Robots can't take our j-
New Boston Dynamics video
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>Handle is a mobile manipulation robot designed for logistics. Handle autonomously performs mixed SKU pallet building and depalletizing after initialization and localizing against the pallets. The on-board vision system on Handle tracks the marked pallets for navigation and finds individual boxes for grasping and placing.
>When Handle places a boxes onto a pallet, it uses force control to nestle each box up against its neighbors. The boxes used in the video weigh about 5 Kg (12 lbs), but the robot is designed to handle boxes up to (15 Kg) (30 lb). This version of Handle works with pallets that are 1.2 m deep and 1.7 m tall (48 inches deep and 68 inches tall).
the way these things move is unsettling
Their shape makes them look like alien creatures.
Computer vision is still largely an unsolved problem -- see those QR-like codes? These bots would be total retards without them.
Literally just put qrcodes in the boxes, it solves this particular problem
Fuck, warehouse jobs are comfy with little responsibility and human interaction. Fuck you, robots !
as opposed to humans needing labels to know what's what?
This, it's literally that fucking easy. Kinda scary actually.
we need to kill the robots before it's too late
if you want an automated warehouse you build one of these from scratch, you don't build robots for human-designed warehouses
muh basilisk
That's just it. There are tons of warehouses already built.
So it would be easier/ cheaper to just buy those robots instead of building a new warehouse.
some dude made a SLAM in python in around 6 hours
Boxes almost always have some sort of barcode anyways
t. Warehouse slave
Better start looking for a new job
With my skillset I'm not any good at anything else
I've failed college 5 seperate times so i don't know what the hell to do
Two illegals could pile that pallet in a fraction of the time this retarded-looking, slow-ass nigger "robot" took. I don't get it.
This. Failing college 5 times still means you're probably smarter than most 'coders'
>Robots can't take our j-
>robots can't do simple mechanical tasks
I just know a lot of shit I'm not smart
I can't get into programming at all, it doesn't make any sense to me
Also IIRC the bang for buck per cube footage goes after certain height, which your pic exceeds.
The illegals would also steal shit, wouldn't be as reliable and wouldn't scale without the natives starting to act up.
The average IQ for a CS student is mid 120's. Just saying.
>The average IQ for a CS student is mid 120's. Just saying.
>you can be a drop out without being a student first
You're the kind of brainlet I was referring to
>Walking around town, seemingly a ghost town
>Notice a warehouse, pretty open, seems like there's activity inside
>Walk in there
>Not much light, robots don't need that shit
>Suddenly one of those robots approaches at a fast pace
>It has a blender, it doesn't pick up things, it destroys them
>Your head is the target
>because all majors have the same average IQ
And you call ME a brainlet.
how do people not "get" programming i don't understand
it's never more advanced than algebra, basic logic, and everything is in english. what's tricky about it?
it's not like i'm a genius i didn't even do calculus in school
They look cute.
holding out for the outtakes
don't worry. all the people stacking boxes will become robot operators and electricians.
they are too complex and expensive to manufacture and will be for quite some time
which do you think is more expensive?
building this robot or raising a human to adulthood in a western nation
also add a lifetime of wages and a pension, also the robot can word 24/7 instead of 40 hours a week, lets just say 125 hours a week
so atleast 3 times more than a fleshbag
which is more expensive?
Building complex high tech robot or importing third worlder to work for pennies
But you don't really need to.
You can just uses someone else's "investment". Pay it a minimum wage and use it all you want.
If it cannot/not willing do the job anymore, you just throw it away and find someone else.
Maybe i don't have the right teacher, but ive tried forcing myself through programming textbooks and it doesnt stick
Those ones are, but they're ridiculously overengineered : they used a motorised counterweight to lift a dozen kg at most instead of just giving the thing 4 wheels, at this point it's just showing off.
I once met a guy who sold what was basically giant roombas with a crane on them and got around by following lines on the ground instead of using 3D cameras.
The most complex algorithm in them was the one making sure they don't bump into each other when there's 10 of them in the same place, everything else was fairly simple compared to what OP's showing.
Cheap as fuck,they paid for themselves in a year or two.
amazon employees 600,000 people ,how many do you think are illegals and thirdworlders?
Lump of labour fallacy. There aren't a fixed number of jobs that can be taken.
where do the resources come from that a child needs to grow to be an employable adult?
It doesn't matter.
Who cares about random warehouse boxmover #45479?
It might sound a bit psychopathic, but that stuff is like improved slavery. You are not responsible for these people. You just pay them the minimum amount you can, use them up and get another one.
But on the other hand, you are responsible for robots (
maintenance costs, energy etc.)
the actual answer is that the cost of raising a person is implicitly part of the cost of labour and therefore absolutely relevant to this discussion
just like when there was actual chattel slavery, if you didn't give your slaves the requirements to survive and even have children you would quickly have no workforce
plumbing, a/c repair, and carpentry are worth looking into. best of luck friend.
