Filthy fucking foreigners taking American jobs

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>made in China

ngl those machines are based
I went to McDonald’s last night since I was kinda in a jam for a dinner and you best believe I went to the self check out. I’d rather use a machine made by chinks over talking to the Filipino who can barely speak English at the counter any day.

>dem germs

>contactless payment systems r mysterios voodoo
get your shit together, Murica

Good luck to them,

Attached: monkey vs touchscreen.webm (288x360, 319K)

A study by Metro showed every unit tested was positive for feces.

They're manufactured in the UK you sperg.

I wonder what the results would be if money, food tables or door handles were tested for feces.

the guy before you who ordered his food on the touchscreen was rubbing his dick moments before ordering.
you then order your food. touch the screen and get his dickcheese on your fingertips.
you then eat your burger.

also there's literal human shit on those screens, delicious mmm

>98 KB
>That glance to see if someone noticed him punching the screen
>That look of fear, almost as if he's about to run to escape the situation he put himself in

Yup, that's a nigger, alright.

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considering their toilet bowls tested cleaner than the ice machines, y'all worried about touchscreens a lot. They could supply surgical wipes or some shit, but, its exactly the same principle as with the door handle, never mind TOILET door handle

>implying the Britishers aren't used to it

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have you ever eaten at one with those? they just have the former cashiers bring you your food now.

so it's the same as human workers then

>free cups
never seen that before

I'm trying to understand the logic behind his actions. I get it to that he makes a wrong selection and gets angered by the machine not doing what he thinks he tells it.

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literally aliens

>the Filipino who can barely speak English at the counter
Are you in Hawaii or do Filipinos work at every McDonald's?

>I'm trying to understand the logic
lemme just interrupt you there for a second

>Implying high unemployment isn't actually caused by taxes, minimum wage, and welfare, and automation, immigration, and outsourcing aren't good things without taxes, minimum wage, and welfare.

Eugh. Never thought of that. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. I’ve only used these once and I don’t wanna use it again now

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This is what ive been saying for years. Some people just enjoy being picky, and outraged at places like McDonalds. Especially niggers who like to get free shit by being niggers. It's going to be amusing having Stacy with her 3 kids yelling at a machine because her Big Mac doesn't have enough cum in it.

Yeah I’m in hawaii

if all a person can do is write down burger & fries orders maybe they don't deserve a job

Why does it matter if you can't taste it and it doesn't effect you in anyway?

Maybe but no matter how good you get, there can always be people who are even better, not everyone can hold top positions.
I mean anyone can get a good job, but not everyone.

I still find it bizarre that nobody cares about the hygiene issues of touchscreen technology.

>walk to mcdonalds
>bump handicap button with knee to open door
>place order on app on my own phone
>mcwagie brings me my food on a plastic platter
feels good to be king

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Literally everything you touch in public is like that. Door handles, table tops, light switches, ATM machines, money, etc. Don't think too much about it.

>TOUCHING things

I am a Filipino born in Hawaii and I can't deal with FOBs either.

Used to work for a company in UK that makes kiosks for companies in USA.
It's the brits taking the jobs

>make mistake
>unzip deck of cards and pull the racist card
that's niggers for you

taking orders and being a cashier is a waste of human intelligence, even the bellow average human intelligence.

These won't work well until I can talk to them instead of touching shit

Euro pajeets

>the logic

Hmmm, yes well. I don't know about that, but I do have a gif of Denzel Washington portraying a pilot, in the movie "Pilot."

Attached: 1553646737233.gif (358x188, 3.95M)

I feel that would be true for every surface at a McDonalds.

I know of a good alternative to these things.

>gets angered
and then he shows the camera how tough he is.
that's the logic. these people live in poor, violent environgments, and have to demonstrate their "worth" to the people around them.

you'll never build up immunity to Mad Burger Disease then tho

> Top 1% are thriving, more billionaires then ever
> Effective corporate tax rate lower than it's ever been
> Effective minimum wage is lower than it's ever been
> Middle class is being economically squeezed

Huh, lowering corporate tax rates and the minimum wage isn't helping the middle class? Better lower taxes and the minimum wage to help the middle class!

