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Fuck Larry Ellison, fuck Oracle and fuck niggers

Tell me when some big tech startup is in Maine or something and i'll say silicon valley is dead

I love how obsessed drumpfies are with California. There's a reason we have all the relevant companies, richest state, most relevant state, generally dominate in every measure. Democratic policies work and no amount of screeching and coping will change that

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based yang gang

how come this retard is still relevant? how come Oracle is still relevant?

RIP Iron Man

>how come Oracle is still relevant?
>200,000 employees

that's not the question retard, the question is what does this company even do to stay this big? the mafia-like license for using mysql isn't enough for making a 200 billion dollar company

>what does this company even do to stay this big?
what do you think the CIA and the NSA use?

oracle java

>tech start up
>in Maine

pro-tip: most people in Maine are dumb and backwards

oracle has their fingers in everything.

That’s because Obama imported Somalians into Portland

That's right, don't move to Maine. It's an undiverse shithole full of wypipo.

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Maine is overwhelmingly democrat

Damn that sucks. I feel for them since literally the same thing happened in Minnesota, except it was Bill Clinton that imported a shitton of Somalians

I knew it. Seattle is going to be the new SF. My rent is going up. Fuck me.

>implying "least diverse" is a bad thing
Whoever made that article needs to be genocided

I'm constantly surprised Oracle has any power in anything. I looked at PLSQL once and it was the biggest piece of dog shit I've ever encountered in my life.

no, actually, the somalians are going to college and opening up their own businesses; you ever been to "Western Maine" and "Washington County" -- fucking backwoods trailer park white trash all over the place; and yeah, I know I'm talking to one of you

which isn't true

>convo moves from being stupid to having less crime than other shitholes
>has nothing to do with having the basis for a tech start up

defensive much

What do you mean? I'm agreeing with you.

Found the Somalian

>net negative domestic migration


And shooting Australian yoga teachers

you can find me here, but not on Friday nights, when im in ur Mum

dumb yokel

or boning them deep

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Some qat pls

found your house - your sister wants bbc btw
guess youre not satisfying her

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There's not enough skilled professionals in Maine. Brain drain causes most graduates to move to Boston or the Nashua/Salem area.

Seething refugee

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>when i attempt to rotate the static .jpg with my mouse to look around
fuck you user

he mad because im always in ur mum first

Because they're rapists too?

>yoga teachers
You can't rape the willing.

the current state of Seattle is like homeless druggies trashland tho

The big question is.
Is California relevant because comapnies happens to be there or are companies relevant because they are in california.

I believe that if silicon valley moved from california to a less bat shit state it would be better for the whole planet...

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True but very misleading. For college grads and above positive net immigration.

In other words successful people are heading there and people who can't compete are leaving. Same situation as all the expensive cities.

Doesn't Cali have the lowest IQ in the land? Nope, second.

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I'll let you guess Larry Ellison's genetic background.
Starts with a J, ends with a ewish.

do you understand how averages work?

>people that have never worked a day at a real company wonder what Oracle does to make money
If you haven't stared at blue/gunmetal grey Java forms until your eyes bleed and you want to die while paying Larry 12 dollars a minute (per module) for the privledge you probably don't work anywhere that moves actual product.
Enjoy your msexcel erp.

>implying it's not annoying enough dealing with people with above average IQ in stores, traffic, school

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Bix nood, muh fugga.

A lot of companies are fleeing CA or refusing to do business with CA.

based and ibmpilled

>180k H-1Bs

Alright Dr Duke

Wrong move by Oracle.
Seattle is a depressive city and it will never attract the young talent that is needed for a tech company.
Sure there are some pretty bad places in California too but you can't even compare the living standards you get as a high income earner in Silicon Valley to fucking Seattle lol.

Not really they're just simple and dgaf. Maine is a lot of wypipo but they're all pretty nice. NE hippie ish kinda vibe like Vermont.
Retard alert

I just got warned for pointing out this dude's ethnicity?
The fuck Jow Forums?

It's a fucking fact. It's not even bannable pointing out the reality of a persons background.

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jannys are retarded right now i got my post deleted for calling someone a nigger earlier

Obviously they've got a rogue one.

And thats a bad thing?

Hard to believe since everyone in Maine is an inbred subhuman.

Fuck this guy. Fuck Oracle.

>Government contracts.
>Shitty bloated enterprise software

>white trash
how can we solve the white trash problem?

S to spit

only (((they))) apply to positions of power, eg jenny

Hooray diversity!!!

SV is overrated and full of bullshit artists like Peter Thiel (until recently) and Elon Musk.

People of substance work in Seattle or Boston.

Oracle can't die soon enough, whatever the outcome is.

Oracle can't die though, they are literally funded by the taxpayers

The east coast doesn't want tech. Just look what happened when amazon tried to expand into NYC.

LOL fuck off nigger

yes, you democrats are unironically anti white

lmao seething w*itoid detected
