EDC thread!
EDC thread!
Even when i was going to school, I never found an excuse to carry that many pens, notebooks and equipment.
What the fuck is the advil for? Your life cannot be that stressful, and any constant pain you live with is a result of you treating your body like utter shit.
Might be military or ex, in which they beat the shit out of your knees
EDC threads are usually filled with autistics showing off what they bought with their neetbux.
Pills are for the weak user, you'll know that when you dry off the backs of your ears.
Ibuprofen is ranger candy for a reason, son.
The fact that you pasted your former military rank onto your backpack instantly identifies you as an enormous faggot.
>be me in college
>college has a day to celebrate itself, drinking, games, amusements etc
>one is an air soft like game with foam balls
>guy running the game makes a big deal about weapons safety
>I was in the army in Iraq, I seen some shit!
>MFW I was too, but these foam balls can't knock over a soda can
>guy just needs attention, essentially a military snowflake
Don't be like that guy
I like pens.
The Advil is mostly for nerve pain but like said knees are done for. Skin grafts suck anons stay away from IEDs.
Beats smoking the giggle bush.
Forgot to post pic related.
Can relate to bags inside of bags. Hate having my shit all willy nilly in my backpack. Everything has to be secure or my stress level rises.
I feel you user.
wtf why do you lug all that shit around with you every day
>bluetooth headphones
>6 juul pens
this is all i carry and i have no problems
Is that a LIHIT LAB Bag-in-Bag? Because I'm looking to purchase one and they seem to be rather good.
It is. I highly recommend them.
>carry that many pens, notebooks and equipment.
artfag here
I use all of them.
never thought i'd say this to an user on Jow Forums but thanks for your service bro
Yeah, they're great. I'd definitely recommend one.
Is that from your ass
Back of the same legs thigh.
Hope your leg feels better dude
Hopefully! Exploring options to maybe have a laser used to destroy the blood vessels and stop nerve pain. It would be cool as shit to get shot by a laser.
>rank on your civvie shit
Nice rotring 800!
>6 juul pens
I'm sorry, what?
literally how do you need more than a cell phone, a wallet, your keys and a weapon? I dont even carry my gun with me 90% of the time because im not going to need it to and from or at work.
Maybe some of us don’t work in a single
Location? I am sure you don’t take your grease fryer home with you after a long shift at Wendy’s.
Do you live in Somalia?
>dry shampoo
are you a girl?
anjoy you are cancer
use deodorant, not antiperspirant
sweating is natural
OP, what happened to you that you needed a big skin graft for?
Half of America is practically Somalia
>best cuntry is da whurl! YUU ASS AY #1 WOOOOOOOOOOOO!
not THAT guy, but i used to commute pretty far from home daily and i'd carry a fuckton of stuff in my backpack, which just went from my home to my car from my car to my office and back, but i figured if my car ever broke down and i had to take public transportation home (or worse) i'd have whatever i needed for comfort and safety
if i had a short daily commute, i'd probably carry a lot less with me
>moleskines and pilot G2
i thought this was a meme
also moleskines are too expensive to squibble and write shit in it
I mean, I'm from Russia and now I live in Canada, so kinda had that conversation about how Russia isn't a lawless hellhole but shit, actually NEEDING a gun in the US.
I've seen a lot of junkies and hobos here in Canada though. Feels kinda unsafe. Is it worse in the US? I live in Vancouver.
Nah it's still better than the US. Many US cities are way worse than the worst of Vancouver and Toronto.
Let's do this Poorfags
>gba micro
>3rd gen pokemon
>weed vape
why the hell do you need so many pens?
What bag is that?
One is a moleskin the teen one. The other is Rhodia much nicer paper.
IED fucked up the skin so bad with burns it needed grafts.
Goruck gr1
yikes. But what abotu under the skin? Muscle, organs, all other tissues ok, just burns?
extremely based
>nicotine vape
weird lookin nicotine vape
They removed some muscle tissue that was burned through. Past that everything is ok.
that sucks but when you look at the grand scheme of things you're a lucky boy
(i'm sure you already know that though, who am i to tell you)
all the best
I'm on Jow Forums because I love to shoot, either at the range or innawoods for whatever's in season. I don't know why janitors didn't start deleting these autistic threads when they first came out. Now l have to look at them every other day and it makes me fucking cringe. I cringe just thinking about what you fatfuck mouthbreathers must look like. Hell, at least I'll know to look away if I hear somebody plodding down the street, nearly out of breath and jingling loud enough to mask the sound of the icecream truck they're chasing. Ok, sure you have a gun and a knife. Well whoopdee doo and good for you. Do you need some kind of validation? Is that what this pathetic shit is all about? Never. MAYBE this shit could be acceptable if it was stuff you carry innawoods, but it's not. You guys are all pathetic and I pity the weak mothers and fathers who raised you. Get a fucking life.
