Greentext your worst programming experience

Greentext your worst programming experience

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Once I was working on a game (commerically) and I just developed it as fast as possible with absolutely no concern for reusability or DRY, the entire thing had literally no functions, it was a few giant loops with thousands of lines of code in each full of copy+pasted struct manipulation
After about a year the technical debt was massive, took me and another guy literally one month to build half a game map working full time, the tools I used were terrible aswell
Shitcanned the project after that

Working on a group project in university with people who refused to learn Git. They'd just send archives of the entire project folder back and forth.

>be fresh programmer
>working on a project that's way above my skill level at the time
>somehow manage to finish it anyway
>program gets distributed to international clients as an update to our previous program
>some dude finds a bug that breaks everything and fucks data
>boss insists it's my fault
>i spend the next 4 months of my life going through every single fucking line of code in that program
>can only reproduce the bug once in a blue moon and the causes are unclear at best
>debug this shit with every possible tool and technique
>somehow finally figure out how to reproduce the bug with about 5% reliability
>write a whole new program that behaves like a user and does the same shit and logs everything so that once in a blue fucking moon the bug happens and i can actually analyze it
>about a month more passes before i figure out exactly what the fuck is going on
>it's actually a bug in the fucking library we were using company-wide
>is caused by some kind of I/O race condition
>tell this to boss
>he still fucking says it's my fault somehow, and that i've wasted 5 months of company's time on doing nothing
>get fired
I still have PTSD from this experience. On the plus side I learned an ungodly amount of debugging techniques which came in very useful years later

Fuck a boss who thinks your time is "company" time.

Yeah, they pay you but they don't own you. I fucking hate bosses like that and I'm glad I cause strife at my job because I call cocksuckers like that out.



>read about various programming languages on Jow Forums
>all of them give the impression of so shitty I don't know which ones to learn

Just learn algos and data structures dude. Buy the books and work through all the examples of graph theory etc. Actual implementation is like 1% of good codex the rest is knowledge about the problem domain

You have a warped perception due to listening to faggots on the internet

All programming languages are, in fact, miraculous and magical and seeing them as such will inspire you

Good luck user

Trying to write anything on Java after years on C++.
C++: fstream("lkaskd") - here is your bidirectional buffered reader/writer
Java: new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(
I do understand that Java has encoding support on library level but holy fuck, this is too much.

C++: map A{{"sklajd",1},{"lkjasd",2}
Java: Map hashMap = new HashMap();

Holy fucking damn.

Because literally all of them are compromises. Except C and Prolog maybe.

also 8086 asm

If that's your worst experience as a programmer, you've got a long way to go

Attached: oldman.jpg (600x783, 93K)

Oh sorry I forgot something.
new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream
makes it dependent on GC when the files actually get closed so instead of that you need to close FileOutputStream and not fucking forget about it like it's C.

>looking in some source code
>see this comment
# wrapper function to restrict code reuse
def addUserMessage(username, message)
# literally only executes some SQL

That is when I knew I was in the wrong fucking job.

I hope you also learned to identify such toxic companies and negotiate a way higher salary before working in another like that.

>blaming individuals instead of giving them the support required to progress the company
I made the mistake of working for cunts and with the benefit of hindsight this is a big "tell"

If this bug was really that critical and company wide, they should have given you more help to resolve it.
By firing you, they potentially fired the person best placed to identify and fix it in all the places it was used.

>installing frameworks
>everything has its own way of doing things
>You need to recompile x, but don't forget to put y1 and y2 flags into z1 and z2 configuration files
>It does not work
>Cryptic error messages that don't get results on google

Every single fucking time I spend days with them.
Does it ever get better?
For the record, I am talking about C++ here, I'm well aware that this is much easier in java and python where you don't need to worry about dynamic/static linking and processor architectures and cross support and shit.

Having to reuse my old user management C# library i made since college

>hit compile
>windows security deletes the compiled executable

If that is your WORST programming experience then you are probably learning it for 1 week.

>Does it ever get better?
Nope, you just learn to take the pain better

Generally the worst experiences are dealing with programs and libraries that claim to be portable, but don't compile on Unixes other than GNU/Linux.
Unrelatedly, a mediocre programming experience on my mind lately: I work on a server program that was written in 1989. It was written with a lot of pre-ANSI C, pre-POSIX assumptions, which made sense for the time. But a lot of those assumptions still exist. Until I fixed this, it used to have ifdefs to try to figure out if the OS had stdlib.h, etc. The program also currently includes all headers in a single header, then includes that single header in every other .h and .c file.
But I'm slowly pushing the code into worthy C99.

