I'm not saying I wish this on LGR, but

I'm not saying I wish this on LGR, but...

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Oh shit.


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hey fuck you buddy

What's up with this hate-boner Jow Forums has for LGR? Just plain old envy? Yeah he's a manchild but so what? Don't watch, I don't.


Intervention from God.

the Gameboy may still work.


press A to open your mouth

Didn't the same thing happen to another game collector about 5 years ago?

Did he not know about flashcarts? So much wasted space.

It's a hobby

It's hoarding.

suck it home server/data hoarders/offline backups.
where's the capitain anti-botnet to save you now.

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Same difference

It's only hoarding if the objects have little to no value.

Tell that to my offsite backup 100 km away.

fuck off and die, op. lgr is the only oldschool computing dude on youtube that isn't a compulsive lying, e-begging fucking faggot.

It has no real value besides the allure of being "original" and "official", which is pretty shit value. It's all digital data, it doesn't even have the coolness (and robustness) of being analog like music recordings on vinyl.
Collector-ism, aka hoarding, is a mental illness.

You're trying way too fucking hard to justify your hate on something that has no affect on you or society in general at all.

If your obsolete shitty records can be cool, a lot of things can be

Physical collections are a waste of space and a huge liability.

vinyl records will be listenable even after the coming great solar flare wipes out all the bits.

Go away, Clint.

As will be my CD collection

Every play reduces fidelity. Every copy will be inferior. Records will sucumb to entropy all the same.

Don't vinyl records slowly degrade with each play?

Jow Forums fucking hates anything fun because they're IT help desk niggers who are overworked, have two jobs, and have no personal time

Dude got bored of games and cashed out.

Don't be idiots.

Not metal alloy records.

At least LGR actually has sex unlike you virgins.

Get out, Clint. You know and I know that fat Goth chick never actually gave you anything.

The guy literally is completely ignorant of retro tech other than playing Doom on Yet Another 486 Shitbox.

That's sad though, also why does Jow Forums hates this guy so much? is it because he found something that makes him happy?

He’s just another whiny cunt on YouTube talking about children’s toys like it makes him special, about on the same level as downward thrust and Upper echelon. Worthless cucks with nothing to say

This is the hilarious part: Jow Forums always chastises him for focusing on personal computers. There's always some complaint about "HURR DURR WHY DOESN'T HE TALK ABOUT UNIX WORKSTATIONS", which is just Jow Forums showing off its own myopia -- why always Unix? Unix is not the only system that existed back then. Why does Jow Forums never talk of VMS? Or TOPS-20? There used to be a somewhat strong Lisper community here, but they're mostly gone, so there's very little discussion of anything LispM nowadays.

But why does LGR not talk of that stuff? Is it really that aggravating to you that he's not interested in bureaucratic time-sharing machines and instead prefers personal computers? Indeed, maybe it's because he remembers a time when personal computers were truly personal and not just based on mainframe systems (like today's "personal computer" operating systems all are -- Linux and macOS are Unix, Windows is NT which comes from VMS heritage).

nothing wrong with it if it makes you happy and doesn't hurt you or anyone else
LGR also makes tons of fucking money off YouTube and selling some of his shit and what subscribers send to him

This make me hard

I wouldn't wish such a fate on my worst enemy. LGR is a faggot but it's not about him, it's about the plastic that was lost. I would have preferred it if he died in the fire instead of the games.

It is hoarding if the objects only have value to other hoarders.

Only if you're using a shit setup. Degradation is non existent with a low mass tonearm and

Someone sent him an SGI workstation and he was all like "Cool. Uh...what does it do anyway? Can I run Duke Nukem on it?"

Yeah I agree. He's pretty disposable; there's 7 billion other human beings on this planet. They ain't making more 386 PCs.

Why the hate against LGR?

