/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

>GNU/Linux questions?
>PC building?
>Programming questions?
>Good, cheap, laptops?
>Cheap electronics?
>Buying headphones?
>How to activate any version of windows?
>Where can I get Win 7 or LTSC?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Maybe someone can help me. I'm trying to install a video tube script. I already figured out how to get the newest versions of everything, including the script itself. Now I get this:

PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 2097152 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 65536 bytes) in /var/www/html/include/config.php on line 28

The memory limit is set to 1025M. The server was advertised with 4 GB RAM. How do I resolve this?

is it ok to use as subnet mask? it's the same in all the routers but this is the first router with a completely different ip
>192.168.#.# ->
>172.16.220.# -> ?
hopefully I can set this in a single passage. I don't want to walk 100 meters and go set the router manually if I fuck things up

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Subnet ≠ Subnet Mask

What script is it?
What's on line 28?
Do you manage the server yourself?

I'm asking because I read online about different subnet masks associated with different kind of IPs. maybe I'm just thinking too much. I'll try and hope for the best

Your subnet mask specifies how many places represent the overall network that you're on, and how many are individual IPs. Either way the IPs you listed are on different networks, and will not communicate without correctly configured routing.

Is it possible to rip scanned "Borrowed" books from archive.org?

Here are the script requirements. I run PHP 7.3 with all extensions.

Attached: instructions.jpg (1567x1758, 176K)

im admin and the only user of my PC but somehow I still run into a LOT of things that I need to manually "run as admin" I can still do them but its weird that I still have to when im already using the admin profile, being that its the only profile.

also adds another layer of frustration when troubleshooting things when I have to also check if running as admin does anything different

dang it I set the new ip but I can't reach it anymore. I hate that d-link router it's so stupid

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Its not about what account you're on. When you run a task as admin, you're giving it extra privileges. It's the same as running something as root in android or linux. That warning/approval is there to make sure you're cool with giving something enough power to fuck your system up.

Yes. Its very cheap, but comes without anything beside of SSH access and a basic control panel.

thanks for the info

Did the board style for NSFW boards reset to the default one for anyone else? Can't change them back either.

Is it even worth getting a prepaid card to purchase things online? Don't they come with fees and whatnot?

Hey Jow Forums I want to get a college degree to become a software engineer

Obviously my first choice would be going to a 4 year Uni to get a degree in Comp Sci or Software Engineering, however lots of factors are making this dream seem unrealistic.

Would a degree in Infortmation Sciences & Technology from a Pennstate Sattelite campus (Specifically Pennstate Lehigh valley) be just as good? Or will I be stuck making $40k a year in a shitty IT desk job at a business where I never get to do any programming?

Is Kawaii Codec Pack still the one to go?
Or is it the K-Lite that I have heard of?

I need to make a cloud web based database. Have experience in Matlab and long ass time ago html and vba.
Would would be the easiest and smartest way to tackle this. What programming languages should I learn?
I assume mysql for database and javascript for webpage.
I was advised to use wordpress for the webpage.

Example of existing database (I lile planes): worldairlineawards.com/
My project would include way more data.

Any advice is welcome. TIA

Is there any way I could install two different versions of AMD drivers for 2 different AMD GPUs on a single PC?

I want to subscribe to a service that's only available in a specific country. The site apparently uses client-side javscript to perform a check on the payment details entered to make sure the card was issued in that country. If I disable the javascript, the check won't occur and I'll be able to pay

Is noscript sufficient to do this? Is there a way I can tell what I'm specifically supposed to block?

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>comp sci
If you love math and you are good at math then think about comp sci. If not, expect to either drop out or waste a lot of money.

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It is very unlikely they only do client side checks. That would be such a beginner mistake I highly doubt it would be like that.

Open the browsers developer console and check the script event there and then just remove it or skip over the check.

why would you need any codec pack?

Cause I installed MPC-HC without any, and immediately noticed the worse scaling.
Well I installed K-Lite now, because it turns out it's the only one that doesn't crash on file open

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Does anyone have a simple guide or flowchart like image for deciding which programming language to learn? I've started learning java this past week because I decided I want to be able to turn some excel spreadsheets into android apps (or create apps with similar functionality) but want to make sure I'm on the right track - enjoying it so far though.

I have two weeks to learn how to solve recurrence relations like pic attached. Where can I read proper explanations and examples on this?

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How can I transfer files from an ethernet connected desktop to a laptop using wireless on the same network? Is it just something to do with homegroup? Do I need shared folders?

don't know what codecs have to do with scaling
madvr is its own thing

I was trying to look up somewhat embarrassing photos/videos of a rather prominent person.
They were all over the (German) news in the late 90s/early 00s (keyword: Prügelprinz/Pinkelprinz), but they are fucking nowhere to be found.
"The web never forgets" my ass.

The stupid question: Where would you look, that I probably have not looked, yet?

They usually come with them
I don't actually need them to paly file formats

Look into the file header to figure out what codec it needs, and install it yourself.
It's really not black magic.

