What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Over priced
Over engineered
Over Hyped
Not needed

what didn't?

>dude what if
>we made a juice maker but hear me out
>it needs to contact our servers 24/7

Literally the perfect device. I blame millenials and boomers. Can't fucking get with the times.

>Apple joins the food industry

if you watch AVE's detailed video on this POS you will see that they used ball bearings' outer ring as a point loaded element (see press teardown)
as a M.E. this is a huge yikes

>$400 machine for squeezing juice out of a bag
I cannot possibly think how can this go wrong.

Pointless machine.

>only 400$
plus 50$/week for bag subscription
only top cucks would defend this level of dementia

It presses fruit juice out of plastic bags.
Why? If it was an actual juicer juicing real fresh fruits that you put into it, it would have been a huge success.
Fruit juice isn't good for you anyways.

I remember his enthusiasm for the engineering was great, this is what happens when you give engineers free reign with no cost control.

> IoT
> Expensive and ridiculous subscription system
> Forced expiration dates

With all the hype the device gathered, it should have gone with a better business model with higher availability and less control over the juice bags and it could have been a commercial success.


>$120 million in startup venture capital
nothing went wrong. The founder and CEO probably got a shitload of money out of the whole thing.

if you use bearings in that way and you use all that metal for a fruit press, it means you have no clue about components and FEA
zero engineers were involved in the design of that POS

the press plate slides on ball bearings that are loaded on a single point
this happened because some idiot designer looked at thingiverse basedmills and thought: i'll do something as stupid as this

DRM juice thats what went wrong.

this it was just a money grab

>DRM juice
What a time to be alive!

Nothing? They made millions of dollars off their backers/investors. They succeeded. They won the game of life.

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That's wrong though.

what is wrong?

I've seen people squeezing the juice out with their hands. Why didn't they just make it like Nespresso where you can just press a button if you want? It doesn't ask for you to have Internet nor to connect to an app (although I think the higher end ones have this option).
Also, why does it need to update?

Do you think Bernie Sanders and Ron Paul basically did the same thing? Hopelessly idealistic presidential campaigns, tons of donors...

Emphasis on not needed--people proved you could hand squeeze their proprietary bags
What they should have invented was a juicer/blender that cleaned itself, since you can already buy pre-made smoothie bags--it's the clean-up that's a bitch.

They were too much ahead of their time



It juiced retards of their money, exactly as predicted. Much like apple and that lanky faggot marketeer who died a few years ago.

You can find plenty of articles describing how the device was completely overengineered, there wasn't even an attempt to lower manufacturing costs, etc., but..

The entire, and I mean entire, value proposition of this thing versus just squeezing the juice out with your hands was that it would contact their servers to see if your juice bag had gone bad before allowing the machine to juice it for you. That's it. The same thing that has been accomplished by "best before" labels on food products for decades, or, for more serious situations, product recall notices.

Their market was techbros with too much cash to burn (and there are plenty of those) but even they couldn't justify the cost.

It costs $400 and its singular function is to squeeze juice out of a DRM protected, subscription-based bag - slower and less efficiently than you can do it using your hands.
Its most impressive achievement is the fact that even most of the braindead yuppie consumerist whores who were supposed to constitute the bulk of Juicero's target audience actually called it out on being a monumentally stupid and vain concept, which leaves the investors as the true retards here.

The world wasn't ready.

This better be a social experiment just to show how low technology has fallen, I want to believe this is some kind of satire.

That the guy that had the initial idea didn't shoot himself in the head right then and there.
Then that he proposed that idea to someone, that agreed that it was a good idea.
That he found someone dumb enough to invest into this shit.
That people preordered it on kickstarter.
That it was ever produced.
That not the entire team was bathed in cleansing flames so it could never see the light of day.

It just had the wrong branding, if it said Apple on it those same people would have been fawning.

>botnet bag squeezer
>what went wrong?
You tell me, brainlet

>need a 3000 dollar machine to open up a bag of juice
Hmm, I sure wonder what could go wrong
It's even worse than the onions bottle openers

Haters gonna hate

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capitalism at it's finest

I don't think the people who made the device even believed it to be useful

I don't blame them, there's a lot of garbage products out there that sell based exclusively on how trendy they look

It was such a massive success that the company closed down to not go bankrupt and still can't find anyone that is retarded enough to buy them kek
>September 1, 2017, the company announced that it was suspending sales of the juicer and the packets, repurchasing the juicer from its customers and searching for a buyer for the company and its intellectual property.

$400 machine to squeeze designer chef drinks...

Why the fuck didn't they just sell their overpriced juice at whole foods. Put em in Mason jars for 50 bucks a pop xD

The nose knows.

Fifth post best post.

cr1tikal did a video on it. it's a piece of shit product that phones home and vendor locks you into something you can do with your own two hands. anyone that bought one of these things deserves to be short the $400 asking price for one.

> evans
probably not this time.

