What's your favorite chips?
What's your favorite chips?
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Image of this girl, please
no name brand thick ripple cut with 50% less salt.
Pentium M
LGA 775 Pentium Dual Core
Athlon 64
Sandy Bridge i5
Intel 486 DX
>no speculative or out of order execution
>no Meltdown
>no Spectre
>no rowhammer
My potato nigga
Steps in your path...
And it's crisps motherfucker!
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I had a nettop with the same CPU, it was god awful and there was no fucking PCIe slot, hell, there was not even a power supply to start with and even playing 720p videos was enough tof uck it up.
op is stuck using the os he was using at the time he got molested
Now put XP x64 on it.
How can baked lays be the best chip ever made but regular lays are fucking garbage?
Dill pickle and ketchup lays would like a word with you
How much worse is this than Atom 330? I've used one of those for a bit. It was absolute shit but somehow ran Project64 flawlessly.
And you need to fuck off
athlon 200ge:
perfect for emulation and esports games. ~40% less performance of the ryzen with a lower power usage at half the cost (not saying the ryzen isnt fucking amazing)
>muh amd
>muh amazon
amd is killing it with apus for us poorfags
XNOR master race reporting in
Shut up
Why XP image viewer is so superior compared to modern ones?
Admit to the fact you fancy the gal because you locked her image in the memory of your penial organ.
You are all a bunch of fat fucks. Stop eating unhealthy high calorie garbage.
post body twink
We're not on Jow Forums here. I can tell you I'm in the zone of optimal weight for my height, but close to being underweight.
good taste user, but besides meteorites i don't even remember that album
This album is pretty much his best work in my opinion, although I only chose the image because of the current "yikes" meme that's going on.
The album is full of great tracks. Maybe you should give it another shot. The last song "Invisible Worlds" is goosebumps tier.
XP in general is superior to modern OSes