Or just weigh in on what you did that was engaging? Is there a language you picked up you find interesting, valuable, powerful? Should I learn Rails or something?
Eli Adams
>Neural Network library
I've used FastAI.
The stuff I wrote in the After Effects language is like my own library at this point. In that case I knew what the use and the need were for everything I was building.
What do you do with a library FastAI can't do?
>Reminds me, what I think I'd like to do is read math notation in AI papers and build the model. Any good way to plunge into that? I look at most online lectures and I zone out. I only learn if I'm able to see what math symbol does what code. As I'm writing this... I wonder if there's a Math notation to Python translation lookup online. To do. Look for that.
Talking helps.
Asher Watson
Write a port scanner.
Owen Jenkins
Implement barnes hut algorithm using a octree. Implement GPU cube marching algorithm like Ryan Geiss' from gpu gems. Or just use his implementation to render cool isosurfaces. Octree can be used for rigid body physics or raytracing too.
1. Create a web service 2. Configure a server to run that web service
something like a blog would prove a lot on your resume, plus you can use it
Mason Kelly
>Create a web service
Sure. I don't really have any idea what type of service it would be.
I would register a domain and pay AWS or someone also for the service?
You know, I registered a domain with Hostgator, just to look into hosting a sort of news site. They charged $45 for the first year and $150 for two years after without notifying me AFTER I told them I didn't want the domain anymore.
Chase Russell
> DevOps
But, yes. I would enjoy taking something on that has market value. I'm open to whatever service you think I should check out. "Web service". I'm not sure what that is specifically.
Charles Phillips
>"Web service". I'm not sure what that is specifically. >I don't really have any idea what type of service it would be. Literally anything that you have to go online for.
Like I said, a blog would be great. Have user registration and stuff so it looks like you know what to do. It doesn't really have to be business-y, it just has to show that you can develop and deploy.
>I would register a domain and pay AWS or someone also for the service?
Domain, yes. You also need a public IPv4 and a remote machine to host your web server on, so you might also have to pay someone like AWS. There are a bunch of places to buy hosts from, try googling "virtual private server". Digitalocean is pretty good, and you get 50$ free if you're a student (which is what I took advantage of.)
Did you ever get that news site running? And why did you have to have such an expensive domain name...
Chase Diaz
>Blog Ah. I assumed you meant I should do something and blog about it one Medium or something. I get it now.
>Did you ever get that news site running? And why did you have to have such an expensive domain name... I never got it running with articles. I was looking into doing AI generated articles and kind of a mashup from other sources but NLP has a few years to go. It never got an interesting, unique idea after tinkering at it and decided against pushing more crap into the attention market.
It wasn't the name, HostGator, I think pays Google to hide negative reviews and return first as a web hosting for rookies like me. They quadruple the fees and don't let you cancel.
I like video editing and AI. I hope to bring something interesting to market in one, or some combination of these domains. I've sat out technology for decades. >You know, 80s PCs were okay, but not great, then GUI operating systems. >Then the internet came out, which was interesting but looked like crap >Then social media, then mobile, then the cloud. Boring. Boring. Boring.
I always knew I had the minimal IQ and logic to program but haven't wanted in the industry till now. Kind of hard to know what exactly to do that's not more shit nobody wants. Hard to get direction when you don't know business problems.
Eli Phillips
NLP is already quite phenomenal. We have a bunch of AI written news articles, and there's google Duplex
I see no other path in AI than college > research group > data analytics etc. It's very mathematics heavy and it would be hard to find a company or research group that would hire you without any proof of formal knowledge, unless you've got a seriously impressive data analytics portfolio built up somehow.
Asher Stewart
How do you become a programming hobbyist when nothing is interesting to you? Do some people just think to themselves "I'll just learn to program for no reason"?
Brody Rodriguez
>nothing is interesting to you?
I meant I've seen all the projects through to the end that I've taken up. >Web scraping projects and bots >Kaggle competitions/ preparing data >Extendscript project
I feel like I can't get my hands on a real business world's project because I don't have experience. I sent my tinkerings to a few software companies and temp agencies but didn't hear back.
NLP is already quite phenomenal. We have a bunch of AI written news articles. It was about two years ago when I looked. I know Sebastian Ruder is all over it. Been meaning to see what he's involved in lately.
Brayden Campbell
>seriously impressive data analytics portfolio
I'm curious what that would look like.
I compiled a Pandas data frame with dozens of columns of factors related to basedbeans for every day going back to the 70s.
I put it into a predictive model from the FastAI course of the Rossman dataset on Kaggle.
It didn't produce results I would put money on, but I'm kind of doing this alone in the dark and can't bounce the model of anyone. I can't ask the FastAI video or someone in the forum to look at everything I did and how to make it better.
I guess I'm asking, what they want to see? I guess just a lot of high scores on Kaggle competitions would do it?