One illegal puts in, say, 10 man hours of work per day. This guy here puts in 24 robot hours. So if robo-dude works only around 40% as fast as a human, it's the same amount of work done. I can't find numbers for illegals but for legal warehouse workers in the US, the average total compensation is 28.000. I can't speculate as to how much these robots would cost, what their lifespan would be, and how much electricity they would consume, but considering all the liabilities involved in employing a human being, my guess is already it would be a close call.
all the costs of running a robot are simply abstracted labour cost anyway, make the entire production chain robots and it's effectively zero
I want to fuck that robot now
>if you didn't give your slaves the requirements to survive
This is why i called it "improved slavery", you dumb reddirtspacer.
Implicit cost exists, but it doesn't matter to you, because you are not the one who pays it.
>Implicit cost exists, but it doesn't matter to you, because you are not the one who pays it.
ummm user...
You own the robot, but you are employing people.
Do you not understand the difference between owning or employing?
think about what forces conspire to create the average cost of labour in any given economy. and there you will have the answer
Just get an office job.
80% of office jobs can never get automated because they are utterly pointless and produce nothing at all.
I mean nobody would make a machine that has meetings and writes emails that don't contribute to anything, it would be a complete waste of energy.
this robot can get security clearance
Humans, as opposed to robots, don't solely exist to be used as a labor force, so that comparison is irrelevant.
word salad, try again lol
fuck off, retard
kek goodbye another 20% of current employment. what are we at now 95%?
lol we dont , coulda fooled me
lol butthurt
>Humans, as opposed to robots, don't solely exist to be used as a labor force
how do you think that contributes to the average cost of labour? not a trick question btw
I don't really care, because the main contributor to the cost of labor is supply and demand.
fucking lol
Are you too dumb to understand that robot production also does not exist in a vacuum?
ok Malthus
Robots work better in a vacuum than people. People need spacesuits and stuff like that.
I sadly wasn't joking.
Calm down, reddirtnigger.
Yes, you have lost the argument, but samefagging would not help you.
Just suck it up and move on.
That organic movement hnnnng. I'd say "actually good sex bots are coming", but desu I'd fuck one of those things just as they are. It'd be one hell of a ride.
you have basically accepted that the economic cost of raising human beings rests on ....... the economy
How is it relevant to our particular problem "do i hire people or just use robots as a workforce"?
What's the point of such an inherently unstable configuration? Besides showing off their balancing tech, that is. Seems like a robotic forklift would be better most of the time.
Fucking small time punks.
I think these people have played too many Valve games.
learning to code is like learning some retards language and alphabet from the beginning the way that retard seemed to like to write it.
learning to code could only make sense if YOU wrote the language your own way.
you just know once the AI can understand and learn IT WILL find the way we wrote code so fucking cancer, and you are forcing yourself to learn that retards cancer right now.
Boston "Texas Chain Saw Massacre" Dynamics
What the fuuuuuuck.
That post screams brainlet, good job.
It is so an employee can move around in that without getting harmed by the robots. There's a wojak version somewhere.
I would carve her jordans
This whole thread screams that.
looks neat, definitely a huge step up from their other bots.
But i think Amazon already solved this with their roombas zipping around. maybe i'm conflating two different problems
No I get the rationale, but that's a clear algorithms failure. The ideal solution is that the robots have a method of not running into things that they might damage, people being one such hazard. Workflow should be able to account for n number of interruption obstacles without losing too much time to delays.
i wouldn't mind cumming my whole life away tho.
>the year is 2150
>robots have taken over all human tasks
>humans have been reduced to cum sources and cum sinks overseen by robots thanks to the requirement of having built-in human-preserving logic
you are not smarter then AI, stop trying to justify human brain full capacity.
Chad is just going to kill all the nerds who build this shit before it gets out of hand.
you realize boston dynamics is a darpa money pit. they literally just make shit that will never see the light of day.
Cost of labour will go down. That is a political problem, once everything is automated you simply need a system that is a bit more socialist.
read the question again and carefully
i'm sure it's like NASA though, they're solving all sorts of problems and if they get open sourced eventually a use will be found for them.
The first cars weren't much faster (if at all) than horses. But horses have to take breaks, they can't gallop all day. Cars can.
This is experimental stuff. They're more concerned with it working than having it be super fast. This is ultimately the slowest such machines could possibly be, and provided it isn't too difficult to maintain in working order, it may already be an improvement cost-wise compared to human labor.
Start voting for free shit. I've been warning people about this since before the last election even though I'm not in danger myself.
Don't believe the grifters that say they're gonna get the jobs back from China, and this includes even Bernie.
isn't this tech used in bot strikes. we literally kill people overseas with this tech.
>t. just woke up from a ten year coma