>Really user, you buy RGB parts? You realise you are paying extra for some stupid light that don't even look good right?
Really user, you buy RGB parts? You realise you are paying extra for some stupid light that don't even look good right?
>Need high performance GPU / RAM
>Literally no way to avoid RGB
It's almost like the high end consumer market gets dictated by consumers. Really makes you shit in the shower, doesn't it.
Hairy moles don't even look good either, get that shit removed for a perfectly symmetrical face.
But I'm not paying extra. That's usually standard. Perhaps if you had actually built a PC instead of being a jealous poorfag then you would understand this. You literally pay more to not have it in many instances. Namely my motherboard, GPU, and AIO. I mean let's be honest here, you don't like the idea of other people having a computer worth showing off.
You show your pretty colors to your mommy? How cute.
That mole ruins her face like holey moley hairy moley
>being such an assblasted poorfag that you need your own thread to show off your butthurt
>caring about RGB to a quite frankly psychotic degree
Okay kiddo
Why are you so defensive? I'm sure your christmas tr... I mean your setup looks amazing!
Imagine being a 30 year old boomer and posting anime on an image board and trying to dictate what's cool for teenagers. Big oof.
I'm a boomer, I prefer my computers not glowing at all or glowing nostalgically. Kids these days don't even know what cold cathodes are.
This is the weirdest projection I've ever seen responding to my post.
>giving a shit about visuals
Even worse
>giving a shit about visuals of some other cunts pc
>having shit taste in anime girls
ugly hairy mole
shut up and suck my dick you 1-bit slut
okay now this is epic
Nowadays you'd be paying MORE for non-RGB parts.
I fucking wish I could save some money by going without it. Oh well, I just leave it all turned off.
My room's light doesn't shine inside my case when I open it up, makes it hard to see inside. Would actually like white RGB so I can see inside clearly instead of using a torch everytime.
>Really stupid Chinese cartoon girl? You give a flying fuck about what other people like? You get that bent out of shape over people liking what you don't like where you have to make a thread on a Djibouti woodcrafts forum?
I literally had to disassemble a mouse to unplug internal rgb LEDs that couldn't be turned off any other way, and I couldn't buy it in a non-rgb version.
>and I couldn't buy it in a non-rgb version.
You could probably buy a cheaper model that is just a good, stop making stuff up.
>Paying extra
I wish. You have to pay extra to get non-RGB shit these days and it sucks dicks. I already have a hard time sleeping, why does everything need shitty multicolor neon lights on them to expose themselves out of an increasingly prolific glass panel so I can have an even harder time getting to sleep?
>the poorfag is at it again
>Not spending money on ugly overpriced garbage makes you a poorfag
The ABSOLUTE state of Jow Forums
Not tired yet of being a assblasted poorfag?
This would be a fun mod desu,putting 10k lumens worth of white leds in a case
In addition to hating having to pay more to not have RGB LEDs, I hate having to pay extra to not have heat spreaders on my RAM.
>asus prime series, or supermicro, or you know, just fucking turn off the LEDs in BIOS
>corsair vengeance LPX
>logitech G610 w/ white LEDs for typing in the dark
>reference GPU
>logitech performance MX
>BQ! silent base 601 w/ metal side panel
problem solved
based underage avatarfag
The real underage are those who buy RGBs
Capitalism is great isn't it?
>queue the automatic muh communism cucklet replies
RGB is almost unavoidable for some parts but obviously it's not an issue because you just buy a solid case with no gay lights or window, and buy good peripherals or disable the lights on the gayer ones.
pic related is my old poorstation a few years back and i had a pretty cringe RGB case, eventually I disabled the LEDs but it wasn't too bad in the end, i also have better monitors now by far and a different PC
It is pretty retarded in general though how fucking awful the visual design on contemporary computer parts, definitely panders to the lowest tier of rich 12 year old children with cool lights and need for speed tier customizations on their Fornite PC
>RGB practically unavoidable if you buy anything made after 2016
>In all instances, RGB can be turned off.
You'll have to get rid of that 2600K eventually you jealous poorfag.
I want to breed with this loli.
Why are you making stuff up?
You know I'd put them in a queue but so far they haven't shown up yet.
Y-yeah, your grey plastic bo- I mean your setup looks great too!
1. Its standard nowadays
2. You can turn it off
3. You can change it to any single color (which is the reason i prefer it)
They are still on the bread lines
Why is this bait thread still up, stop replying to shitty bait RGB fags holy shit.
That's not a loli