Vodka to remove thermal paste

Can vodka be safely used to remove old thermal paste?

All the Google results are braindead ledditors with conflicting responses, so be cool to know what you pros think.

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should be fine but doesn't evaporate so you have to wipe the surface of the cpu clean

lingus cuck tips video on paste removal

>t. Russianfag

Хyй знaeт. Haкaти 50 гpaмм для yвepeннocти и впepёд

Just use water and soap

Actually I'm Swedish. It's one of the best cheap vodkas I've had, and the only thing I have at home (only murrikans have such easily available isopropyl).

Vodka can be used to cool PC

99% isopropyl is much, much more safe and inexpensive

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Drinking alcohol is never pure ethanol and water so it can leave a sticky residue, even clear spirits like vodka.
Better off getting a battle of rubbing alcohol and using that.

So drunk you can't go out and spend $1 on some 90% rubbing alcohol? Also everclear would be much more effective...and you can get drunk off that too.

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Vodka shouldnt be used to clean electronics, because it can leave layers of potatoes or wheat
It's way to dirty, just get technical alcohol and u will be fine

>easy to get
Only in fucking America.

There's only like one store here I know that sells isopropanol, and it's over 20€ for a bottle. Vodka is somehow cheaper than isopropanol alcohol, seriously. (Everclear is also illegal here btw, anything over 60% ABV is classified as a narcotic and is illegal. Shitty nanny-state)

>implying you are going to get better answers here

If what you really want is more anecdotal evidence to reassure yourself, then here: A friend of mine literally did that a few years ago and his PC is still working to this day.

It's technically not ideal, but it works.

I think its cause in America isopropanol is treated as a popular "health" product for wound disinfection, so its readily available in big bottles at all drug stores.

Don't use vodka, it likely contains water and other shit you don't want on your mobo/CPU. Use 99% isopropyl alcohol instead.

just use damp paper you fucking clowns

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>Only in fucking America.
Canada too :^) $8 for 4 bottles of this stuff

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Just buy some alcogel. It's like 85% alcohol, so it should be fine

Canada is America.

Should it work.

I clean my CPUs with regular alcohol, not the isopropyl one.

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Unfortunately so.


Not a very clean mix I wouldn't think?

I've cleaned electronics with it before, just wipe it off and it will be fine. It's just a mix of alcohols with a miniscule amount of gelling agent