I'm scared for the future anons

I'm scared for the future anons

Genetic engineering, surveillance, automation, zoomers growing up to be 40+ and the next generation being even more retarded, how is the cyberpunk dystopia even avoidable?

Please say something that can calm me down

Attached: a490565ef83f5920.png (441x624, 344K)

You will never leave your basement, you don't really care about reality and the odds that you pull the trigger before that happens are too high, so if I were you, I wouldn't worry.

don't worry, civilization will end in the next 30 or 50 years. Everything will collapse and we will be forced to return to the stone or iron age.

I want to help that kitten
Please tell me she is safe
Please say something that can calm me down

I would pull the trigger if I had a trigger to pull
I'm contemplating jumping off a cliff tho

you can't save schmuser

Attached: schmuser.png (998x686, 1.84M)


I thought the thumbnail was an old woman's fat posterior

Thank god I'm not the only one


>jumping off the cliff
what if you won't die?
you could be lying on the ground for several hours in horrible pain
and what if someone rescues you and you become half paralyzed?
no more walking or fapping

I thought cat is a cum load and this is DIY cum bucket

>zoomers growing up to be 40+ and the next generation being even more retarded

that's a really terrifying thought ngl
What do you think gen Alpha is gonna be like?

Attached: DQaBruzVAAEqpxN.jpg (636x641, 58K)

Hence I'm still here

the next generation is always overhyped.

post more sad cats while you here

Attached: DGTSP7ZVwAEDTa4.jpg (620x826, 79K)

I thought the thumbnail was a horse pussy

>not using best exit bag
its like you dont even wanna die

I thought it was a really nasty obese creampie, only reason I clicked on this thread.

Attached: pecunrelated2.jpg (417x695, 63K)

I stopped caring about the future
now I live to watch anime

Attached: 1543137069209.jpg (720x960, 106K)


I used to feel this way too, but then I realized that I ll be that change. I ll be the change I fucking want, I am finishing my degree in sustentability with a minor on economics. I ll make the world a better place, guys we are the majority politicians and Jews count for like 10% if less of the worlds population, we shouldn’t be afraid of them, they should be afraid of us. Don’t sit your ass down and wait for this shit to come for you, go better yourself so when the abominable evil comes to take you, you’ll at least make it work for it. Stop being such a pussy ass faggot man the fuck up

I don't know why, but I like seeing cats cry

Attached: 1515642519091.jpg (750x606, 41K)

>post more sad cats while you here
I have 271 sad cats

Attached: DHdCOEXUQAAOsqV.jpg large.jpg (631x864, 73K)

what about already suicidal ones

Attached: 1552880361061.jpg (750x742, 36K)

could you upload folder somewhere (on mega?) or make a torrent?

Attached: 1446072674107.jpg (552x594, 25K)

or just post them here like a normal person
any break from culstist Jow Forums bullshit is welcome

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Attached: 8194s0QLknL.jpg (880x1360, 257K)

No that's against meme protocol, tradition, and decency

Attached: DKSxmzAV4AEOg0r.jpg (639x651, 56K)

>dumps r bad :^)
how new are you

>we become the jews
Based user

>how new are you
"memes" in the period you're referring to where just pictures with sometimes captions, and of terrible quality
Jow Forums.org was an absolute shitfest pre-2012ish and the advent of true memes

The cyberpunk dystopia is already here user.

Attached: 1541485848145.jpg (432x432, 32K)

>I am finishing my degree in sustentability with a minor on economics. I

so you're studying how to tell other people what not do to, and you're gonna be the change you want?

go read Heinlein's "If This Goes On" and go buy a hessian robe. you're gonna need it.

That cat looks like creampie.

They already have automation planned out we're gonna get mass genocided in cell phone death rays

Attached: IMG_1141.jpg (730x802, 41K)

>posting 271 images in a thread with 150 image limit, which most likely will be deleted before OP will reach limit
you're on 4channel, no protocols exist here. :^)