I don't know about prolog, but the C standard is basically one massive compromise.

i told them all to install gentoo because it's open awesomesauce but they still have windoze. like double-you tee eff normies



Still a better experience than CVS

Where is that company now?

Same, but for svn.

>try to learn qucikbooks online api to automate invoices
>can't figure it out after a week
>give up

Use nodejs

Recently sold for hundreds of millions of dollars. Most of management walked away with millions while the rest got laid off due to "redundancy" with the other company.


This, cvs and IBM Synergy.

> looking for tech advice online
> a wild Jow Forums tech link appears
literal nightmares senpai

They are all fun, some more useful than others.
For example, Assembly is a nightmare and not used anymore except for very specific applications, but boy is it fun to almost directly manage the CPU.
C and C++ are really good because of performance and they are very simple to use in most situations, they are more annoying in large code bases but still manageable.
Smalltalk is not used anywhere but it's great to learn "pure" object oriented stuff
SQL is godly. Best example of Domain Specific Language: It's great at what it does.
Java is a fun language even if it has a lot of problems.
Python is really good for a first language and teaches the basics really well. Also, it's being used a lot recently.
Then there's weird shit like Clojure which is fun in a "this is different" way.

We have the exact same problem but the codebase is kinda small (2 million lines or so) so its manageable. Basically it was made with the Borland compiler in mind so it uses all those Borland pre-c99 libraries. We are transitioning to true ANSI code because everyone's annoyed at not having a fucking repo. We cant put a git or whatever in place, because we still need to compile in that POS borland compiler.

>Working with college hires.

Java 9:
var hashMap = Map.of(
"dlsjf", 1,
"jklasnd", 2

>Getting paid mcdonalds salary while doing projects worth 50k+ single-handed.

Being a fresh programmer sucks.

There are cases where blaming the individual is ok. Just had someone submit a dashboard widget that is supposed to show the estimated monthly revenue of a company that makes over 300k a month. Widget displays 56.92. Submitted as complete.

C and C++ aren't simple to use.
C is simple to learn and very painful to use, and C++ is hard to learn (properly) and moderately painful to use.
A language can be easy to learn and painful to use (i.e. little abstraction), hard to learn (even if it doesn't seem so at first and it's easy to get started, like with Python) and easy to use (lots of abstraction), hard to learn and hard to use (autistic languages that nobody uses). And anywhere in between.

>group work in uni
nuff said

>SQL is godly. Best example of Domain Specific Language: It's great at what it does.
SQL isn't a programming language. It's used with/by with programming language DAOs.

>be me
>on Jow Forums
>write fizzbuzz
>it doesn't work

You seem uneducated:


Attached: 4c7c8c945edb227484ed9f461ea7ab9c.png (550x647, 27K)

Why though

Just fucking make a thing. I started with Java, then hit up C, Lua, back to Java, touched Python, hated it, back to C, realized Python has it's uses and currently I'm dicking around with Java as an Entity component system for game dev.
Just start making shit. It's gonna be shit. Look at all the commercial things out there. They're shit with some nice marketing most of the time.
>Start up your own little shit farm and maybe one day you'll be lucky and make a piece of crap that isn't 100% shit.

Stop writing Java in C#!

Holy fucking shit. This.

>Get programmer job
>Sharing an open plan office with a call centre
>Have to work on Mac
>Quit after 3 months

>McDonald's wage
you aren't actually getting paid minimum wage for programming right?

Had the exact same experience, apparently conflicts are too confusing for retards so people just give up instantly.

>be working
>spastic boss' son interrupts me

Attached: look.jpg (389x389, 19K)

>work as newly graduated programmer
>assume everyone around me plays games, reads manga and watches anime
>happy i no longer have to play pretend and hide my powerlevels
>put on a cute desktop wallpaper of my favorite anime (Lucky Star)
>every interaction with people around me has a noticeable undertone of repulsion and disgust
>just found a meeting booked with HR rep on Monday in my inbox

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>>assume everyone around me plays games, reads manga and watches anime
What a ridicolous thing to assume.

you could have said that you saved the fucking company by finding that bug, but instead you wimped out and let them fire you. grow some balls

i work with a guy who's a KLHHLV who has chibi on his firefox theme, and a hentai wallpaper. he chews with his mouth open and is always coated in a layer of old sebum. i think he's about to turn 37. just wanted to post that.

kissless, hand-hold-less virgin

using try with resource blocks is the safest thing to do if you don't want to use libraries for whatever reason. desu java is unusable without apache libs and some of the google libs like autovalue are really really nice too

he has a hentai wallpaper at work?

