And nothing of value was lost

And nothing of value was lost.

Attached: 3.png (1804x294, 38K)

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Wait, was she the namesake behind Wayland?

Hell no, it's a town. Wayland is a respectable project.

No, he was just mentally ill

>Fae, Witch, Trans Woman, Engineer, Cat-mother. One foot in Science, the other in Magick
ayy lmao

is the cause of his death known? was it self induced?

Why is the uk, burgerland and canacuck so full of these type of people?

why is tech so full of these people?

is it just the autism or what

Attached: 1466641108862.jpg (250x350, 10K)

C'mon, don't be mean.

>that grayscale image of him fishing on his flicker
Damn...he used to be so normal

Attached: 1552220791833.png (717x1079, 989K)

>>Fae, Witch, Trans Woman, Engineer, Cat-mother. One foot in Science, the other in Magick

Literally WTF

>Fae, Witch, Trans Woman, Engineer, Cat-mother. One foot in Science, the other in Magick
yep, it's suicide

i blame trap threads on /b/

I blame those stupid 'programmer socks' trap threads here on Jow Forums

Fuck you user

that, too

It's not.
It's just a very vocal minority, and they are only in certain companies or projects. Most companies that I worked in were only white and asian guys, no trans and noone openly gay.

Have a picture.

Attached: 38467208282_227ceabc1b_b.jpg (768x1024, 130K)


Water you talking about

>tranny abomination kills itself
owned dude

I don't think that's how you use the word owned, gramps.

Xorg does not have this problem.


Attached: SpookyE.png (637x971, 244K)

Fuck you, OP is right


buttblasted tranny, go murk yourself

What distro do I use in order to avoid these kinds of people?
>this dude is Lucy Wayland

>Lucy's feet uwu

Attached: aardvark.jpg (640x474, 59K)

Proprietary software.

Stop using tech
Go live in a forest
Die out of easily preventable diseases by 40

It's against nature to use computers

Free, Functional, Secure

Did she write a single line of code?

OpenBSD. It is the last OS to resist the code of cuckery nonsense.

Press S to spit on his grave

>I didn't know what to be, so I decided to be dead

Pretty much. Rejecting your roots for bugmanity will only lead to depression.

The debian tranny versus the gentoo tranny (pic related)

Attached: alice.jpg (320x320, 18K)

She's not a tranny doe

Jow Forums told me otherwise

>the debian project mourns the loss of lucy wayland
meanwhile chad xorg il still doing fine


>March 8

so it means debian will keep using xorg ?

The problem is not with wanting to become a girl, it's with not waiting for the day you can become anime at the same time so you don't have to be el abominacion.

Would impregnate

>one foot in the grave

And that's a good thing