Whats this assholes problem?
Whats this assholes problem?
He's better than you, and knows it.
wagecuck cope
The Shortsellers Enrichment Commision, for one.
angry C++ fag detected
More money than brain cells
He's trying to save the world from capitalism by harnessing its own evil powers to fight against it. A hero of the people.
He's sadly misguided. He's fallen into all of life's traps. Vanity when he did hair implants, greed when he used scientific advancement to advertise a product are but two examples
elon musk is what you get when people take all the bullshit religion-of-science memes seriously
Man got lucky with PayPal and immediately thinks he's the smartest dude in the world. He needs a reality check.
Based African American
Anti-american immigrant trying to disrupt various US industries.
Mr. Grimes
He has autism.
But it's the cool kind of autism like Big Bang Theory where people love to watch.
hes doing everything Jow Forums fantasizes about doing and Jow Forums isn't
Hes a businessman trying to larp a Tony stark and pretending to be an engineer
he was supposed to colonize mars and build underground tunnels in LA to stop traffic. he was based enough to temporarily unlock extra miles on Teslas fleeing the hurricane in Florida
>builds the most successful/cheapest rocket company in 10 years
>builds the cheapest mass produced electric car in 10 years
>has floating ideas about the future of mankind but due to limited attention span (between cars/rocket) can't spend more time on other things
>invests in technology to speed up neural connections so thoughts can transition faster into action
He put trash in form of a car into earth's orbit, as if there wasn't enough trash floating around already.
That's his problem?
This guy is the living proof libertarians are retarded.
Elon is a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of cave pedos.
>builds the cheapest mass produced electric car in 10 years
that's not even remotely true
He is living the dream and people can't handle it.
He does things imperfectly instead of talking about how he would have done things perfectly if only whatever form of oppression wasn't in his way which triggers who think there is supposed to be this cosmic entity in human flesh that is supposed to solve all their problems instantaneously.
>>builds the cheapest mass produced electric car in 10 years
the only thing cheap is the mexican labor
1. Literally copying Russian designs at a higher price and doing it with government money that could have went to NASA.
2. He just runs good PR campaign as electrics were taking off long before he build tesla.
3. Yeah just like every other conman that promises amazing bright future.
4. Most people are in fact investing in various IT things.
The only good thing about him is anybody can make good money by shorting tesla.
What's your problem asshole?
>cheapest electric car
Quit reading there as it's not true. Auto industry has always been private and thus has other options. For space that's a recent thing so the two are not comparable.
why do people hate on this guy so much here? hes like a nerd turned billionaire. do you really miss when every rich person was some old money faggot?
found the buzzfeed cuckboi
poorfag bootlicker detected
He is a socialist, that's the problem. He pushes the globe earth hoax with fake rockets as well.
well he's also an accomplished software developer, he built zip2 from scratch and I'd be surprised if he didn't at least conduct product management at PayPal.
my issue with the dude is his retarded views on cognition and consciousness, from what I've read he hasn't even read a blog post about it, yet he's speaking like an authority on it
t. burger
he's mad as fuck that he isn't geohot.
He's a pretty cool dude. Watch his 2hr JRE interview. He's a mechanical engineering nerd type who made it. Elon just wants to have fun and wants others to have fun. And also he's blackpilled on AI which is comical to watch.
>implying Elon doesn't come from old money
Please, ni/g/a
>he's a poorfag
peeee-yewww it's so stinky
KEK STAMP I wouldn't but a Jow Forums pass if it was a dollar.
So you admit he's better?
>Literally copying Russian designs
Knows nothing about aerospace the post
He's not Jewish. If he was Jewish the Jewish media would make him into a god. He's Aryan, so the Jews are jealous of him.
>paying to post on a turkish knitting forum
He has mommy issues