Rest in Piss

I'm glad this piece of shit NSA software is finally dead, but what should I move to?

Attached: discord-logo.jpg (1000x563, 35K)

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What do you mean? I still can't get my shitty friends to stop using it so how is it dead?

you can find better friends

What replaced it?

Obviously, but that doesn't answer my question.

Why is it shitty?

IRC made a huge comeback

Idk what OP is bitching about but as a discord partner, we've recently received a batch of emails that said all partnered servers must follow a strict set of guidelines or the sever could be banned. Guidelines like a crackdown on swear words and general fun that made discord fun in the first place. It fucking sucks and I'm probably not going to bother running a server anymore after it.. well maybe for the free swag they send me every few months, but beyond that I don't blame people for leaving the service for something with more freedom.

you wish, it belongs to chang

The fuck is a partnered server

How is it dead now?

Don't get my hopes up, user.

get a fucking life and stop shitting up Jow Forums

IRC now has VoIP?

>I'm glad this piece of shit NSA software is finally dead
Please leave instructions on how to enter the alternate timeline that you clearly inhabit

Official servers for official brands/communities. For example a normal discord server ID is just a bunch of random characters like 'Rfe34Frw'. A partnered server for, say, Jow Forums would be Forums. You get higher quality VoIP servers, and other silly perks like more emojis and additional server options.

I am skeptical (and lets not forget that the NSA isn't your first concern. Tencent aka CHINA bought into Hammer and Chisel so that's what you have to worry about), that it is dying but as for an alternative.. network (and the client) is the FLOSS equivalent that offers Discord features and beyond. That's probably the best thing to move to.

Sure, you could go old school with things like IRC for chat and Mumble for VOIP if you need a single tool, but you'd probably already be doing that and unless operation
>get better friends

was unusually successful, they won't want to use "old style" programs after using Discord for one reason or another. Thus, Matrix is the best mainline option.

There are other options out there with pros and cons depending on what you need (ie Signal , Wire, XMPP) too.

kill yourselves fucking discord trannies.

What are you talking about? I'm still using Discord and have a lot of friends on it :)

Didn't Riot try to be a better Discord? I don't recall anything really coming of that.

What is the point of that, and why would Discord police such a thing?

For (good goy) credits. Essentially behave well and you are rewarded.

If you aren't partnered you can't run a large server without being throttled

Well not exactly true. Discord servers shit themselves if they have over 5000 people online at the same time. (The number is actually 5000 exactly so must be an actual coded limit not just a resource matter) The server owner can request they up the limit once they hit it. It is most often partners that need to do it but as far as I know you don't actually NEED to be a partner to request it.
Also the VIP VC servers they give you are not all they are cracked up to be unless you need your server in Amsterdam.

>Official servers from random shit nobody cares about
>FUCKING 5k people on a single server

I don't even want to imagine what kind of a completely retarded clusterfuck a discord server with 5k people is.

I don't even see a need for a discord server with more than 100 people (assuming a very big guild in some MMO). Forums exist for a fucking reason.

And finally, who in the name of fuck even uses discord for anything other than higher-quality VOIP than Skype for multiplayer games and/or shitposting/bantz between mates while playing same games / in general.

The whole "General Discord for X" thing is cancer of the highest order anyway so GOOD FUCKING RIDDANCE I say.



Stale meme.

I have TS3 server on my VPS just in case Discord dies. Works fine for 3 of us.

Messenger pigeons

Sounds like discord tranny's are getting BTFO

Attached: 4chan spacing.jpg (1024x761, 156K)

You silly user, posting images that old.

You should know that there's nothing left of that in modern Jow Forums.

It's all boogeyman shit now.

Gotta defend your new home from these sneaky reddit posters that have been ruining this website for decades..

B-But the reddit boogeyman!!!

Damn redditors have been invading this site since 2005.

Attached: 1549569827253.png (1010x1272, 112K)