I hate being a fucking wage cuck so much bros

I hate being a fucking wage cuck so much bros
I got yelled at today because I didn’t know this phone case claims to protect a phone from a 12 foot drop

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Start your own hydrophonics farm.

what job?

I do sales at an iToddler store.

I'm a cute and adorable pharmacist :3

in my country, above a certain economic class, people would rather remain jobless than do something like work at a store. Its demeaning to them. And I live in a shit hole 3rd world.

me too lol

>ywn be cute and adorable
why live

Work sets you free.

Apply at a locally owned third party repair shop.

>customer service but all your customers have the reasoning capabilities of special needs children
you put yourself in this position

There is hope, brother

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Based and greenpilled

based yangposter


Have to reach that class first.

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iToddlers btfo

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It wasnt in your training you cant be held responsible to know that.

Ur a fag with two dicks, one of them is up your ass

Same, but as an email support and living in a third world shithole. I want to quit this system now.

This isn't true but if it was just fuck your boss, she clearly is scolding you for not taking charge in certain situations.

You could say any dumb shit to the customer and be fine as long as you say it assertively and confidentially. Show her your in charge and she'll be wrapped around your finger in no time.

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its not even that high. Im talking middle class.

It wasn't my boss who yelled at me, it was the customer. It basically went like this
>I need a drop protection case
>I'd say our cases will protect from about a waist's drop
>But the box here says that the case protects from a 12 foot drop. Why should I trust you?
>She starts yelling a bunch of dumb shit

I was so tempted to just say the number was a lie. It was like this really cheap rubbery shitty case made by Tech21. I truly doubt that it would protect any phone made out of fucking glass from a 12 foot drop.

Just because it is written doesn't mean it is true.
Normies are retarded man. Just do what i do from my experience in contracting, nod your head get the manager if you have to, say we have this and it can only do this, and costs this much.
I've had to deal with so many fucking doormen jannies fucking retarded ass customers texting me at 3 am on a fucking workday.
Fuck this shit AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...I want a goddamn office job working in the field fucking sucks.



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oh well at least i'm not a tranny *honk honk*

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Right Back atchu
(Throws Pie)

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Haha, based!

>I got yelled at today because I didn’t know this phone case claims to protect a phone from a 12 foot drop
What the fuck? And who the fuck cares about the exact number? The manufacturers don't describe their cases "the most durable" anyway, no, that never happens.

Idk man she was some crazy cunt from california