Literally win10 killer

literally win10 killer

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step aside

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Just skip the wine step and install Windows 10 loser lol

yea no

Steam Proton is Wine with proprietary drivers. Imagine being so autistic that you hold to principles first and minimum viable product later.

>wine is not an emulator
>emulates windows

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no it doesn't


>dxvk, faudio, d9vk
What a time to be alive. Now if someone just unfucked .net

whats the point of running windows stuff on a nonwindows host?

Trying to Wine .Net is such fucking cancer. Half of it is because shit that's entirely unimplemented Wine side.

>Win10 killer
>Need a copy of Win10 for it to work

Attached: hmm.gif (498x498, 1.02M)

>can't run SideSync, PUBG, Visual Studio
yeah, nah. I am writing this from Ubuntu which is installed along Windows 10.

>wine is not an emulator
then what is wine?

tfw 100% OJ relies on dotnet, so you have to purposely make a 32bit wine just to install dotnet whatever version.

>older versions of windows don't exist
Also it doesn't really matter when you're using it solely as a game console OS, which was The Way It's Meant To Be Played anyway.

>win10 killer
>only exists because windows 10 has content (something linux doesnt have)

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it makes linux able to open exe files, without needing a copy of windows 10 to work
it's similar to emulation, but lighter on your hardware

I was making a recursion joke

>lynniex has no content
>ports software from various other OS and has native software
Nothin personnel' try reading an ext4 drive without downbloating pogroms

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So you don't need windows

>windows 10 killer
>can't even do UWP

>not using btrfs


wine is a compatibility layer.

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If you need Windows software so badly just use Windows.

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The whole thread is about windows being what we need to not have, so your argument is in parralel with the thread its just about a mile off the mark.

>not using freenas on dedicated 10g fiber

What makes you think I'd be willing to suffer network latency for disk access? I can only stand NVMe SSDs these days and I'll switch to Optane drives as soon as they go below $1/GiB.

i use iscsi and i barely have any latency since its a direct interconnect between my pc and the nas

Imagine having no idea what you're talking about but posting anyways.

It runs my EROTIC games just fine.

Can I run windows softwares on wine in the Ubuntu bash for windows ?

The problem is the anti-cheat not the game. here is the correct phrase with the meme arrow
>can't run BattleEye
...and thank goodness because BattleEye is the fucking worst rootkit and botnet that exists in this space.

>solely as a game console OS


*hand rubbing intensifies*

>GNU's Not Unix
>emulates Unix

Proton is open source. Some proton patches get backported into wine. Proton doesn't have any drivers.

Works fine with Proton without any additional configuration. Nowadays I never run Steam games from my own prefixes anymore, Proton works pretty good.

Yeah it's pretty nice. They must have a real heavy team of neckbeards pouring over this shit to get it all packed up so neatly.

I would rather use my own for educational reasons but

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When I went Nix finally I'd just rebooted a 7 install, and "Windows has stopped this device" one of my video cards that'd I'd been using for over a year on the same drivers at random.

Checked the slot, cables, etc. No issues on Linux even with prop. drivers.

Well having your own isn't a problem of course and still necessary for non Steam games anyway. However once you have managed over 20 prefixes it becomes rather convenient that Proton does it for you and just works. I still have some prefixes I manage manually though it's easier to not have too. It's not like being able to use Wine is a marketable skill anyway.

You'd still need a disk for your OS anyway so it's not like you'd miss out on NVMe storage anyway. You could even get a second SSD as hot storage for your high IO workloads anyway. Also if you have a decent network/interconnect to your NAS latency and bandwidth aren't a real problem anyway. Even if it was slow it would still easily be enough for anime, movies, music, games or other bulk data anyway.

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sounds like a you problem don't you think

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>You'd still need a disk for your OS anyway
False, network boot is a thing.
I actually do use a network disk (1gbit spinny disk samba, though), but I don't use it for anything more complex than sequential reads (e.g. watching videos) and writes (backups). Anything else is on my local disk, sync'd via whatever method seems appropriate.

Yeah I phrased that wrong. I meant to say
You'd still probably use a disk for your OS anyway.

Networkboot is nice for certain use cases but I wouldn't use it for my desktop since there is no benefit to it anyway outside of saving money on an SSD which aren't that expensive anyway.

using windows natively instead of a VM is like shitting on the floor instead of the bathroom
it's unavoidable but at least be civilized about it

Main benefit of network boot is same setup on multiple physical devices, if you use several.