Deny everything

>spend years learning how to program believing people will hire me for my leet skills
>still a neet living in moms basement


>be me
>write code

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Why are a good portion of coders so fucked up in the head anyhow? Alot of my "Fellow" IT techs aren't people I'd really want to be friends with. Not that they're the same thing

technically it's on his personal laptop, but he uses it at work a lot

>rewrite some software from '09 in Xcode 9 using 10.13
>because it was time anyway and the 64 Bit shrek in the MSM
>decide to let "ARC" (automatic reference counting - garbage collector) do the memory management now
>more bloat, but also less work and brain needed
>10.14 and Xcode comes around the corner only 1 month later
>manual memory management is now impossible, ARC is the only way
>"meh, k den, did that already anyway"
>my freshly rewritten program doesn't work anymore because ARC puts the main thread to sleep in the background and apparently I'm too dumb to find out how to prevent it
I'm pretty sure it's impossible to make it running using my methods now because of "MuH SeCuRiY"-screaching.
This still pisses me off, so many hours wasted for something that doesn't even pay me.

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the intrinsically disruptive nature of capitalism baybee

That's what I'm doing right now. I'm using Google drive to share files. It's cringe and bluepilled

Could you be any more underage

>Be me, intern at large software development company
>First internship ever
>My manager has no work for me to do, spend my time on Pluralsite learning shit since the company gives everyone a free account
>Some other team that my manager is close with had some work for me to do, involving Docker
>Eventually given more responsibilities, were trapped in a microsoft ecosystem so we want to start automating shit with PowerShell
>This team hires a contractor from Wistron. The guy is some 35 year old chinese man. Supposedly he knows powershell very well
>The team puts me in charge of managing him. I communicate with him all of the work we want done (Powershell scripts) and write user stories for his work. I update for him at daily stand up since he’s remote in China. I demo his work at end of sprint demo
>The memes about contractors are real, he can get things done in Powershell but the way things are done are poor. Hard coded paths l, questionable design decisions, spaghetti code, installing .dlls directly on your system if you run his scripts, etc.
>The team questions me since I am the one that talks to him, I have no i idea on why he made those choices and stuff, I feel like he makes me look bad even though i’m not really doing any of the programming

The team likes me and we still work with this contractor and I still manage him. Shit sucks and I hate dealing with contractors. Who thought a brand new intern would be a good person to choose to manage a contractor?

>Fuck a boss who thinks your time is "company" time.
Your time IS company time. HE PAID YOU FOR IT. Don't sell your time if you don't like it

>the autoproclamated "software engineer" quits
>he was a precise guy who wrote everything down
>need to work on his code
>the code is a complete mess
>still curse his name after months since bad shit keeps floating up from the abyss
Still can't believe how Jekyll and mr Hyde he went from specs to code
>open up the source of a religious themed website
>some former colleague left profanities in the code
>thankfully the client never noticed the comments in the html
>asked to fix some issues with a CMS another former colleague did for a product
>it's a fucking labyrinth of php, ajax and jquery with no clear entry-point
>dev and production diverged
>newer coders did some fixes on the dev branch without committing on repo
>such fixes went through a code beautifier that made the diffs look like a fucking christmas tree
>some clients were using the product straight from the dev server
>another surprise from the "software engineer"
>clients calls that final price is wrong
>the sum was calculated by SUM(price) plus SUM(quantity) off all cart products
>hire indians for making html templates
>first job looks fine
>second job is complete dogshit
>indians keep disappointing us at every turn
>decide to sever this crappy deal
>indians keep trying to call on skype even after months
>ask developer to make a simple template for a website
>developer is claiming he's encountering some issues on basic fucking shit
>check the code because suspicious of why is it taking so long
>dude had been redefining bootstrap base classes
>keep my murderous rage in check while explaining why that's not to be done
>come back at the office after a full-time consultancy of several years
>no one has been used the local dev server since then
>server chock full with project materials for storage
>backups broken and outdated
>dev websites left suppurating on random hosting services
>developers fixing things directly on production

btw to add, I’ve been here months now and I’ve noticed things move really fucking slow. On my team, it seems the people do maybe 1-2 hours of work, and then the other 6 hours are spent doing nothing like browsing websites. There’s no way they are working 8 hours. These people are all making six figures too. I feel like all the difficult classes i struggled on for my computer science degree are going to waste. like fuck i’m so bored of working in the industry and i barely started

>Taking anyones opinion here seriously

You do realize this everyone is trolling and circlejerking eachother here on purpose, right?