>on Jow Forums
>get a life
Pick one you cock gobbling troglodyte.
>every day cringe
>my personal pen collection because im autistic
>and here is my pills for depression, they can also be used to kill myself
phone, wallet, keys, headphones.
agreed I'm glad someone else is out there doing the bidding of multinational oil corporations cause I ain't going to the desert and doing that shit
You're right about the second part at least.
why do you carry so many pens? seems wasteful.
Herro chinaman
Why do you need two phones?
work iPhone
private Free as in freedom Android phone
They just kind of follow me wherever I go. I am not sure where the fascinations with pens and good paper started but I am never going back. My fountain pen seems the most use. The G2s and Presicion v5s functions more as loaners because I can easily replace them.
>falling for a copypasta
This. My school backpack only ever had 1 plastic folder per class, textbooks for the class if I actually needed it (which I rarely did), 1 pen and pencil, 1 pack of loose leaf paper, and maybe my laptop if I knew I needed it. Notebooks for taking notes are bloat
On my person I had my phone, wallet, keys, and pocket knife.
Anything else can stay in your car or dorm or whatever
wireless headphones, pen, pencil, book (1984), some antacids, cell phone charger, notebook, toilet paper, wallet, cell phone, keys, my thinkpad is always in the office.
Pokemon emerald. Based>
Is your name Kyle
What model thinkpad is that?
Only thing not pictured is the backpack itself and the phone I took the picture with. Also my wallet and keys but I couldn't be fucked to take a new pic with everything since this one's like a month old.
Not OP but I also carry around Ibuprofen for heavy headdaches and migrains.
>tfw lent my snk809 to my brother but his room is such a dump he can't find it now
If you have served in the military, fair enough.
However if you are saying this and you haven't served in the military, you can straight fuck off. Some of us are proud to have served our country.
Hyperion, the Shrike.
I know nupad.
Op here.
In my case I had the patch on when I was still in so people knew who’s bag it was and wouldn’t fuck with it. I just never took the patch off. :/
>I am a proud slave of israel
Your Jow Forums is showing. You might want to put it away or gtfo back to Jow Forums.
I did serve. I will make a slight concession seeing as OP was apparently wounded, but I stand behind most of what I said. Being in the military doesn't warrant snow flake status. Especially because it's now all volunteer and the missions aren't critical to the safety of the nation. We signed up for bragging rights, benefits and the blues. Don't go around expecting everyone to lick your Crack cause you were a staff sergeant and deployed a few times. That being said I hope your injury hasn't fucked your life up too badly. I met a lot of faggots while I was in, but you seem OK, OP. I retract my initial insult.
It’s all gravy duderino.
Are knives illegal in Germany? I thought that happened only in the UK.
Not posting a pic cuz muh goberment
Flip Phone (LG)
iPhone 7 128GB (sometimes, not often)
HTC ONE M8 (rarely)
Ring to symbolize dead aborted daughter
Earbuds for when I work out at gym (everyday, for 1 hour a day)
>army patch
I would love to hock a loogie on that gay backpack
>knew the gender
That’s murder user.
>spit on a persons things when the demographic is known for violent outburst.
You aren’t very smart are you?
Yeah fellow user, I know. We were 14/15 though, so idk. All I can do is honor what could have been.
>doesn't post a picture
>3 phones
>"dead aborted daughter"
>implying this autist wearing headphones will notice when I lean in and drop a goober on his bag from behind
Anyway I could just poke his bum leg and run off
Diamond knife sharpener, two pocket knives,wallet, phone, headphone, and a notepad.
what the fuck do you need two knives for
You've never felt happiness like a man that has two knives. Plus, it's useful to have a backup.
Enjoy fucking up your gut.
keys would make me easily identifiable
phone is a moto g6 plus
so... how's the ole liver doing?
The amount of tech on this board is disturbing.
Must not be above 6 feet tall. Back and Feet pain exist.
>disturbed by the amount of tech on Jow Forums
what did he mean by this
i have a thinkpad and that same multitool
why did you need this
what happened to yo leg?
What's a good edc butterfly knife. I just found out those are legal in my state.