Attached: US-corp-tax-rate-wikipedia.png (1920x706, 213K)

And the UK is not a part of the USA now is it retard?

Obsessed. Kids do shit like that all the time regardless of race.

These are made in the UK in the same way that iPhones were made in california. The UK doesn't have capacity to build any of the high value components inside. Even low value stuff like steel is being closed down because china is cheaper.

t. nigger

You talk like you had an absentee father or only know children with absentee fathers.

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Just keep voting for Republicans! It'll work this time, we promise. It's definitely not automation and structural flaws in late-stage capitalism causing your misery. It's Mexicans, Muslims, Jews, and liberals.

they always mumble too and i hate it

Pi showed that Bong is still capable of hi-tech manufacturing*, given the opportunity- its not like 'Designed in California' isn't going to become a problem at some point either
>*assuming you got a Sony factory handy, of course

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It would be exactly the same. Literally everything the general public can touch picks up traces of waste.
Guess what the peanuts at bars or the mints at restaurants always test positive for?

hes got that 'sneaky look round afterwards' shit down already tho. You can't teach them reflexes

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Did they do the same test on human workers? Cause I'm willing to bet the human workers would also test positive for feces.


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Muslims then? Gross. Almost as bad.

t. Demarcus Trayvon Jackson

Whites are responsible for 85% of crimes against other white people. Blacks are responsible for 93% of crimes against other blacks. While you are playing the victim against minorities cletus is breaking into your house.

I have never seen a white or asian kid punch a kiosk in such an offhand manner before. They also tend to consider the consequences before they do something dubious, not only immediately after.
Not only are there feces inside of your body right now, but also a spooky skeleton too.

How much of that was automated manufacturing?

Do I need to bring up the FBI crime statistics Mr. 13/50?

as noted, it is a Sony factory, not 100% sure of the manufacturing process details. It is, however, actual ppl practicing what the preach, and not yet another complete abdication of manufacturing and social responsibility in favor of the bottom line, like the 'Designed in Cali' BS.

50% of all homicides in the US happen within racially segregated major cities in poor predominantly black and hispanic neighborhoods over drugs and territory using illegal weapons. If you had even the tiniest knowledge of history you would know that white racism, colonialism, and slavery played a big part for the situation today. And speaking of the FBI the war on drugs was made with the intent of incarcerating drug dealers in black and hispanic communities while turning a blind eye to white drug dealers and white collar crimes in general (pun not intended).

>i-its not niggers fault they commit fuckloads of crime

Snipers are cheaper and more effective than ridiculous walls.

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How about a wall with machine gun nests?

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Niggers are owed nothing, you kike

almost every mcdonalds I have ever been to that have these has had them turned off.

luddites like

Because niggers broke them

No, it's because the nigger workers won't refill the receipt paper so they can keep their jobs for a few minutes longer

>fast food workers don't have to even take customer orders anymore
>"we deserve more mony"

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>high unemployment isn't actually caused by taxes, minimum wage, and welfare
>automation, immigration, and outsourcing are good things
Oh my god it's like opposite day. Everything you said was just the opposite of reality.

You're being deliberately obtuse, aren't you.

I'm saving that graph.

You're right on all counts except Jews, they are definitely a huge part of it. Despite making up only 2% of the population, 40% of billionaires are Jewish. The median income for American Jews in 2016 was $186,000 ( ), more than three *times* higher than the national median.

Jews are also the core support group of mass immigration (of both skilled and unskilled immigrants). To be fair, immigration is only one factor that reduces wages, but it is a significant influence. And pic very related. Sure is interesting that Jews are so supportive of immigration, until we're talking about Israel. Then suddenly, immigration requires more thought, "we have to be careful", can't just go around letting anyone in.

Really activates those neurons, doesn't it.

Attached: European Jews vs Israel's response to migrant crisis.jpg (1800x1281, 867K)

why the China man gotta keep the black man down!?

stop living in an ungentrified nigger shithole

You've never worked in a fast food restaraunt lmao

The machine was racist

I'd rather use a machine that won't get my order wrong over a human that would.

just wait until they introduce voice control because they've already introduced location-based trending and bought an AI company

isn't it weird how taxes go up after wars begin and down before economic booms. it's almost like tax rates have less to do with class warfare and more to do with national necessity. it's almost like there aren't really bogeymen trying to destroy our nation from within, just average idiots doing the best they can.