One more
>dozens of wordpress sites on legacy hosting
>every year they take one second more to load
>can't move them because no time and no resources
>every interaction with the wp backend takes 10 secs at best
>colleagues calls me that they suddenly can't connect anymore while doing some content updates
>hosting service has somehow temporarily banned our ip from accessing the whole fucking server
>other colleagues scream in despair as they can no longer work on the stuff they had on the same servers
The nightmare never ends.

>everyone is just trolling xD
Massive cope

>spend months writing an app full time
>noone uses it

why not just say wizard

this sounds like an abs nightmare feel bad for you op. What language was the codebase in.

>trying to cross-compile python code with kivy to build an android app.
>took literal week to get a hello world apk compile to emulator
>abs shit show probably 60+ hours to get a simple hello world to compile on something that would work on an x86 emulator
>so many hoops to jump through kivy will only work on like one sdk and ndk version that are all 2+ years old
>finally get a working version of the app I want to build
>go buy android phone (pixel 3), and forget all phones are basically arch architecture
>of course kivy doesn't support the versions needed to do this and don't want to jump through x,y, and z hoops when I really don't know what I'm doing when it comes to mumble dev
> overall probably 50+ hours wasted trying to get this fuckin thing to work, just said fuck it and used java like the good lord intended
> not awful desu, the main algorithm (location based mapmathing) is written in go and cross compiled into an apk that actually works pretty damn good although kind of like a black box daemon to debug sometimes!
> overall java isn't terrible desu, kind of sucks but all I'm using it for is like a super minimal front end ui

TLDR: don't use kivy to build an app when you don't know shit about mobile dev.

You should learn powershell and try to take his job. Makes you invaluable and might earn you a good promotion. A good series of books on the subject is called "Learn PowerShell in a Month of Lunches" There are three PowerShell books in the series, and really works in a month of lunch breaks if you do the work everyday during your lunch. They are quick lessons, with homework for each one that you do during your lunch. Book one teaches the basics, then book two and three teach how to write scripts and such. Once you have this down, then automating a lot of shit through PowerShell is a hell of a lot easier and useful.

i've read your shit b4
you should learn how to deal with ppl

>hired to maintain java rpc web service
>most of the original team quit a long time ago
>predecessor moved to other team
>program takes 28 min to compile
>old javascript framework embedded
>nightmare intensifies with 'agile' work
>quit after a few months

Accidentally saved over the zero rate sales tax on a client's website with a 3.7% tax. Was up for days before the client realised. Almost lost their business and I had to write a script to retroactively recalculate all the values of the orders to start to allow the client to deal with the issue.

Not an apk compiled from go aar sorry typo.

>learn html/css/js
>get a job throw friend
>basically php and jq
>I resigned and opened a business
>After a terrible period I realized that it was not >at all interesting or satisfying
>Now studying IT

That was beautifully written op.

>first development job after uni, things seemed pretty sweet for the first couple of years
>then comes an absolute shitshow of a shortlived merger and acquisition, company that bought us out was selling stuff to itself to artificially inflate its profits and got found out, managed to split again because the accounts department had not been merged into the parent company
>Get told we're not working on the ecommerce standards mapping platform we used to work on anymore, get handed two totally incompatible and utterly broken Java codebases for the same product written by pajeets and told to make it work
>Many hours working late, managers increasingly pissed off and biting people's heads off, number of meetings increase exponentially, doesn't see that the amount of time spent in meetings is time taken away from development work
>First proper job after uni, didn't see warning signs to jump ship
>Actually get product working
>mfw get made redundant a few weeks later
>looking back, I think it was a deathmarch project designed to make people quit, rather than have to pay an entire development team redundancy payments
>Burnt out to the point I went NEET for a couple of years to recover

Absolutely based. I can't stand iFags either

>assume everyone around me plays games, reads manga and watches anime
You mean a faggot? NEVER make that assumption

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That sucks, man. But I feel you're probably wrong about being unable to have a repository. You can simply upload whatever .tar.gz or .zip archive you have to GitHub or something, and still download it to compile in Borland.

>first day on the job
>looking around the office, meeting people
>see a desk full of my little pony dolls
>builds named after ponies

C and Prolog are chalked full of compromises

>assume everyone around me plays games, reads manga and watches anime
Facinating, I don't know a single professional developer like this.
>inb4 so-and-so is like this!
I didn't say they don't exist I said I've never seen one in a professional setting.

because that's too easy, the style is to use complicated 'in' acros that convolute and confuse.

Scrubs should've went with C++

[spoiler] TEST [/spoiler]

>sending archives
>not copy/pasting source over discord
You are like baby