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I love Jow Forums but hate anime

pls forgive

anime haters are the ONLY true anonymous
do not forget that

I am all in on the whole FOSS shit but iPhone is life

its okay user
actually i hate people who overreact to anime

same, but i dont care about people posting anime stuff

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I jerked it to dolfin porn twice today, once in school.

Send link

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people that hate anime are plebs
people that love anime are plebs
people who can watch it or not watch it and not be hysterical either way are the true patricians

ok. Here we go.
>I love my iPhone
>I find Windows 8.1 pretty comfy
>I pay for music on iTunes
> I use google drive for everything. I mean EVERYTHING.

I gave my brother a laptop only because it didn't connect to the internet and then discovered after I gave it to him that it does connect to the internet and now I want to take it back

>I find windows 8.1 pretty comfy
my lord, im not the only one.

Hello user, just confirming your reservation.

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>I love Jow Forums
but why

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>I'm currently waiting for my dragon dildo order to finish processing.
>I used Google Chrome with no adblocker or privacy addons to make the order.

we were playing truth or dare in class and I confessed to fapping to every girl in the class while they were there
forgive me father for I have been an idiot

I barely know anything about technology, much less programming. I'm mostly here to shill and shitpost.

never really got into the album, but the cover art is amazing

8.1 is comfy, that's why.

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I use proprietary video card driver.

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I bought a $1500 laptop and all I use it for is shitposting and porn.

hosch du a oide?

Truth to be told, the only reason I haven't made the switch to [L]ubuntu or any other Debian based distro is because I don't have any other computer to play my shitty vidya on.
>But user, most games already have a gahnoo loonix port
Yeah, but not fartknight, even though I'm progressively despising it more and more

same asf

If I could use 64 bit Windows XP on a modern system I would. But lack of drivers and installation difficulty have prevented me from doing so.
As a result I have a kaby lake i7 based system sitting around unused because I prefer to do what I do on a Q6600 and Quadro FX 5600 running xp instead.

It's just the most user friendly. 7 and 8.1 are nice, but XP is plain and simple the best windows OS to use

I shill whatever distro I am using and bash all the rest.
I change distros like every other week. Sometimes back and forth.

I'm pissed off at void linux's install process and am probably going to go back to arch, or even debian.

Why cant I get a musl distro to work

I really like the new Macs and I think the keyboard is pretty comfy,

I still buy CDs. Not even vinyl, CDs.

I use the desktop version of Discord

Not a sin.

I payed for a pass two years before giving up. Now I post using the buster.

And from Chromium since firefox won't load captcha with the security features activated.

I miss kde now that I switched to i3-gaps

Installing LFS on a USB drive

I believe that the world is turning to shit more and more each day, fuck modern computers, the cloud and social media we have lost the way..

I got a pretty mainstream taste in anime
also OOP is the superior paradigm

i like format my pc every month

I sometimes buy CDs and do that thing where you heat them up and blow into them

I’ve only learned enough about computers and software to sound smart to people who know nothing about computers and software, and although I’d like to learn more, I usually just watch tv instead

I give away free refurbished laptops to students and people who can’t afford them.
If I think they are trying to just get a free one or are an asshole I put spyware on it.

I have a hard on for Canadian accents.

- I am afraid to upgrade packages on my OpenWRT router and instead just wait for whole new firmware releases

- While I've been using LiGnux as my main OS for 7 years, I started dual booting with Windows 7 about 2 years ago so I could play a few games that don't work well under WINE.

- I opted to buy a BlackBerry Android phone because the PKB is more important to me than freedom on a mobile device.

Father, please forgive me.

not a sin

I took classes on coding and networking in college. By the time I realized it was a poor fit, I was already too close to graduating to back out.

My coding isn't very good and I ripoff things I see online almost all the time. I don't think I can do anything more complicated that something that loops 'hello world' on my own.

just like everyone else in the industry.

I buy a lot of music online but I insist on lossless. If the only format available for download is MP3, I buy the CD, rip to FLAC, then throw it away.

