Why do people buy RGB anything?
Why do people buy RGB anything?
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Plain white backlit keys suck for night vision. Being able to tint them blood red is much better.
What about computer parts? Why would you pay extra for shitty neons nobody will care about?
>nobody cares about
obviously they do because they're selling outrageously so stop being an edgy bitch
"Hey mom look, the fan in my computer glows green"
"N-neat honey..."
RGB fags in a fucking nutshell.
stop being a manchild and learn to remember your keyboard
stop being a manchild and learn to shill money off gamers retard
People are stupid
Why do people like things I don't like?
>buy gayman mech kb
>turn off backlight
>remove any gayman looking parts
>replace caps with blank caps of higher quality
>show my kb to fren
>but user why no backlight kb, they are better
:( also rgb fans cool better and gaming mb makes your fps 2x bigger
It is gimmick that simply works, just like calling everything "professional or gaming"
We all have RGB monitor
Speak for yourself, mortal
Decades of corporate psychological manipulation have convinced people to construct their personality partly from the objects they own.
Naturally everyone wants to be special and get attention. Appliances like computers are now psychologically part of you, so the only logical conclusion is to make it stand out with colorful RGB LEDs and case windows.
Single-child families also play a part of it.
I'd bet that most ricers are their parents' only child.
>brother got gayming keyboard
>so loud it keeps everyone awake
>so bright it illuminates the whole room
>uses 1 key only because he plays osu all day
I'm so glad I moved out and I can't wait for him to finish school so my parents throw him out.
Because they like it.
>Fren asks me what mech kb to buy
>Hey fren, try brown gaterons with o-rings+better keycaps, it is silent and feels nice
>fren ignores me completely and buy blue switch clickity click bullshit
>He is like" that is pretty nice"
few months later he is using rubber kb again
>did your kb broke fren?
>no it was too loud, it was driving me mad,my family and i could not even game with discord active because people heard only clicks
so after 100$ for blue switch kb, he bought 200$ brown kb
While i recommended him 50$ brown kb that was as good and 20$ keycaps
gaming things suck.
I bought a bunch of WS2812 RGB LEDs, some wire and an arduino clone from the chinks to solder into christmas lights
am I gay
Yes but it is not bad thing, i put my finger inside my ass once to force myself shit, jesus did not stop me, so i guess to be gay is ok now.
Nobody gives a shit about your "told you so" story or your elietest switch snobism.
But you do, i have evidence.
To be able to color coordinate your desktop to something inoffensive instead of having them all at some random mismatched color.