Josiah Sanchez
You need to develop your interests and find a particular field of programming you're interested in if you want to go beyond basic webscrapers You need to say I want to program video games or I want to program websites if you want to start working on some more difficult problems because there's no such thing as a generalist programmer
Jonathan Harris
>there's no such thing as a generalist programmer
I know. I made the thread to solicit areas descriptions of what people areas people are in and how they got into them. What's interesting. What's paying. What's needed.
Daniel Gomez
>What's interesting. What's paying. What's needed. what kind of retarded question is that? What's interesting is what YOU'RE interested in. Anything pays if you're good enough
Ryan Gutierrez
Geez. I'm so uninspired by the responses I didn't proofread.
Fuck you. I can't branch out if nobody is giving me a clue what they are doing. I didn't ask to be told what to do. I solicited people to tell me what THEY are doing and I can decide if I ALSO want to look into it.
Christian Powell
Antifa rts game!
Julian Diaz
If you had any real interest you wouldn't need to ask that question, you already know what computers are capable of
Justin Howard
>you already know what computers are capable of
I know what an axe is capable of so I'll just go indiscriminately go chop down trees. No need to ask a logging forum where the chopping is happening. "Hey guys, what wood you choppin? What companies are paying to chop what where?"
Eli Roberts
well programming isn't like that, there isn't some special field everyones making huge bank in, if you are a good programmer in your field you can get paid good money to do it regardless of what it is
Landon Price
>well programming isn't like that
It's just... I have a family member doing one job so I end up doing that job for 10 years. I have another friend doing some other job I didn't know existed and I do that job for 8 years.
I don't really see the mini worlds of special challenges out there software is solving. I know I can deliver the goods. I know I'm the guy. Maybe I'm a literal autist or something.
Thomas Bell
The fastest moving area is web development. There's also AI but that's kind of a meme. There's mobile apps but that's a hard area to compete in and is more about business than programming. There's traditional programming for desktop applications and video games. There's embedded programming for physical devices. Probably alot more that I don't know about too like programming shit for the military
Mason Harris
MMO server >networking >soft-realtime >distributed systems >concurrency+parallelism >databases
Noah King
>I guess just a lot of high scores on Kaggle competitions would do it? Sounds pretty good.
Landon Allen
Decentralized 4channel
Ethan Myers
>>I guess just a lot of high scores on Kaggle competitions would do it? >Sounds pretty good.
Friggin hard on your own. I put in, like 50 hours on a model. It doesn't do well and I have no idea why. But I get it. I wouldn't want to hold the hand of somebody just starting out either.
Cooper Perry
Write a malware post-exploit framework in your language of choice
image processing is a great meme. there's a bunch of libraries for it and it's always useful. lets you play with loadbalancing as well.
you can get a service up with node in like 5 minutes and your resume will appreciate it.
Easton Allen
You think it's worth that much? I have two crude web apps on Flask that I can polish into shape. One involves some audio processing and machine learning based identification.
Also have a shitty Java program. Not sure if this is enough to start applying with (chem eng grad looking for dev work).
Evan Ortiz
>torrent based browsing >download page/video/etc >automatically hosts it for x days on your local system. >no dynamic pages
Ayden Miller
absolutely, the two most important things for getting hired are an impressive portfolio and practice. t. psychologist gone midsenior fullstack web artisan
Jacob Garcia
I might need an explanation for all of this. >Image processing People upload an image to your site? For what?
>LoadBalancing Something to do with traffic and resources of the site? This would be on a website or some kind of app somewhere else?
>Service up with a node What exactly goes up where? The node is what?
Jack Perry
>People upload an image to your site? For what? image resizing, image optimization (think png to jpg, png to webp etc), cropping
>Something to do with traffic and resources of the site? This would be on a website or some kind of app somewhere else? if you only have one weak machine doing everything you might get bottlenecked. buy two tinyass weakass machines and loadbalance it (with something like nginx) so that requests are balanced between machines
>What exactly goes up where? >The node is what? NodeJS is a javascript-based toolset. it's piss easy to learn and has packages for literally everything. for image processing i use sharp.
Austin Parker
Never considered hosting something locally. We're talking about a website? I wouldn't know what to pay for or where to sign it up. Guess I could google it.
I have a Linux with 2 1080tis. It is not my primary machine so I can have some kind of AI gimmick people visit the site for. Maybe something to do with text. Text files are small. Lot of options for CNNs too. Like colorizing. Don't know anything about it. So NodeJS would work with the program that resizes the image, or pushes and image through a Pytorch or Tensorflow model? Something queues the requests?
And hosting on a local machine is something companies do? I was under the impression AWS, hosting companies, Microsoft, etc do this. Skills are transferable, I guess.
Justin Perez
>Skills are transferable?
Cause I want to avoid spending time creating something, pound my head learning new things to make it - Only to have it be something nobody wants, and then never use those skills again.