/csg/ - Chink Shit General

In /csg/, we discuss the cheap shit you see on AliExpress, Banggood, eBay, Gearbest, Taobao and similar sites.

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>Well you can get Hitler as a minifig
that's not what I mean, I mean funny negro stereotypes or something like that. Having a Hitler fig is just autistic but I guess I'll get one, thanks user

he cute

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I posted in the IEM thread as well but I'm pretty sure I got chinked. My T2s arrived yesterday and when I plugged them to my phone everything was fine. A few hours later I plugged them again and there was this incredible hiss in the red piece. Plug them in the laptop and they work fine. After further inspection I realised that coloring is different from that on aliexpress - red and blue are the other way around. Bought them from wooeasy too

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are your wallets ready
what are you gonna buy

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>Having a Hitler fig is just autistic
but funny negro stereotypes aren't?

Can't really think any subtly or overtly racist minifigs, but you could use your imagination and for example get these basketball americans:

And swap the heads to this prison outfit

or this Jason minifig with a knife and make them rapists/robbers

Thanks for the recommendation, these minifigs are definitely compatible with what I was looking for. Do you have any specific recs? Any cool examples you like in particular?

Some audio boards and maybe an FPGA.

is it possible to make several new accounts to get multiple 5$ for 6$ bought coupon or do they actually check the adress / name / payment method?

They don't care, unless you're switching accounts in the app too quick, then you'll get a prompt to sign in on another device. I tried to sign up with a throwaway Twitter account and I got that prompts, but I suspect it's because it's tied to an email address that I already used for an AliExpress account.

Did you actually manage to make orderds and use the new user coupon on different accounts? Because people have tried that before and usually Aliexpress will cancel the order.

I'm asking because I saw people in an older /csg/ complaining about their order being cancelled with a new account

which is why I was asking how they post the multiple account, IP ? adress? credit card? app login?

I also forgot to mention that my orders are spread out, so I would only install the app when I needed something.

I think it has to do with IP

Alright, I can always use 4G / wifi / public wifi for multiple IPs

It can't be just the IP. If several people live in the same house they will have the same address and IP, but it wouldn't make sense to treat them as the same person. Most likely it uses the credit card info to detect if it's an existing user or not.

How can you delete your Alipay account? Is it tied to aliexpress account?

AU-EU power plug adapter arrived, finally chinks got adapters with ground pin connected.

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I mean I've used the same debit card on three separate accounts and they never cancelled an order.

alright nice, I'll reinstall the app to be sure and I have different credit cards I can use just to be safe

Just making orders on different accounts wont get the orders cancelled. What were talking about is using the "new user coupon" (which usually has a good discount percentage) on different accounts. People have tried to do that before and got the order they used the coupon with cancelled.

Audio boards?

I forgot to mention two things:
1) I only put one order on each account to use the new user account and it didn't cancel anything (I have one that's shipping but I'll monitor that)
2) I did use a masked card for one order since I had $5 credit
I do recommend trying to be more careful with multiple accounts, since I've only been lucky so far.

Does somebody have experience with Xiaomi electric shavers? Which one should I choose?

Double ring Mijia


Mijia with Japanese steel blade

luke cage

What's a good dynamic mic for voice recordings? for less than $30

I like this cool banana guy

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how do you change item property on aliprice?

Fake Presto x ACRONYM arrived, fuck retail

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How much?

$48 they're comfy too

Has anyone here ever bought chink denim/jeans? I expect the fabric to be thin or tear easily, but what about the size?

8bitdo controller, some stocks maybe and ???

if you're in usa you can get this autism quality denim not even that expensive


What's with people unironically wearing rad fashion from decades ago?

>caring about current day fashion

My Oneplus 3 died.

I want to wait until Oneplus 7 but thats like 3.5 months from now...

Got any suggestions for 100$ chink smartphones, if they had NFC that be fucking great but I know thats way out of that budget.

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can you guys please stop using the word "chink"

i know this is Jow Forums but don't be edgy, this is a technology board and i think we all have an IQ over 80

>censured mustache

>>censured mustache

shut up burger i'll call chinks chinks and japs japs and gooks gooks these are perfectly normal names. Wait you're offended probably a leaf or a bong...

I really really like this image my dude.

so my android box arrived, but the wifi is nearly completely broken, it just wont connect even when I use my phone as hotspot and put it next to it. How much should I ask for partial refund? it was $ 63.45. Otherwise it works no problem, and internet works via ethernet, and I dont wan to to go through the hassle to sent it back.

Redmi 6 / 6A should be decent as a temporary phone. No NFC but pretty much no cheap chinkphone has that.

