What OS doyou run Jow Forums

btw i use arch

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i switched to gentoo yesterday manually configured my kernel and everything
i have never had a computer running only using 40mb ram
it is surreal

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I use arch but I'm looking to switch to guix because
1) I'm a huge hipster
2) I like the logo

I use Arch. Btw catch me on my 600 lb life this Wednesday on TLC.

My first PC only had 4 MB of RAM total.

Nobody asked YOU, you disgusting attention whoring anime pedo scum

Attached: bald_linux_boomer_with_fucking_cancer.png (1920x1080, 1.51M)

My first PC only had 4 KB of RAM total.

go back to facebook you normiefag

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My first computer had physical switches to Ĩchange programs

Install Void

I am too much of a brainlet to install arch + i3 even though I really want to try it out.

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PopOS, Arch, some BSD's. And Android, of course

reddit-tier responses. I expected more from Jow Forums

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stfu manchild pedo weeb

I've used gentoo and arch in the past so don't call me a faggot.


i use i3 with this

workspace_layout tabbed
hide_edge_borders smart

>i have never had a computer running only using 40mb ram
I remember when people who used to say things like this were underage.

Attached: daleearnhardt.jpg (480x600, 59K)

Ph3d00r@ is a rare popular non-meme distro along with CentOS

perfect for retards like you

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windows because it's free and works
I have 32gb of ram not like some somalian computers around here
play any game any time

cringe and ragepilled

>i like the logo
i have shit taste*

Between desktop and laptop: win7 win10 ubuntu mint highsierra

Aaanndddd Now we're back to being normal.

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Then try something like manjaro i3 edition first, it is arch based.

youtube.com/watch?v=NchV5UphQeQ literally just follow this tutorial

Windows 10
>Inb4 archfag complaint about privacy

Why is it that weabs gravitate towards Arch and not Fedora or Debian sid?

Artix because Pottering is subhuman

I like windows 7. 10 bothers me greatly. I don't know what I'm going to do next January.

Use dwm

Windows Embedded POSReady 7 gets another year of security updates

if he cant even install arch he probably shouldnt use suckless


Attached: windows-chan.jpg (640x400, 41K)

Literally this. I used a 20 minute youtube video and the wiki to make sure the guy wasn't talking bullshit. I had minimal experience with Linux before and everything worked out fine.
There is so much documentation online for Arch that you just can't go wrong. You'll never be the first person having a problem a a solution will be accessible with just a quick search away.

> ctfl-f mac
> no results

I use arch on all my machines.
btw, I use arch.

Arch stopped my distro hopping obsession