Short reminder that it's 24 day until Christmas (in Germany) . How do you handle this cold weather and do you have presents yet?
Short reminder that it's 24 day until Christmas (in Germany)...
it's called yule dumbass
>how do you handle the cold weather
First julafton I'm spending alone.
actually handling loneliness its harder
I've never enjoyed Jul, or "christmas" as you so incorrectly call it - I'm always forced to be social.
But the food my dude... All that delicious julemat! Nam
Quite right. One can never go wrong with flæskesteg and brunkartofler.
I can agree on the ribbekjǿtt but what's the deal with brune poteter?
"the deal"?
what is this "jul/yule" meme?
We don't have it here, that's all. What's the brown stuff?
Despite what you might've been lead to believe, Jesus was not born in the middle of winter. The exact date is unknown, however the date of the celebration was moved to midwinter to make the new religion more appealing (or at least less difficult to adjust to) for European Pagans.
Juleblot, or jól, is the original winter solstice celebration that preceded Christmas. It was traditionally an offering to Odin, followed by large feast together with the family or even the entire village. Many of the things that are considered quintessentially Christmas-y actually stem from older Pagan traditions. Santa wearing a long red hat, for instance, stems from the idea of the fjǿsnisse, a helpful spirit that helps around on the farm, while Santa himself was probably inspired by imagery of Odin.
The old Scandinavian tradition, that the rest of Western Europe stole, and now call "christmas".
Caramelised potatoes; a Danish Jule traditional dish, most often served with flæskesteg.
Honestly the best shit ever.
Hm, that sounds nice. Maybe something to try one day
You must. I couldn't find anything when I googled "ribbekjǿtt" though. What is it? If you mind me asking.
If you don't mind me asking.* apologies.
damn whisky.
It's what we call flæskesteg here.
The problem is the ǿ. If you write ǿ on Jow Forums without the ´ it just turns into an o.
I see. Well, regardless of Jow Forums's grammatical shortcomings, may I congratulate you on both one set of quads, and now, trips.
This is nothing, I got
>how do you handle the cold weather
hot wine and gingerbread my friend, you dont need anything else
I thought this would be the first Chrstmas I buy a girl a present, but things aren't going so well. But for the first time I can maybe buy a christmas present for a dog, she has two.
Tell me more, user
*a little less warmer summer