What's your excuse for not using Wine?

What's your excuse for not using Wine?

Attached: snip.png (1280x800, 635K)

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I don't play video games.

It's hacky and broken in most cases, and it's easier to just set up a dual boot.

Proton is better, or at the very least easier

I use windows 10. No need for wine bc it's incompatible with old software copy protection.

But I do

Attached: wine.png (2203x802, 1.9M)


Attached: Screenshot_20190330_001023.png (1062x884, 646K)

wtf is this? sexybeach5?

Nighthawk, Stopping 9.
Sukebei is your friend.

I don't drink alcohol in general.

because I have a Windows 10 machine

I use Windows.

translation never, how many years to learn kanji?

Just run a texthooker and slog through it. My speed has improved x10 since I started 01.
You can use this guide to get a good setup, then just keep reading and build up an anki deck.

What's that wm theme?

For the longest time I tried to get into linux while keeping my video gaymes close. I didn't mind losing access to some because to be fair there's a huge library out there of shit I can play on Linux and WINE seems to do the job just fine for some of em.


The amount of input lag over a desktop with composition is absolutely fucking disgusting. You want to have a decent DE installed and some composition, maybe a shadow or two and no tearing, and you're already fucking up. macOS and Windows 10 handle that shit with much less lag (even if it's still there). Some stuff gets pretty unplayable unless I always use fullscreen. It's ridiculous.

I use W10 with WSL so I never have to actually boot into Linux

Use a good compositor. Like Compton.

Attached: 2019-03-30_11:19:34.png (1763x63, 12K)

Attached: beer.jpg (1200x1527, 87K)

Dude compton is literally the laggiest shit. Even dragging windows is a fucking chore.

They've removed a lot of options this year and made it more streamlined, so it's harder to fuck up the configuration now. It runs fine even on my Nvidia gpu with propriety drivers nowadays.

My operating system natively supports both windows and linux binaries.

Attached: wsl.png (664x359, 20K)

It's just KWin's Breeze with Arc's colors.
Just the colors.

but I am

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-03-30 12-40-00.jpg (3840x2160, 1.1M)

Oh I'm dumb. Thanks.

Fuck I guess I'll have to try again. Dunno which DE this time around. Did GNOME get any better?

I only use the gaming computer for gaming. I'm upgrading to ryzen soon so I might have to though.

Not really. In terms of sluggishness and resource use it's still the worst DE out there.

Why censor your name when I can check your teammates names and see your game?

cuz I'm dumb