I don't know what country you're in but see if you have Nokia phones available, some of the low end models like Nokia 3, 3.1 and 5 have NFC.

starting to think im getting chinked

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>>>censured mustache

why the fuck do you need NFC? fucking dumb googledrones

Should I get foam tips for the Einsear T2?

Felt like trying out a few different cheap non in-ear earbuds. These came recommended.
Both have very good sound. Quality wise, not very different from Monks. I still prefer the Monks, but the difference is pretty much negligible. The MS16's are a lot of bang for your bucks though. They're the cheapest, feel very solid and come with a remote. They're the least comfortable, but even that is only by a tiny margin. The qian69's seem to have a slightly cleaner sound and a bit more mids.

Attached: Headroom MS16 & Qian69.jpg (1082x1219, 226K)

I ordered this shit since the end of January because some user posted a similar one

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Nice box

Based, i just got some $20ish aj1s that are nice as fuck off taobao

how good are those inline headphones? i kinda dislike the inside ear because they isolate me from the enviroment, is there one brand that does the normal version?

It's a tea set, I don't know if I would actually use it but this is the spirit of /csg/

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Got a Convoy S2+ black light... man my kitchen looks dirty in UV.

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not him, but to pay shit with. and what does jewgle have to do with it? never used a banking app?

I'm from Croatia so my options are pretty much Honorbuy

Well I pay a lot with NFC but I also use it to upload amiibos on my switch and connected to my Sony A6500 camera.

>so my options are pretty much Honorbuy
EU priority line shipping option by Gearbest and Banggood is also tax free to Europe, as is "EU/DHL express" by HK Goldway and Mi Global Store.

Something like half of my parcels were sent back upon customs check.
No warnings or anything.
Just sent back.
Fucking shit.

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>>>>censured mustache
unironically lol'd

>Order Id 9972270xxxxxx - Package arrived in destination country

Got a small AC adapter for my autismpad

For some reason, all chink listings for this one have the Lenovo logo photoshopped out, even though it is an original Lenovo adapter. What's the deal with that?

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Well then stop importing criminal shit.

latest meme chink headphones? Need something not too expensive and preferably balanced. either open or closed is fine.


looking for some closed, and doesn't squish your fuckin head

Could anyone recommend some shoe/boot insoles?

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Best airpod 2 clones?

>ordered a single switch tester with a knockoff Cherry MX switch
>it's been stuck in the International sorting center for 2 weeks

Kill me

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Anyone have any experience with chink Intel delid tools? Derbauer has kike prices

Shut the fuck up bootlicking cocksucker

Copyright. They get the hardware from somewhere unofficial, sometimes from the same factory as the real hardware, so it's a non-fake.


A few years in the gulag should soften your tone.

anyone have a link to some to those chink Dragon Ball keychains?

did you even try searching "dragon ball keychain" on Aliexpress? Because it brings up several.

Did you use a Chinese shipper?

My chink seller is asking me if I will accept a paypal refund.

I'll be reverse chinking the chinks. I've received a store coupon for €0.91 off €0.92 from the ROCK store which has decent USB cables. I found a 25cm braided type C cable for €0.95 including free shipping, so that's a 4 cent cable to keep in my bag with my powerbank.

Attached: 4 cent cable.png (1550x449, 264K)

suggestions anyone?

cool dude

Best earbuds in the $5 range?

in-ear preferebly

no it's only on a few items, the cheapeast being a 1.71€ cable


post messages

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How come USPS can't track these?

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You wish. Chinks have been in this game long before you. I have tons of Rock store coupons. Like 3€ off purchases from 3.1€. Too bad it only applies to one item that's 7 eurobucks and the coupon expires just before the sale starts when it could be useful. They're all like that.
The coupon I have for that cable starts from 1.8€, so to use it you have to choose the longer cable option which doubles the price making it useless again.

costs too much money to track


Question about ordering jackets. If you're an XL, should you be buying double that size if you're buying from AliExpress? I know because chinks tend to be much smaller

Sale's in 7 hours, what coupons are you guys gonna use? Got your cart ready?

I have almost nothing to buy other than some protoboards and a dev board

What sort of dev board?

Does ugreen still sell us plug chargers?

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I'm running the two active boards I have slightly outside of spec (solar panels are giving above the absolute max input to the regulator) so I want a backup in case they melt.

also ordering these mysterious proto boards aliexpress.com/item/Universal-Double-Side-PCB-Board-9x9cm-2-54mm-DIY-Prototype-PCB/32512259085.html

Fonge T-01

seller hasn't said shit to me
it was a headlight restore kit
wonder if customs didn't like the liquid