
Python is the C of our era and will be looked back fondly upon 20 years from now.

Attached: python.png (605x799, 242K)

How is it the "C of our era?" I'd say JavaScript will be, if anything. They're using that shit for everything now.

This is correct. Come back when they write a fucking linux distro out of python. NodeOS is fucking stupid btw

NodeOS - Holy fucking cancer.

>Come back when they write a fucking linux distro out of python.
last I checked a linux distro was a pile of applications and scripts, not a program

I can see it now.
>Lmao, stop using Java#++ and use something close to the metal like Python
>C? Oh yeah the first programming language. My professor briefly mentioned it.
>Lmao what’s Assembly? Is that a JavaScript repl?
>I cut down my hello world to two gigs of ram.
>Compilers? Oh yeah that primitive feature dead languages used. Glad we progressed beyond that.

>C of our era

python sucks because its deployment is trash

You're like fifteen years late on that one. Portage, and thus Gentoo, is written in Python.

You know python is like 25 years old right?

Chose one version first

your point?

Attached: to the moon.png (1024x878, 205K)

c# is such a great language and has an open ecosystem now, why is it still trending downwards?

Nah. Python has way more overhead because it's a dynamically typed language. Languages like C will always be faster. Python is great for writing scripts, data science and getting programs up and running FAST because of the syntax and features of the language, but C will always reign supreme for system programmers. My vote for the C of our generation would be Rust, but it has issues.

This is if you consider C as portable assembly.
But C was more than that, it was one of the first high level languages to receive widespread adoption and it's idioms were copied C++, Java, and many other languages.
Python is going to be a seminal language for what comes next. Languages which emphasize usability for a given task over performance. Python is already commonly used as a portable replacement for shell scripts. Data science has adopted it as a simple interface for composing models, and it is the most taught programming language in primary education.

Python is the BASIC of our era.

>>> L = [0] * 5
>>> print(L)
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
>>> L[0] += 1
>>> print(L)
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
>>> L = [[0]] * 5
>>> print(L)
[[0], [0], [0], [0], [0]]
>>> L[0].append(1)
>>> print(L)
[[0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1]]

Attached: doubt.jpg (655x902, 138K)

This is the kind of mistake a first year learning C makes learning the difference between copies and pointers.

In [12]: L = [[0]] * 5
In [13]: all(L[0] is x for x in L)
Out[13]: True

In [14]: def test():
...: L = [[0]] * 5
...: L[0].append(1)
...: return L
In [17]: dis.dis(test)
2 0 LOAD_CONST 1 (0)
6 LOAD_CONST 2 (5)

3 12 LOAD_FAST 0 (L)
14 LOAD_CONST 1 (0)
18 LOAD_METHOD 0 (append)
20 LOAD_CONST 3 (1)

4 26 LOAD_FAST 0 (L)

>Primitive types are replicated in memory but objects aren't
>How fucking dare they?
Meanwhile this exact code in C requires 100 LOC and 3 includes

not great enough to justify switching to a predominantly microsoft based market instead of complete multiplatform nature of java

for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
L[i] = new_instance();
The absolute state of Python """developers"""

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