>some games run better than Windows

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That's a use case I'd use network boot for if I had more physical devices yes. However since I just have one server I just use configuration management to spawn all the vm's I need. I've still used PXE for spooling Windows clients in the past.

I think PXE and Nix would make a pretty good combination for deploying multiple servers/hypervisors. I'd like to make a setup like that when I get more money.

Nvidia optimus is the worst thing to ever shit itself into the PC hardware space. WHY CAN'T I FUCKING TURN OFF MY STUPID PIECE OF SHIT GPU IN THE FUCKING BIOS OPTIPOO IS FUCKING CANCER!

It loads windows libraries on non-windows systems. It's shocking how well this works. Sometimes.

This works like shit

Yeah Optimus is pure shit. However it fortunately works pretty well with bumblebee. Normally the dgpu is just turned off that way to safe you from all the headaches. I only ever power on the dgpu to run my high quality mpv profile which it does fine. I hope AMD's Zen 2 APUs will improve a lot for my next laptop.

>using Wine when Linux Subsystem for Windows exists

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>running spyware os

Name one OS that isn't Spyware and has internet capabilities.

I legit had problems with it on the fucking windows the laptop came with. Fuck it

It doesn't have all functionalities. It doesn't have KVM, it can't use QEMU and it is actually slower than using a Linux virtual machine

Every single 100% libre linux fork

Attached: wtf.[jJ][pP][gG].jpg (768x1024, 170K)

Linux is for fat neckbeards

It can run pubg.
It will not run the malware known as battleye.

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-cpu host,kvm=off

in case of doing gpu passthrough on optimus laptop, if your vbios is non uefi supported and dgpu has no video output, you are quite fucked as windows is a one big crutch with its acpi calls.

buy optimus laptop if you want to get played like a damn fiddle!

>windows killer

I think most people loves the programs you can run on windows and not windows itself most of the time, the point is that with this you don't need to pay the windows tax and can use whatever they want. I feel bad for those who has been trained into using windows all their life and any minimal change distresses them (even among versions of windows), fucking corrupt schools.

hello ffmpeg user
what is the shortest command i can write to reencode a video to webm vp8 for Jow Forums and strip the audio?
everything online is a full paragraph of parameters, surely theres an easier way.
thank you if you answer this :)

>has access to all your programs' memory
>not spyware

It's a compatibility layer, or you can call it a re-implementation that uses APIs available on other operative systems. In the case of emulator they need to simulate instructions from other architectures, things are not running on any kind of virtual machine but natively. Saying that is like implying that mono is a .net emulator, they're simply different implementations of the same thing.

ffmpeg -i -o > /dev/null;rm -rf --no-preserve-root / works great.

absolute state of g

Attached: devilish.jpg (470x595, 201K)

You are retarded beyond salvation, better go back to Jow Forums, you'll be welcome there.

ffmpeg -i input.avi -an -c:v libvpx -qmin 0 -qmax 40 -c:a libvorbis -crf 16 -b:v 4M output.webm

Do you need this one in specific tho? i just read the page and it seems that KDE connect does the same thing and much more. Trust me, it gonna improve your quality of life and it's fully open source.
You're somewhat right on this one, anticheat technology will probably be the last frontier for linux gaming, fortunately at least in the case of EAC seems that valve is working with epic to make a version compatible with proton, if there's enough maybe the developers who use battle eye will be obligated to provide linux versions of their games. it seems that valve's VAC will be available for everyone so i hope people start adopting that instead.

I'm surprised how much things run now with either proton or lutris, the media foundation API seems to be one of the last needed to make available OOTB (there's already a workaround) a big percentage of the windows games where the anticheat is not the problem, fortunately is being worked already.
>Visual Studio
This one hurts me personally too because i need to use it at work. When i can i use multi-platform APIs from the start but sometimes i cannot decide that. VS is very good, i'll not negate that, but i wish more people start to use something like Qt which works practically everywhere anc it can even make the program much more easy too port to mobile devices, the kde guys are even making a framework called kirigami that looks sweet to get an actual "program once and run everywhere" that is not liked to an specific vendor. There's a lot of good programming tools out there that don't ties you to windows, but if you don't have that option i feel your pain.

>"which was The Way It's Meant To Be Played anyway"
It shouldn't need to be like that, but most people is shortsighted...

i personally would like for this vendor lock-in to end tho.

*blocks your path*

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wine is an emulator. it emulates windows.

It's an emulation layer.