Codec packs are unironically cancer. I see people recommend ones on /a/ that haven't been updated in like 10 years.

You don't need codec packs to install madVR. It's honestly ridiculous that you'd install a codec pack just because it comes bundled with madVR, when madVR is an independent component that you can download by itself and MPC-HC will play pretty much everything out of the box anyway.

I'm using the 4chanX script on firefox but it takes a good 5 seconds to load. Is there a way I can speed it up? It's really the only thing keeping me on chrome

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Can someone confirm that javascript doesn't seem to be loading on red boards? Or something like that?

Try a different user script extension?

anything you're looking for in particular?

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Yeah an IT degree is going to get you stuck at an IT job. Unless you are actively working on personal programming projects you will have a really hard time trying to get a developer or engineering job. Even with a Comp Sci degree it can be difficult to get your foot in the door.

I don't find this true in my experience. Math classes were required for me to get my degree but the programming side of stuff relied more on logic. I hated math but it never really got in the way of doing well in the comp sci classes.

Which would you suggest?

The umbrella attack and the Expo incident.
So thanks for that image already.

How the fuck did they manage to completely remove that shit from the web?

Use whatever fits your needs.

I jumped from Greasemonkey to Violentmonkey at some point, but both work for me.

I'm using greasemonkey now so I'll try out violentmonkey

How is it that so many Runescape accounts get "hacked"?

the router with a different subnet grabs internet from the main router but if I connect to the main router I can't control the router with the different subnet. how is this possible? can this possible be caused by a misconfiguration in the router with different subnet? I just clicked next next next and filled the most important parameters but I might have missed something to make the connection work in both ways

The internet in 2000 wasn't what it is today I guess
I didn't find anything about the umbrella thing, if you really need it maybe you could try contacting the guy who filmed it

Does what IDE I use with Java matter that much/is there one in particular that stands out?

>is there one in particular that stands out
Well, Eclipse is the de facto standard, isn't it?

how can I make i3 start terminal with mod+d instead of urxvt?

mod+enter my bad

have you checked your i3 config file

Really stupid question
Just got a mail that somebody has logged in into one of my accounts, got their ip number
Can I duck around with him somehow or just leave it as it is?

verify the sender of the email first and if it's credible follow any instructions, with a brain, given

i did
can't find anything close to something like
$mod+enter exec urxvt

Why is it other devices in the house get bandwidth priority over my Desktop?

Between my brother downloading games on steam, both of his children playing games online, I get the shit end of the stick with them getting high speeds and no lag. And here I am on 5g struggling to watch a video in 240p or even open an image on Jow Forums?

mine says
bindsym $mod+Return exec i3-sensible-terminal
i imagine you can change Return to d

Is Otterbox a good choice for a phone case?

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got it, thanks!

>make sure you charge the thing fully with the provided cable before first use

What is the science there?

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how do differentiate false positive from legit malware?

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I fucked up again.
Installed W10 and now my grub menu is not showing on boot. How do I fix this shit?

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Does someone have experience with nulled.to how does it work and does it have good stuff?

You need to reinstall grub.
Probably best using the medium you originally installed Linux with.

Also, it's not (You) that fucked up, that's simply what Windows likes to do when "updating".

Something in the lines of this?


Well I 'fixed' it.
Grub is back. Ubuntu is showing, W10 too, but W7 is not.

what is the best anti malware program?

bring. back. the. shotas.

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could someone explain why console.log and return are providing different arrays here

stdout shows the correct answer in console.log
but then i return it removes the two 0s from the end. Whats going on?

Attached: why.png (1231x898, 66K)

first time buying a macbook, never used one. what are the first things to do?

Tried your exact code in Firefox console and works perfectly fine.
I don't really see anything weird there.

>@return {void} Do not return anything, modify nums in-place instead.
try console.log(nums). looks like it wants you to modify the variable nums and not return anything instead of returning the modified list. so the test checker is just seeing whats inside the original nums variable instead of what your function is returning

install gentoo

You are correct! I didn't notice that, however it seems theres still somethign wrong. is line 16 logging not the original nums variable?

I'm still quite new to programming

Attached: nums.png (733x814, 29K)

fuck off on reddit

>The concat() method is used to join two or more arrays.

>This method does not change the existing arrays, but returns a new array, containing the values of the joined arrays.

I dont know javascript but i just looked this up. On line 15 you are creating a new array and setting the nums variable to it. So now your local nums to pointing to a different array in memory than the original nums, then you log the local nums.

Thank you!

I have reason to believe that I have logged on to my Steam account on a machine that may have been compromised. I have yet to find any evidence that my Steam account was compromised and I'm about to change the password, but under the assumption that it was, could they have access to my bank details? Or is Steam clever enough that the only shit that they could do with my info is buy games and keep the stolen password?