>Juice press
>Always online
>Can actually be pressed by hand

he really sounds like a kid on christmas' day

>repurchasing the juicer from its customers
the fug for? the customers still going to be retards either way, they'll just spend the cash again being retarded elsewhere. Buy retarded shit - 'oh, that was retarded, here's your money back..' - how you expect these dumb faggots to LEARN anything?

Nothing went wrong.
A guy got set up for life with more money you will ever make.
Idiots got parted from their money (as it happens every single day).
He did it in such a way as to not end up in jail.

Tip of the hat to him.
Apple should consider making him its next CEO.

Company was run by a genuine retard. Just listen to him.

It was 750$ when it's first released.

>keurig but for juice
at least keurig has the caffeine shit going for them; if i wanted some fucking juice id either buy a fuckin jug or get a juicer

Juicing is on the way out.

Most nutritionally-literate vegans like myself are aware that significant amounts of nutrition are lost when you remove event a portion of the fibre.

So most people are going whole-plant, OR they would make their own fresh fruit from organic plants.

They made a bag squeezer instead of a juicer.

Good thing I'm not an M.E. and I'm just me.

>nutritionally-literate vegans
Contradiction of terms.
Humans are omnivores. The only nutritional diet for an human is an omnivore one.

Nah mate eating animals is murder, taxation is theft and I just crapped my pants.

taxation is theft though

The correct quote (and dare I say argument) is "Taxation without representation is theft".

>Tfw remember Kobe Bryant bragging about being an investor in this new juice machine

Shoulda stuck to dribbling

Taxation without representation is theft is a very valid argument.
Taxation is theft is something people say that have recently been declared clinically brain dead.




>trusting commoners with government
this is how you destroy a country

Oh yeah cause only 240 IQ rick and morty watchers. You know what that bait is so shite I can't even be asked to properly respond. Just keep shitting your pants and I'll have a laugh thanks.

>t. 240 IQ rick and morty watcher

Juicing is basically the most retarded thing you can do with fruit. You keep all the sugars and filter out any fibers.

It's fine as long as you don't filter it like a brainlet.

Wait the juice is all pre-packaged in a finished form. Couldn't you just buy the bag, snip the tip off and drink it like a capri sun?

What the fuck do you need the machine for?

>What the fuck do you need the machine for?
To connect to wi-fi and check whether you're using a genuine Juicero brand Juicero packet within the acceptable timeframe, and then maybe squeeze it for you if you meet all the criteria.

No, if they wanted money they should have advocated for less regulations and then raked in the donor money from corporations.
There's way more money in megacorps than individual donors.

Squeezing it with your hands is even more efficient. It's faster and you can get more out of the bag.

Corporations love regulations you fucking brainlet, it keeps out market competition from smaller companies and they have hands in all of it. Why do you think so many donate to the parties that propose more regulation? You dont have a clue. Both sides are played.

It's all about the venture capital bro. If you tick all the right bosses, you get to be ceo and live off of the VC's money for years. The VC doesn't even care cause even if once in a blue moon one of these moonshots actually works, he'll make all that money back and more.

>your juice has been disabled due to a copyright strike by mott's inc.

>The world wasn't ready.
Maybe in WALL-E era


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What's stopping you from just buying this shit?

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because brainlets actually believe republicans who claim they aren't for big government or regulations when in fact that is all they are for. the only regulations they don't believe in are ones that actually protect consumers and that allow a free market. so when they see some on the left calling for regulations that would actually help them as a consumer they sperg out. Though both sides are equally played and drink the megacorp juice.

nothing at all. dumb fucks with too much money see over engineered expensive pieces of shit like this and for some reason throw their money at it.
look at kick starter. half of the site is shit just like this and it all makes a killing.

Give me back my tax dollars then fucko. You owe me for all those streets you walked on without paying.

At least they have a working product unlike Elizabeth Holmes' Thanos

Venture Capitalism is a blight and Silicon Valley deserves to be nuked

you can squeeze milk out of a tit with your hands but still women use a 200 dollar machine for it. it was clearly marketed at women.

>Also, why does it need to update?
it's like one of those shitty prop [thing] toys you had as a kid, it's just a bundle of vegestial features that do nothing, like oven dials in a toy oven without a heater

I didn't take them, the government did :^)

[says in top donator]

>that lanky faggot marketeer who died a few years ago.

That was almost a decade ago, user.

>high-priced bag squeezer
Everything starting from the premise.

The simple fact that you really don't need a $400 internet connected smart machine and an online account to wring liquid out of a bag?


Forget the details of the engineering. I've seen a video of someone wringing one of their bags by hand, and it got the same stuff out, faster, and without a heavy expensive machine.

A working, stupid product, but working nonetheless.

>Sell them to yuppies
>Yuppies die of e coli, parasites or whatever bacteria
>Jews gonna jew

>Wifi enabled massive expensive machine
>designed to squeeze a bag

Is that Zack de la Rocha?

>Sephardic Jewish
pure coincidence

He's Doug Evans. Pure American!