain bin keyboards last only 2 million.
Yes it does. 50 million presses is at least 8 years worth of continuous (~100k words a day) use as well which is why so many Model M's still work.
Topre is also rated at 50m (would be more if the domes didn't eventually give out) because it's capacitive unlike shitty rubberdome over membrane keyboards. It also helps that it's the only rubberdome design that doesn't require you to bottom out to actuate. Standard rubberdome over membranes are rated at 2mil which is less than a year of heavy use.
>How do people still get these confused?
Because people constantly talk about how much better mechanicals are than "membrane boards". Because for whatever reason people associate rubber dome with membrane and thereby membranes cannot be mechanical. That and most people don't care enough to learn the difference.
I blame companies like Razer for pushing the word "mechanical" as a marketing term. By definition any keyboard with moving parts is mechanical, but good luck telling that to normies who really like their Blackwidow.
Nowadays though the definition is used as a way to refer to "high-end, non-rubberdome" keyboards which is retarded since it throws Topre under the bus despite is being better than rubberdome over membrane keyboards in literally every aspect but cost efficiency.
Why would you even think about letting your cock near a keyboard when it's about to blow?
I get iffy just on the idea of letting coffee near my desk.
not good at thinking when about to cum
Man, you should really consider buying height adjustable desk
i want clicky & quiet
does cherry mx brown fit that criterion or are browns just a meme
First off browns aren't clicky, as they lack the physical part that makes the click. Second, Cherry browns are barely even tactile, and any click noise you get is the key bottoming out or the clack as it returns to the top.
>clicky & quiet
Giving me mixed signals here
If you want an inbetween try clears
thats what the guy im quoting is having the guy choose from
yes i know i used browns and they suck ass. now i have blues but theyre really fucking loud. looking for a comfy keyboard to bring to work that wont get me fired for sounding like an earthquake
TL;DR: i want tactile and quiet
>TL;DR: i want tactile and quiet
Clears are your best option. Unless you want to splurge and then you could get Matias QC or Topre.
How long does KBDfans usually take to ship things out? I ordered my stuff on March 16th and it hasn't shipped out yet. Everything was in stock when I ordered, so I don't think that's what the delay is.
I ordered there like 3 times, always within a day or two shipped
also the guy from kbdfans tends to respond fast if you message him through facebook messenger (yeah it's aids I know)
>through facebook messenger
That would require me making a Facebook account. I don't have the energy for that.
you prob ordered something that was a preorder. Give it a sec.
not a factor
>Location (continent at least)
Southwest USA
>Preferred switch type
Buckling Spring
>Form factor
Don't Care
>Previous/current keyboards
Various membranes, laptops, and model M's
Are MX Blue's my only option to be similar to the model M?
What do people think about the Iris keyboard? I was thinking to get the Rev 3?
Also are gaterons still the best chinky switches?
There's plenty of clicky switches that aren't MX Blues. BOX Whites are a popular alternative. Though nothing now is going to be super close to an Model M because the click isn't actually tied to actuation, it's done by a separate part entirely.
If you're smart you'll get in on the model F recreation project. Not fullsize, but it's a fucking model F.
If you're just looking for a cheap daily driver, the only switches that come close to the model M are the BOX click bars ie Navy, Jade, Pink. Even then "close" is a good word as it's not the same.
If you're just looking for a full-sized keyboard with buckling springs then hop on ebay and just get a model m.
actually Model M is 25 million while Model F is 100 million
GMMK is the perfect first mechanical keyboard for literally everyone change my mind
I've had mine for a day so idk
first thing is, it sits pretty high, I already knew this and it bothers me much less than I had anticipated it would
the 2 inner most keys (or one if you put 1 key there) on both halves feel pretty awkward for me to reach
other than that it feels the same as my other ortho boards (took very little time to adjust) the slight stagger is nice, and it being split is also comfy
I don't know if I love it yet though
need some more time with it
I'd also like to try the choc low proifle version to be honest
When a switch is rated 100m presses it usually means they didn't bother testing past that number. For example Honeywell Hall Effects are the same, 100m, but theoretically they last forever.
