Elon Musk just expressed his opinion of sepples

Elon Musk just expressed his opinion of sepples.

Attached: Elon_Musk_sepples.png (640x550, 73K)

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Wow, that has to be the least controversial opinion ever expressed, what a hero.

>musk states the obvious once again and his fanboys thinks it's either controversial or revolutionary

he musk steve jobs 2.0?

>inb4 contrarians

This man is the epitome of "how do you do fellow kids" except that people fall for it.

Ask him about Holy-C

Yes Mahir he is Steve Jobs 2.0.

elon = not saything something fucking retarded? amazing.


Don't show him Rust then, he will puke.

Does he even still program? What's the last piece of software he directly (i.e actually coding instead of just having ideas) contributed to?

Steve Jobs 2.0 was that blood test girl.

musk mustve used pre cpp11 cpp


Does he actually list any languages he likes? Or just complain about one he barely knows.

c++ is ok
the STL sucks ass
syntax...eh could be better

Why do people hate stl?

Either because of performance overheads which should be somewhat expected from a general purpose template library, or simply because it's cool to. Most likely the latter.

reminder that he got kicked out of paypal because he wanted to switch the servers from linux to windows.

He's right on both accounts.
C++ is not perfect, but there is no equivalent.

Attached: cpp.jpg (1750x463, 192K)

>Why do people hate stl?
It's largely an academic exercise in generic programming.
But it has some bad overhead, and it's not that flexible in the sense that it forces you into its paradigm. It does not play nice at all with OO (no support for covariance in containers, etc.)
It's OK for small objects (e.g. if you need to keep the set of log files in your app, this kind of stuff) but for the main data structures it's better to use more specialized libraries.

>It's OK for small objects (e.g. if you need to keep the set of log files in your app, this kind of stuff) but for the main data structures it's better to use more specialized libraries.

can you elaborate on this, and give an example of a situation where STL can be used but another library would be better?


I'm gonna hop in on this c++ thread rather than make a new one.

How the fuck am I supposed to learn the build system in C++? There's tons of tools available, and they all suck. CMake is a literal dumpster fire. I have to maintain header files, which directly violate do not repeat yourself. Just downloading a library and including it is a pain in the ass in C++.

The language itself is not so complex, but the layers ontop of it which you need to actually build and deploy code are a fucking mess.

Attached: 1514744854822.jpg (650x600, 159K)

I use cmake, and finding a (good) resource for learning it was hard.
Start with investigating specifics.

Include directories is probably the most important one. It allow you to have headers in a different directory than your source files.
Find package is also important to learn. Spend time creating your own packages and play with the variables you need to set in order to get this working.
Actually, that is a good place to start, write a simple program you can easily split into 3 or 4 packages. Then write a cmake (or whatever you use) for this so you can build it.

Attached: b4f.jpg (680x275, 12K)

This is by far the thing that pisses me off about C++ the most and it's infuriating that this is still such a fucking mess. The community is so fucking stubborn in its ways of "WE CAN'T BREAK BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY" where it's just resulted in doing literally nothing about the problem everyone is aware of.

I've been learning it pretty intensively for the past few weeks and the syntax is basically C. What are the major complaints?

>elon musk
>literally who

Verbosity with template libraries can be a pain to deal with.

using a library like Eigen and you'll have types that are stupidly long, auto can help with it you can't always use auto.

you should say that about stalman but not musk

>elon musk: C++ SUX XD :p
>guy: no it rules!
>elom musk: true! :D
>guy: i was jk it really sux
>elon musk: haha yeah me too man I swear

I am amazed of how Elon still convince normies he's some kind of a genius nerd not a yet another greedy businessman even though he can't pass an entry level c++ dev position

this is the power of social media

>and his fanboys thinks it's either controversial or revolutionary
no they don't

>Anders Breivik

Can't c++ be given new syntax and still maintain it's power?

LOL he's living in your head rent free

Stallman doesn't go around ranting about programming languages, though.

You're right, he's a well-known conman and stock manipulator.

Attached: IMG_20190331_103134.jpg (1230x871, 131K)

He probably lost a rocket or two to some enigmatic c++ shit.

Cmake is godly, what you are complaining about is probably that you are deving from Windows. Library management in Windows is not turn key like it can be in Linux.

Because he's actually a manchild


does this guy do enything anymore besides tweeting and watching his bank account go red?

badmouthing c++ in 2019 is so brave

Only if you break compatibility. C++ also lets you implement your own operators freely, so you can change a lot of the syntax into whatever you want with enough work.

>If you don't know Lisp (or its variant, Scheme), you don't know what it means for a programming language to be powerful and elegant

so i could implement clojure in c++?

imagine looking up to this man

Attached: file.png (1080x1429, 1.63M)

No but that’s not something you could fix with a syntax change. The semantics of C++ don’t support true closures.

Good meme desu senpai

Lisp is dead end for AI. It used to be go-to AI language back when hardwiring AI was a thing. Now with the advent of machine learning, LISP is a dead end.

>Lisp = AI
Damn, this is some vintage retardation.

Homoiconicity and the benefits of a direct text-to-AST syntax aren't something I see in pretty much any other language. If you know of anything, I'd be curious to check it out

It's the language that powers pretty much every non-low-level application worth talking about.

Why do people care about anything this retarded memer says?

it basically can't be used for libraries because it isn't abi stable