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I post anime reaction pics but don't actually watch any anime.

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I do too. My dumb lizard brain like being able to hold the things I buy.
You could probably just sell the CD after you're done with it and get some money back. I don't know if it will be a lot, but it's something.

I still run a dual-core as my main computer.

I am too stupid for programming so i keep whining on Jow Forums instead of trying to change.

CD good

Ling bls

Same tho. This is literally my first time on this board

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I needed to burn a CD but couldn't find a single one so I bought bulk and now I have a fuckton of empty CDs

literally me

I hate Jow Forums and I'm indifferent towards anime (but generally hate people who love it, especially if they use anime avatars on anything other than an anime site)

I used to kiss my mousepad

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I tried uploading the Christchurch shooting to drive twice and it got taken down like lightening both times

People like to post copypastas with a lot of sources and I like to read them to see if they backup what the poster claims. It turns out, the claims are mostly unjustified just going by their sources. The systemd one (usually posted with the gif) is mostly unjustified and some minor points are justified. The Brave one is entirely unjustified. The Mozilla one is half unjustified and half justified. You don't have to take my word for it. I suggest starting with the Brave copypasta because it's easy to figure out that the person who created the copypasta is full of shit after reading the sources.

Left or right?

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can't even blame you desu

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Did you try making any kind of modification that would change the hash? Encrypting it? Actually, don't hand that to a company that exists primarily to survey a population.

I don't buy Intel or Nvidia parts.

i play csgo on a 30hz tv

Im against any kind of open source software, but am actually using code with licenses that allow me to use in my programs, modify them, and make money with it.

I don't know how to code and generally have no interest in or knowledge about technology, but I constantly post on Jow Forums because it's the default board on Clover. And yes I'm also a phoneposter.

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I dont watch anime I only use anime reaction images


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I habe no idea how Object Oriented Programming is different from standard programming, but I like C.

Based Google

I jerked to my own code. And Doom 3 engine source code

I study IT relentlessly but I get Fs because I can't manage myself.

Do I kill myself before I collapse from the shame or do I live a life of obscurity in a tech support center?

keep trying user, you can do it.

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I still use Lumia 930 and i wont change it even when MS completely stops supporting windows mobile, i love this phone.


am bi tranny that fapped to traps 12 years ago on /b/. now i love leeching off men and posting satania on Jow Forums

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Windows 10 LTSC is comfy and plays all my games at full performence
Linux doesn't

I keep my tower behind a wall instead of buying silent components.

I feel you user
Ditched my 930 last month due to the second battery going shit
Android is a huge letdown so far, in usability wp is miles ahead

I use Manjaro on my main machine and have no intention to install "real Arch".
I've installed Arch before, but I don't really see an advantage.
I also think Chinese cartoons are for little children

can you program

the right

i framed my boss for embezzlement and insider trading and told the fbi me and three other employees were subject to his sexual harassment so now me and my friends are living off a mass settlement while he's rotting in prison because he refused to put an espresso machine in the breakroom.

I did this for the longest time. Mainly because my car only played CDs. I never cared for vinyl because none of the bands I cared about had vinyls.

I like Ubuntu and think it's the nicest distro

i had someone pm me a fix for some obscure problem with a game on a forum and just said "thanks for the help, fixed it"
without actually posting the fix in the thread

you monster

I'm a data prepper

>I've installed Arch before, but I don't really see an advantage.
there is none
>I also think Chinese cartoons are for little children
it's the only big medium not completely controlled by (((them)))

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of course. i have the socks to prove it

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very well. when can we arrange the marriage?

5 Logitech keyboards, can't decide which one I like after several months. Keep them all unifying connected

but i already have one arranged with someone else user

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I'm upset at how nice blackarch-installer is.

Almost the same.
I always come back to Jow Forums, but I haven't even watched any anime, can't say if I like or hate it.

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I think One UI is pretty cool

i use latex font in apple pages so everyone thinks i use latex to write my documents. don't even think latex is hard but just don't want to use it.