Same with capacitive buckling springs, however iirc there was an autist on geekhack who tested his model F at 2.5 billion before it gave out.
You're right about the model M, though.
$50 or less
>Preferred switch type
Best I can get in budget, prefer blues if possible
>Form factor
>Previous/current keyboards
Some $2 thrift store trash with no discernible markings (most worn off)
$50 isn't a lot to work with when it comes to mechanical keyboards.
Get a Hexgears GK705 off of AliExpress, I guess.
Sorry, thought membrane/rubberdomes were welcome here too.
Guess I can save up a bit more for mechanical then.
Are physical switches really that much more than the button sheets?
Never had a keyboard more than $20 and most have been free with prebuilt desktops
tomoko is like 25 bucks on amazon
stop buying brown you retards. They are bad
I'm looking for a UK or DE version of the Rapoo V500
what I'm really looking for is a UK or DE TKL with programmable keys
I program at work and hate having to press Alt Gr to acccess normal shit like { [ ] } | ~
but still want to easily access ° µ 2 3 ß ü ö ä §
You could hunt around for used boards on ebay. I'm sure you can get a quality board with Blues for about $50 used.
Just go on amazon and pick up whatever chinese keyboard with blues looks good to you. Most of them are around 30 bucks in price. If you want get something with hotswap sockets like
that way if you don't like the switches you can swap them out
Yes they are, but they are worth it.
>$250 hhkb
>$85 hasu controller
>$50 hypersphere rings
>$100 bke redux domes
>$100 novatouch so I can strip off the cherry sliders
>$50 custom modifier caps
>some guy posts his cheap $90 plum keyboard that has everything I paid hundreds for
h-he's not getting the full topre experience like I am right guys?
>Membrane Keyboard General
Ok, similar to pic related, its comfy AF.
>$100 novatouch
where? I'll buy 5 of them
>Using MX stems
You want wobbly caps mate?
>$100 BKE
Redux domes are only 50 for an hhkb set, 70 for a realforce
Nothing wrong with plums tho.
>$100 novatouch
You got a link?
Why don't you guys like browns
Should be renamed MX sand because they're basically linears with a grain of sand stuck in them
What should I get if I like browns then
Taste in switches.
I don't like switches that have the tactility in the middle (which includes mx blue).
That being said, I wonder if box brown will do for me since I notice it's closer to the top.
Coming from 45g Topre I don't need anything heavier.
Clicks and quiet? How about bottoming out on every stroke on a keyboard filled with Cherry reds?
That's what I do.
literally anything else
said it right. Just look at the force curve for an MX brown and you'll see a linear switch with a wee bit of wo Kindes in its travel.
> wo Kindes
If you're talking about the preinstalled one with Gateron Browns, then yes.
If topre is your favorite tactile switch you will hate every mx or mx-like tactile switch outside of maybe royals.
I wanted to buy one just for college nostalgia, but Dell doesn't sell them anymore. Everyone's using flat-profile membrane keyboards, which hurt my fingers more than usual.
>Everyone's using flat-profile membrane keyboard
>tfw office provided me with a amazon basics keyboard
Wouldn't bother me that much if the keycap profile didn't suck ass
>carbon mechcable up on massdrop
is this a sign? they already did the carbon cable drop back when gmk carbon dropped a few months back, so it's either excess inventory or an early warning
>Wouldn't bother me that much if the keycap profile didn't suck ass
How so? I'm a cheap fuck and was planning on buying one. Currently clicking 'I'm not a robot' with my amazonbasics 3 button wired mouse.
What are you doing in a mechanical keyboard general when you're planning to buy a bottom of the barrel keyboard?
The keys aren't sculpted and there's so much distance between them that someome like me who touch types in a non-traditional way makes me want to fucking throw the thing against the wall.
Letting my kids use it on a refurbed computer. I'm not allowing them to use anything on my desk.
That makes sense.
If I had kids I wouldn't exactly let them use my Realforce.
For kids it should be fine.
I like blues but hate the noise. What do I get