Hop in dude

Hop in dude

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Attached: sniff.gif (298x298, 1.78M)

It's a good thing the mods will punish you for your shit taste.

Attached: 1539499005085.gif (200x270, 1.09M)

I'm reminded of all the time I've wasted on f-list roleplaying my virtual dick sliding into a virtual cunt.

Attached: smell.gif (500x250, 1.05M)


stupid dogposters

Attached: doggo_kill.webm (720x720, 581K)

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why is this thread around but another that had a question about free/low cost web hosting was deleted

huh, she's married. Interesting.

I ain't clicking that shit nigga

user, NOOOOO!!!!



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lmao faggot

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no u

The look on the poor doggo's face

because that's fucking gay

Vulvas are technology

Imagine the smell

sick fuck

If I saw u IRL I would kick ur fucking butt you god damn faget u can bet on that

Why? it just shows an empowered woman who don't need any modern beauty standards.
Highly progressive

found the pedo

I am user
And I'm diamonds

I want to lick

please let me

Once u go clean shaven u never go back, friendo

based but subtle Schlopposter


Only after her Black bull cums inside

This is fake right? The dog doesn't even react, theres no blood, it looks fake as hell.

chocolate heaven °_°

man that clit has seen MILES of cock

>/b/ - Technology

>Jow Forums - Technology

my biggest fear is getting a girlfriend that doesn't shave her pussy and asshole properly. public hair is fine, i love a bit of a bush or a landing strip etc but having hair on the actual labia and around the asshole is absolutely abhorrent.

Only pedos like shaved

best thread on Jow Forums right now

"why is my owner shoving his phone in my face again"

Attached: 1393075976612.gif (245x230, 920K)

Is that pussy work-safe?

Yes lol, the dog just looks at him like "huh" and you can see the knife doesn't leave any marks.

Attached: 1516736488384.jpg (431x450, 40K)

dont worry bud, of course it's fake


How often do girls masturbate? Do they do NoFap?

She looks like she takes care of herself.
Probably just your standard vagene smell.

Sorry not just pedos, porn addicts too. Pubic hair is a secondary sexual characteristic of women and you should be attracted to it unless your brain have been conditioned by degeneracy

Usually multiple times a week. Depends on the girl. Some are relentlessly horny and others aren’t. There is also a significant population of women who have never orgasmed due to a combination of religious upbringing and shitty boyfriends. But most girls fap

>Not being attracted to an unclean mess is being "conditioned by degeneracy"
The absolute state.

Fish guts and yeasty bread?

shut up nigger, pubic hair is vile

Depends on the girl. I knew one that was probably sex-addicted and would diddle herself 2 or 3 times a day.
A good portion don't because it's still considered kinda inappropriate, like only a turbo slut would masturbate.

The rest probably once or twice a week.

why can't /v/ stay in their board