>he uses whatsapp
He uses whatsapp
Other urls found in this thread:
>requires phone number
>e2e encryption is not enabled by default
>servers are still not opensource, complete control of private conversation my ass, "trust us dumb goy"
>mtproto packet doesn't even remotely looks like the example in documentation, supposedly due to "bypassing censorship"
If you care about privacy, you wouldn't touch this shady shit.
IM clients are driven by normalfags so yeah i'm forced to use it.
I have friends and want to communicate with them. It would be unreasonable of me to expect them to switch services for my sake.
>t. cucks
you should BE the trend setters, not the sheeple following them.
How many people have you converted so far?
If i could convince my entire country of doing something i'd start a tranny genocide.
my entire family group and friends, about 12 people.
Convince the company i work for, the customers from my side business, and literally everyone else in the country to use your alternative and I'll happily switch.
>do everything for me and I'll happily follow
I dunno how I feel about this, it seems kinda exploitable and weird.
>get app nobody has
>have noone to talk to
>sorry user I only use imessage
>succeed as trendsetter
I hope Matrix takes off one day
>home-brewed cryptography by some russian fag
no thanks user, I'll stick with actual secure software
that chart needs to be updated.
Tell me 1 (ONE) thing this garbage does better than xmpp.
>true native clients
>no company behind it to jew you
>true anonymous accounts
There's literally no downside
>Not searching for new friends via Telegram
Oh user
Install GNU Jami
have sex
Why would I use this over Signal?
It's shit
Much more functional than all existing messengers
Assuming that my primary motivation for using a client is security and privacy of communications, why would I use anything other than Signal?
>>mtproto packet doesn't even remotely looks like the example in documentation, supposedly due to "bypassing censorship"
can u elaborate on this? genuinely interested. i always thought the requirement of a phone number was shady
I want to fuck Gerudo Link in the butt.
If telegram is more private than WhatsApp why do pedos and drug dealers prefer WhatsApp? That doesn't click.
pedos and drug dealers have targets/clients.
cringe and bluepilled
>WE gave people power over THEIR data
Oh thank you for your generosity!!!!
>get notified when a contact creates a telegram account
why the fuck they mean by this.
Barbara is hot. Number?
>fucks your battery
nothing personal my peer
unlimited storage for free as in beer.
>not dumping hormones in the water supply to give everyone feminine penises
i bet you'd only fuck a woman (female)