"Whites kill whites, black kill blacks" guy is on the right track with his statistics. Crime, at least in the US, is overwhelmingly between people of the same race. Granted the black-on-white murder rate is almost identical to the white-on-white murder rate, but black-on-black is like 8 times higher and skews the overall national murder rate so horrifically that it's almost a meaningless number.

However, you are wrong about "white racism, colonialism, and slavery played a big part for the situation today". That's simply not true. Those things haven't existed for what, more than a century? Genetics played a big part, not whites.

The war on drugs is 100% completely retarded though, and while it was (probably) started out because of actual racism, it affects every race horribly because we have millions of people in prison for victimless crimes. The US has like 1/4 of the entire planet's prison population. That's fucking retarded. And the reason it's STILL going on isn't racism, it's because private prisons are so fucking insanely profitable.

In short, your numbers are pretty much right but your reasoning isn't. 99% of any perceived wrongs against blacks or other minorities today don't happen because of racism, but because of greed. The wealthy are to blame here, not whites. Also genetics, but you can't put genetics in the guillotine.

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YANG 2020

this but unironically

>don't worry about it, the politicians and wealthy are just doing what's best for the public
You're either an astroturfer or a massively brainwashed cuckold.

Lower taxes always, in 100% of cases, increase income inequality and decrease median wages. Lower taxes always, in 100% of cases, increase the amount of wealth that corporations and the wealthy have, at the expense of the middle and lower classes' financial health.

Trickle down economics was debunked before Reagan even got the meme started. It's been studied for literally decades, and it's been proven over, and over, and over again the lowering taxes on corporations and the wealthy not only DOESN'T help the public, it actively harms them.

For now. After brexit we'll make the UK the 51st state :^)

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>Lower taxes always, in 100% of cases, increase income inequality...
not only is that not a problem, it also increases the share of taxes the wealthy pay. you forgot to add that part.
>and decrease median wages.
completely false. i have no idea where you would get that idea.
>Lower taxes always, in 100% of cases, increase the amount of wealth that corporations and the wealthy have,
i'm not a jealous baby so i'm okay with that.
>at the expense of the middle and lower classes' financial health.
false. economics is absolutely not a zero-sum contest. if you can't see this then you have down syndrome.
>Trickle down economics was debunked before Reagan even got the meme started.
considering trickle-down economics was a leftist straw man i'm not surprised. scientific taxation, however, as practiced by the coolidge administration, was a massive success.
>It's been studied for literally decades
you don't study a straw man, you shill it.
>boohoo it hurts the poor, etc.
no it doesn't, you're just repeating nonsense some other idiot told you.

Okay so you're definitely an astroturfer or completely brainwashed.

I'll bet you support gun control too. Better lick those corporations' boots better, cuck. Papa needs a new yacht while you can barely afford your rent.

You're right, let's let them in now!

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>I'll bet you support gun control too
no, i actually think 2 years of military service should be mandatory and anything that comes as standard issue should be kept as the property of every individual citizen after they complete their service.
sounds like some gay shit antifa says
>you can barely afford your rent
i own my home, and the land it's on. it just really doesn't bother me that my neighbors home is bigger; good for him. i don't understand why this is so hard for you to imagine, that we're not all spastic babies like you.

As someone who works in food service I couldn't give two shits if my job gets automated away. It's fucking awful and I hate it. It's primarily due to incompetent employees, management with their heads up their ass, and an owner who is neurotic and irrational. The customers are generally alright. You get some bad ones but that's true anywhere.

Anyway, I'm so fucking sick of this shit. Like a goddamn computer deal with it. I'm fucking done. I'll either find a job or collect a fucking unemployment check if my job is automated away tomorrow. Don't know, don't fucking care. Fuck this shit.

>place order on app
The order isn't the only information they might have access too from their app..

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FTFY. Otherwise, everything else is correct. Street cred translates into success with money and women.

that's the spirit

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