Hey there Logan can I suck your dick .
Hey there Logan can I suck your dick
Other urls found in this thread:
Wow why are you so sudden akari
Creamy, dreamy
Because I think ur dreamy logan
okay... this is interesting
Awww *blush* thanks
*Slurp* * slurp* *slurp*
It tastes delicious thanks Logan.
That's because I'm wearing a lightly salted potato chip condom .
Holy crap did you just read my mind. No wonder I love you .
Freeze this is the police
In today's episode of bant: Logan writes his fanfic porno.
Starring loagn and Akari
Oh shit . Nothing to see here officer
Words cannot describe how uncomfortable this thread made me feel.
You're under arrest get in my vehicle
is this what anime does to you
Anime no. Being a weeb, yes.
Ok you'll be spending the night here . Bail is at 2000€
Ok what officer
Ok now this is despicable
in the future when children are forced to learn about how people from our time lived, I hope this thread is used as a prime example of what people used the internet for.
You better get a lawyer dude it's a good idea .
Yea I'll use my one call I guess .
Class, today we are going to learn about Jow Forums. Now I know you all love memes but Jow Forums is one of the main producers of such memes. How, let's look at a random example of how the average Jow Forums user used the website.
You've reached lawer industries
Please press
One if you need a lawer
Two if you have a complaint
Or the red button if you called the wrong number
Yes hello it's mr.lawyer dude I got your back my dude
How much will it cost for you to defend me
my fucking sides
How much you got
As you can see this user, thats short for anonymous, likes to post anime girls. This is a telling sign that he has homosexual tendencies, not that it is a bad thing in this advanced world of ours.
Ok thanks
Professor, according to papers published at the University of Reddit in Britianstan; these people were once referred to as 'faggots'. Is this correct?
Ok I'm going to bed see you in the morning
Okay dude we'll when this case for sure
My child what is it that you have done
Ah yes, that is indeed true. You see, on Jow Forums, faggot was used more as a term of endearment. At least that is our best interpretation from the records that still remain.
hope not
would literally gnaw own arm off
I had sex with a 13 year old anime girl and now I'm in danger
would akari really say that though?
But my child you are not Socrates
Also it is fine to have gay sex with boys I did it all the time .
Didn't you literally die for corrupting the youth though?
I am a sentient paella sandwich
Paella sandwich
And that's why Mr. judge is why my client is not guilty of have sex with a 13 year old girl because he thinks a fictional character is real by which is it not and it's all in his head!
I rest my case!
Yes but my soul lived on. Tell them to give you free room and board as a punishment. That Shure showed them
also Sir, did tje people actually enjoy this "Jow Forums", they seem to have beem fighting and bickering non-stop over trivialities such as 2D models made by Japanese people and other pointless things. I cite the ancient and now highly restricted texts of "Encyclopædia Dramatica".
After analizing his dreams I rule him not guilty
No if you don't mind take him away officer
I would eat that bong servo deathwich
Yes Yes Yeeeeeeeeeeees . Now I'm gonna have sex with akari and live happily ever after all over again
To this day scholars still debate whether the anonymous masses of Jow Forums actually enjoyed their time there. Some say it was a place to make friends and enjoy each other's company. The vast majority though believes it may have been a jail for the mentally handicapped. A place where their autism couldn't hurt the general public.
Wait take who away?
gib money
You, for practicing law without a license
Keep the change sir.
epic twist
Prove it
*Takes money runs away*
Prove that you do have a license
I concur
*Pulls out a McDonald receipt*
Here you go
Oh ok then you are fine . In our ancap Utopia McDonald's receipts are as good as licences
I sure hope it the latter rather than the former; but that's in the past now I guess. probably explains how they lost the first IRL meme war of 2048 against the combined forces of Reddit, Twitter and Google, since they could never agree on anything. It's shame we'll never know the true meaning of the phase "based and redpilled"!
Time for more sexy time akari Chan
I brought the strapon :)
WEEEPEEE*Freeze frame*
*End credits*
It's legal!
A shame indeed. But that will have to conclude our lesson today. Tomorrow we will pick up where we left off and begin talking about the individual sub redd... I mean boards on Jow Forums.
Will the strapon fit inside of Logan akaza (he took he last name) how strong will his orgasm be . Find out next time on akari ball z
(I'm going to bed see you niggas)
Epic thread.