This seems like a simple question but it's really hard to word right for a Google search. I'm selling shit in person and some people are coming with not enough cash so I ask if they have Paypal. I did that twice today, and I got the money and gave them the stuff. We're talking about old people here that just don't like to carry cash but are tech savvy enough for Paypal.
The thing is though, Paypal is saying the items need attention and want me to print a shipping label. Do I just ignore that or put "tracking not necessary." in the tracking info or something? I don't want any "late shipment" flags or anything. I know a lot of people use Paypal in person and people use it for digital goods all the time that don't need to be shipped. What am I supposed to do when I'm basically treating it like a transfer of cash and I'm just giving them the item?

Which is more powerful, a Intel Core 2 Duo P8600 2.40 GHz or Rockchip Cortex‑A17 RK3288C / 1.8 GHz? I'm not very familiar with rockship.

reccomend me a 300-400 euro beamer for my room

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Is there anyway to check that my ISOs of Windows 7 or 10 aren't compromised? To memory, the Windows 10 one is an old "tell them you're a cripple and they'll give you it for free" ISO, but the 7 one is just straight pirated and I'd like to know if it's safe.

Wtf, my firefox theme started changing back to the default one on its own, and it does it always at the same time of the day (20:51) what the hell?????

I have a Google pixel 3xl. How do i keep the botnet out but keep some apps like Google maps or uber

Where can i find/or self host/scrape an rss feed that is updated every 5 minutes?

how do I get my monitors to go to sleep no matter what when I lock my PC? Something will sometimes keeps them on, and don't find out till I come home and find them on.

Best would be to "simply" never, ever run untrusted software.
If you get software off the Internet, make sure you are actually getting it from the guy/people/company you trust.
Also, always install security updates. If you want your system to run with low effort, make them automatic.
If you upgrade to Linux, you even get automatic updates for your regular programs included for free.
Seriously, coming from Windows, Linux feels like paradise. "The land of milk and honey."

im trying to install linux mint cinnamon (19.1 the latest version) yet when I get to thr part of installation where it wants to select a partition it doesnt detect my C:/ drive at all, and the screen prior to that states that there isnt another OS installed even though i am trying to dual boot it with windows 10.
Yes, i have already created a partition on the C:/ drive to where the distro can be installed
Yes, I have created a usb with the .iso burned onto it for install into the partition.
What am I doing wrong?

Not him, but a free tip from a JS developer: the zeros array and the num = num.concat(zeros) is redundant. Just splice the zeroes, push a new 0 at the end of the same num array, then return num and be done with it.

>Yes, i have already created a partition on the C:/ drive to where the distro can be installed
You don't create a partition BEFORE installing Linux. You free up space on your HDD by shrinking the Windows partitions (using the Windows tools for that), and install Linux into the freed-up space, that is now unpartitioned.

ah shit yeah thats what I meant. I used the disk manager tool to free 200gn of space for it, shrinking the space windows could use. Sorry for my poor language

I've got a Windows 7 ISO with the sha1 hash 1693b6cb50b90d96fc3c04e4329604feba88cd51 how can I check if it's legit?

I’ll try to be able to post next thread. Srry.

I had this issue too. No clue why it happened. I eventually just stopped using Firefox and that solved the problem,

I want to make a simple program in which I can categorise/add tags to images (and possible other media as well). Simply put, I add some directories for it to search for the type of media I want, and I can create tags as well, for example the tags "reaction", "vn", "loli", "grin" and "smug" for this image, and then I could show all images filtered by those tags I select. This way, I could search for images I want way more easily.

The thing I wanted to know is if there's any way to choose this program to open instead of Explorer on Windows when uploading a file in Jow Forums (I use Palemoon and 4chanx, but any other browser is fine). If it's not possible, I wouldn't see much use for it.

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one of the pins on my mobo giving the fan power died. everything else is fine but now its overheating and I need some way to get better circulation. is there some sort of external power provider or a fan setup I could buy?

The CPU or case fun? You can probably get around with your PSU. First look up the voltage and current of the fan, then power it using the adequate output from the PSU. You'll lose the speed variation, running it 100% all the time.

case fan. i'll try that, thanks

Sorry, forgot that the example said "don't return anything", but everything else still stands:

var test = function(arr) {
arr.forEach(function(num, index) {
if (num === 0) {

Accidentally installed qbittorrent with my native language instead of english.
If I install it again, will it keep my currently running and finished torrents?

Tech illiterate here building a pc,between the MSI GeForce RTX 2060 "Gaming Z" and "Venus" GPU there's a clock speed difference of 1710MHz to 1830MHz, Does this matter? how much does it change? and is it worth the £70 extra it costs?


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>trying to change SATA setting from RAID on to AHCI
>Do so after changing boot settings to safe mode so I dont lose data and possible to load windows after making the change
>restart automatically boots instead to the system repair screen
>only way to make it boot into safemode like its supposed to is to vhamge back the SATA setting to RAID on
this is a fucking Dell problem isnt it. This shit is super frustrating and if you do help, thanks.

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