>He's pretty disposable
Much like you

They are jealous.

jealousy. LGR makes money off of his irrelevant autistic interests and we're all wallowing in self hatred and anonymity

why? I would literally be screaming in rage if all of his shit got destroyed

Besides, she wasn't much of a catch anyway.

>not backing up shit on HDD racks one of which is kept in a safe
Fucking cucklets who have no sense for backup deserve to have their manchild hobby burn in Hellfire.

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reason #75984375843 why hoarding stupid shit as part of a "collection" when you could have just had one (1) external drive with over 2000 ROMs on it is absolutely fucking retarded
press s to spit in john lewis's grave



The death of this guy's SID chip was a tragedy. LGR's obese form going up in smoke not so much.

At least VWestlife talks about other stuff and even shows application programs running on his machines.

An abomination of the modern degenerate world lost his materialistic hoard of consumerist skinnerbox-trinkets. What will he do now? Suicide or wagecuck away for years to do the same thing all over again like the shell of a human slave he is?

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t. wastes his life watching anime and fapping to hentai

materialism is bad mkay

There are people running home servers who don't have offsite backups?

There's like a 90% chance the PCBs on those games survived and just need a good cleaning and transplant to a donor case.

lol, so will SNES games.
Mask Roms are encased in leaded ceramic.

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We have made a better SID.

Nah they're plastic. I'm pretty sure only military spec ICs tend to use ceramic shells.

yeah, for a year or two of listening, then it'll start cracking and popping constantly. And where are you gonna get good cartridges after infrastructure breaks down? Bet you're gonna be stuck using shitty chink ones.

>low mass tonearm and

old computer parts are surprisingly robust, since the method of soldering them was literally dipping the bottoms into flowing waves of molten solder at 200C+, or 270C+ for the lead-free garbage.

How about sheet music and playing your own instrument?

FYI, LGR stores most of his stuff outside of his house in a climate controlled storage space.
It's constantly monitored and insured, so there's no chance of this happening to him unless it's at his home where he only really keeps a few things he's working on immediately, and his home PC/game consoles/tv.

The important part is that a record will be left for the future generations, even if not a perfect one. The Epic of Gilgamesh was written down on stone tablets, which have not been fully preserved, but enough of it survived so that we can still enjoy and study it.

That's probably the best. Another era of live music being performed without any smartphones in the audience sounds good to me.

What's an lgr?

A fat manchild.

Next time you try to post one of your Dr. Reddit diagnostics try to remember the difference between effect and affect. English isn't even my first language and still to me it's astounding how half your population just rolls the dice on which one to use.

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Anytime you rub two objects together they wear eachother. There are no exceptions.

Lmfao I fucking hate numale onions boys

Is there a decent youtuber that reviews interesting obscure/rare retro tech?


Of course this thread needed a piece of shit like you

What a blessing. I had something similar happen but with water damage. Glad to be gone of it all rather than it literally sitting on shelves in a closet where they got not use anyway.

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This. If he was smart he’d have it insured. Hopefully he knows how to start a fire that looks like a genuine fire.

>that can quickly fix just about anything that might go wrong, no matter how bizarre
How hard they fell

lol no he got rejected by a tranny

Why would you hope that?

Based N64

Try vwestlife and uxwbill

>muh retro games.

Who the hell cares?


Oooh, look at that riveting gameplay...

look at this fucking zoomer

The sheer amount of underage in this thread, holy shit.

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Nope, I'm a boomer.
Late 90's early 00's PC games? Sure. Old console games? Trash.

it's still money, faggot

If you were a boomer you'd know it's not about playing the games.

You mad incel?

What's the point of hoarding shit games?
>oh look I have E.T. for the Atari 2600!

Holy shit its playing by itself, did the nuclear fallout cause the motherboard to mutate?

hopefully that basedboy had insurance on those games

probably like 5k worth of stuff in there depending on games


Because like it or not those shit games are worth a lot of money and their value will only grow as they become more and more rare. That's why people collect shit.

Are games going to be the new boomer car