Why would anyone want major in DSP? Shits outdated and easily done by anyone using python

Why would anyone want major in DSP? Shits outdated and easily done by anyone using python

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Is there a major for that? That seems... specific

Not major in but specialize for that field. Get masters etc

Hope you like working in CA.

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Mill is coming, nigga

No joke, I work with a dude who's dissertation was in fact in something to do with DSP.

He is now reduced to writing a shitty API for me. It's only shitty because he is goddamn incapable to the point that my front end engineer now has sticky notes on his desk indicating how close he is to punching the stupid cunt.

DSP on a computer is dumb. Those of us who engineer DSP algorithms on embedded systems are set
Writing code in assembly for a dsp based microcontroller is pretty hardcore. You won't learn about that in computer science courses

Do you even know what DSP stands for, you dummy

electrical engineering specialization

How much do you end up using closed-form theoretical results like Parseval's theorem or the residue theorem? Or discrete approximations to them?

Can someone explain to me how DSP relates to computing

I’m not being a dick I just have never understood what the fuck it is

>computer not useful if have no input
>many input come from real world
>real world input messy, like buffalo hide
>computer not good with messy input
>also so you can have VoIP or some shit

Rack gear and the fanciest digital pedals aren't using fucking php. Youre writing assembly or C

They can make meme audio fool gear


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Signal processing. Taking an analog signal (light, sound, motion, etc.) and converting it to a digital format that can be used for analysis, and the reverse process for generating analog outputs.

Adding to this: it's particularly useful for audio/image processing (both creative and scientific), radio, and can overlap with certain embedded circuit topics


Just do control systems instead

Plenty of embedded jobs, not even just electrical

That has jobs?

Well if you stop being retarded OMG TECH STARTUP retards maybe youd realize theres alot of established automotive, industrial, aerospace companies that need embedded programmers

DSP is not really that hard. If you understand the basic concepts you can do solve 90% of your problems with Matlab or Python. It's only pretty fucking hard when your uni teacher makes you do all that shit by hand and you spend more time making sure you didn't made an error in anything like the z transform and less on the real topics of the subject

But do they pay as well and arent they filled with old timers?

Qualcomm has a few in San Diego and elsewhere, especially in relations to their Hexagon projects.

Mainly correct. I did DSP work, background in Physics.

A good DSP developer will never hesitate using exotic mathematics. All means are allowable to get within the hard real time and memory constraints.

The experts are well paid thought the market is generally not good. The experts are old timers, some of the regulars in comp.dsp are in their 70's.

everyone in here saying 'hurr just use python' clearly has never done any rtl

Yeah yeah user, youre okay...

There are plenty of dsp jobs in comm and defense.

>take a Signal Processing course
>it's just writing a bunch of programs in Matlab

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Old timers need to be replaced sooner or later.

by pajeets


Control systems is not a different field from signal processing. Signals, control, and optimization are all in the same subject.

>processing information
>it's just applied math

You'd be happier if this was
>why use DSP
>ladder logic exists

DSP is useless

I do a bit of DSP.
It's used in engineering and scientific computing. Anything audio is basically DSP, a lot of medical systems too, many defense systems (radars, radio, etc.), telecom/satellites, etc.
It's useless to zoomers who write front end code in Javascript for sure.

In most cases DSP is real-time, so you can't really use Python. It's an asm/C/C++ world mostly.

>it's just writing a bunch of programs in Matlab
I don't know why Jow Forums hates matlab so much. It has the best documentation.
It's so good I read it for recreational purposes sometimes.
These fields intersect but are not embedded in one another.
e.g. you can do contol and optim without wavelet transforms. PID controllers without SP or optim, and you don't need SP not control for stuff like the knapsack problem

Imagine detecting a missile with python

>DSP is not really that hard. If you understand the basic concepts you can do solve 90% of your problems with Matlab or Python.
Only the ones that can already be solved by code someone else wrote for Matlab or Python.