For me it's json, the best file format for information exchange.
For me it's json, the best file format for information exchange
Other urls found in this thread:
XML is better
only thing JS did good
Plaintext or gtfo
protobuf all day every day
Lua table is by far the best
Is Lua chan the best waifu?
Except it's a PITA to decipher without libraries.
And even with libraries it's still annoying to work with
XML is only good if you are using the whole setup with XSDs otherwise just use whatever
JSON is fucking shit and sucks as serialization format.
Canonical S-expressions or bust.
json is easier to read
>no trailing commas
>no unquoted keys
It's shit.
shut the fuck UP boomer
Can you sell me on how it's better?
I dont know how this shit works, but its easy
unless you actually have a reason, fuck off
From a technical standpoint, protobuf is fine. The problem with it is that you're pinned to whatever languages and tools goolag decides you can use, unless you implement it yourself, which is a bitch and a half.
Not to mention, protobuf is orthogonal to JSON in some ways. Yes, they're both formats for serialization, but protobuf makes the assumption that both sides are aware beforehand of the structure of the data being transmitted. That's not always the case.
I have actually worked with an application that used Lua tables to move data around. Works pretty well, honestly
pretty much
retards (niggers) think comments are god's gift to man despite that 99.9% of data your server will ever receive will come in a known format anyway
It's all well and good until your json file reaches a few terrabytes and your genius hipster intern can't figure out why it's so slow.
Right? JSON just feels so much more cleaner
More efficient/faster. I don't know why, I'd think all the end tags and shit would make it slower, but there you go.
Why would anyone use it as database?
I prefer EDN. It is faster.
Enterprise Java shills fuck off
What's wrong with .config
Oh... He makes web applications
Ask mongodb
We don't use xml anymore. He's just a baby boomer fuck.
its retarded and is only use by super boomers who chose to keep their knowledge static and never change with time
json is faster to parse, retard.
json comments have nothing to do with jsons superiority, retard.
json is only good because it's human readable, it's extremely inefficient both in encoding/decoding time and data sizes
Compared to what? Surely XML must be worse in both file sizes and decoding times
>not using a binary serialization format
it uses binary json though which is supposed to be faster
Remember the Holocaust.
>compared to what?
it's not my problem if you're an uneducated retard, read about protobuf, BSON, messagePack, flatBuffers, etc...
>No comments
>No dates
It's meh
Why do you need this for a data exchange format?
> Muh JSON is so great because it's human readable
> No comments
Can't even comment "this is a date" on a string value
It all depends on what kind of information you are exchanging. If you have a lot of "mixed content", elements mixed in with text, such as in documentation formats like DocBook, XML is superior.
>all those commas and brackets
it's like you enjoy wasting bits
Literally worst thing ever. I don't know how it's possible but it's reported to produce larger data than JSON on some schemes.
MsgPack is a commonly, fast and small. But it's superset of JSON (all JSON can be descibed as MsgPack, but not all MsgPack can be descibed as valid JSON).
It's a pain to do actual REST with it, though. How the hell do you do HATEOAS without metadata?
>Canonical S-expressions
Do you want to marry me?
>post is in natural language
S-expressions is a serialization format endorsed by langsec folks
Move aside.
>until your json file reaches a few terrabytes
You're lying, but I want to hear the story you've come up with. High-caliber software engineering idiocy is my fetish.
MessagePack is good, but to hell with CBOR. They tried to co-opt MessagePack with their standard and fucked it up by adding indefinite length data types.
I'm a Java developer for a Fortune 100 company.
We use JSON.