What IDE should I be using for C in Ubuntu?

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cute creature


Why do you need an IDE?
Just use VScode and be done with it.


Visual Studio Code


Nobody uses an IDE for C. VSCode has more than enough code completion and plugins without a ton of extra bloat from your porgrams constantly compiling themselves and endlessly running gdb and Valgrind in the background.

Also acceptable is vim/emacs in a tmux setup.

Notepad through WINE

(Neo)vim + ctags + gen_tags.vim + fzf.vim


You can use anything you want.
What build system are you using? That is the important part.
I use kdevelop for large projekts and Kate for smaller projects. I have also used qtcreator and eclipse in the past.
I am mostly writing C++ and cmake though.

I honestly love eclipse cdt

>> running what amounts to an entire DOM + JS engine web browser just to edit text

this. vim + ctags is all you need



emacs with extensions or vim with extensions

sudo apt-get install codeblocks

vim + gcc

I just use Atom and compile with gcc


vim + ycm
or if you're really looking for a full blown IDE, CLion