99 kg

>99 kg
>185 cm
Technology for losing weight? Is it possible to get to 75 kg before September?

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Intermittent fasting + high intensity cardio

dude just do OMAD

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Cut all pleasure foods
Reduce normal intake by ~1/3rd and do regular exercise


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>Technology for losing weight? Is it possible to get to 75 kg before September?
count your calories
once you have your baseline, create a 500 calorie deficit through a diet
with that in done, start running
I have a running route that allows me to burn 700 calories in 30-35 minutes

so 500 calorie deficit + 700 calories burned through running = 1200 calories lost per day
1200 calories lost = 130g of fat lost on days when you run
in 3 months you could lose like 10 kilos with this
if you want to lose weight faster, create a greater calorie deficit or run more

I'm losing weight too, just eating 1000 kcal per day, works well

>55 kg
>170 cm
Technology for this?

Smart fork

>nigger units

can't help you, mate

>nigger units
I don't see feet and pounds anywhere m8

only countries that still use meme units like feets and pounds are usa and liberia and both countries are full of niggers


24kg. 5 months.

4,8kg fat per month need to be cut.

1kg fat roughly 8000kcal

4,8*8000=38400 kcal

38400/4(weeks in month) = 9600

9600/7(days in week) = 1371kcal

your basal metabolic rate roughly calculated being sedentary: 2432kcal

2432-1371=1061kcal will be your starting point for daily food intake to keep losing 1,2kg weight every week and 4,8kg a month
which will also have to be decreased as you lose weight over time or activity level will have to go up

you will pretty much want to kill yourself eating this little, crash diet if you will

Attached: richbad.jpg (719x542, 93K)


No sugar, No bread, cardio plus more meat/cheese and veggies

My theory goes like this:
It does not seem possible to pay people to not be fat fucks,
Therefore not paying fat fucks fixes the fucking problem.

Eat less, endure hunger.

Don't go overboard though, make sure you get your nutritions and shit.

Also, for the best BMI measure (in terms of whether you're actually fat or not), use waist-to-height ratio.

Least greens daily
Avoid saturated fats
Avoid refined sugar
Just eat a little less


Temporary diets will never work, you will come back to being fat faggot sooner or later. Loosing weight shouldn't be a suffering. You need to understand how your body works and change your lifestyle, your diet (in correct sense of the term). Your looks come from your lifestyle. Understand how sugars raise insulin levels and why is it bad for fat burning, understand how fat burning during cardio works, raise your food culture level from trashfood and sauces to nutrient-efficient products, understand that "tasty" is relative and taste can be forgotten.
Eat chicken and tuna for protein, pasta, buckwheat and non-white rice for carbs, oil and nuts for fats, plus greens and shitton of water.

woke user

186cm here, 75kg is too light. You should aim for 80 with 15%bf for a normal look. Easy to maintain with gym twice a week.