Is i3 a meme?

I'm currently running lxqt that uses 450mb of ram, I like that. Openbox is cool and all, but I'm starting to think that a tilling window manager would be cool to use. My question is: Are tilling wm, and specifically i3, just a meme/prank?

Attached: i3.jpg (917x463, 60K)

> thousands of man hour to make a tiling wm, to meme/prank people
I don't use or particularly like tiling wms but no, they're not memes. They were made for autistic people tho.

Some people prefer to carefully arrange their windows, they want their windows to have specific size and position on screen. Some people like when their windows are automatically arranged in a specific layout. Just try it and decide for yourself.

yes no maybe so why not give it a go

Attached: 1554002153736.jpg (683x1024, 264K)

really nice, efficient. use it with qutebrowser and you won't need to use a mouse nearly as often.

If you have the time to really play around with it and customize it to your liking, it's really good.

nice beginner tiling
the final stage. you get 120mb or less on idle

i3 is nice, it took some time to get used to it but after getting used to it i can't go back

How much RAM i3 uses on idle? 120mb on dwm would be awesome

maybe only on weekends, I've been trying to run it on a VM since yesterday. First I've installed ubuntu mini and i3, but for some reason the vm was extremely slow to uncompress things on apt, even giving it more threads. then tried lubuntu that already has some stuff that I would need, like compton, preinstalled to avoid that slowness on apt, ran i3 for a while, I've changed the colors and than I've started to notice some weird glitches when opening windows, I don't know how to explain, some kind of zigzag, whitenoise distorted graphics for a fraction of a second while opening and closing (just on that window, not on the entire screen), I had this thing when running gnome shell, I fucking hate when this happens. Maybe it's a bug on i3 that comes in 18.10 repos, next I'll try to install i3-gaps from git and see if this happens again. Can't install on the physical machine if it keeps happening

Or with Vim Vixen if you want to stay with Firefox.

OP I'd also advise you to set your key repeat and hold settings to make hjkl navigation more comfy.

xset r rate 175 35

that's my preferred setting, it just makes it so holding a home-row direction button repeats faster for more responsive movement.

Also definitely spend a month or so with i3 before deciding if you'd like to try a different TWM. It's the best introduction and it's solid. Start by binding aliases like this:

cfa='vim ~/.aliases' #that's where this is
cfi3='vim ~/.config/i3/config'

If you make your mindset repeatability and 'no barriers / keystrokes between me and a common task' then i3 / linux / sysadmin stuff will come to you naturally.

My setup after using i3 for a while is this
> Xmonad
> Alacritty (it's fast. it's fucking fast)
> base16 colors for everything, so themes sync between all applications and my WM
> neovim from the latest git .appimage
> polybar
> fish shell with `alacritty -e fish` while leaving bash as my default shell
> tmux

This stuff sounds complex at first, but just start with i3 and vim (or nano and add vim later). Simply add things one at a time and you'll understand your whole setup top to bottom and you'll be able to use it on any *nix-like for the rest of your life. It's really quite easy compared to the nonsense of a full DE.

One last thing on terminal emulators. They are to the VT100 what dolphin-emu is to the nintendo Wii. That is to say we have a bunch of programs just emulating hardware so they're all mostly the same. Choose either alacritty or your system default because the only difference that matters is simplicity of configuration and speed, and alacritty wins on both. All terminal emulators are usable though, I only change it on my main work machine.

btw i3 == i3-gaps. No reason to spend time with default i3, the only difference you'll ever notice is that one has configurable gaps. I spent a month with vanilla i3 from the debian repos and it didn't matter /shrug

>OP I'd also advise you to set your key repeat and hold settings to make hjkl navigation more comfy.
Harmful advice. You should slow down key repeat rate to make you look for better ways to navigate in vim rather than hjkl. w/e/b/W/E/B is a good start and then move on to using motions to be even more efficient. hjkl ideally only be used when moving 1-4 characters.

Real protip is forcing yourself to use motions, it's just as awkward as using hjkl was in the beginning but once you get comfortable you use motions more for d and c as well as moving around.

OP here. I've been using vim more and more even tho I'm on lubuntu. I'm learning slowly, but hjkl is already natural. the thing that I still need to learn is how colors on xresources work, I have xterm with just a little of customization, font and colors etc, but it's still hard to see how it works. I know that it's a bunch of hex colors, but I can't grasp the logic to see what each color will be (color1, color2 etc) Maybe I'll start learning that, because I saw that i3 colors work similarly.

Also, thank you for your reply

It's not just for Vim though, it's also applicable for Firefox with Vim plugin and PDFs and ranger etc...
There's no reason to cripple yourself just to learn, you can learn while also being comfy.

150 to 200. It really depends. Lot of factors come into play

even 200mb is really nice

Firefox cannot spawn separate programs like Qutebrowser. I know of know hinting extension that would allow you to redirect a url hint to a program like mpv. Would be glad to be proven wrong though.

150 to 80 is nice

Oh I didn't know Qute could do that, I'll have to check it out again! Does that mean I could make any YT link with a watch?v= in it spawn mpv instead of opening the YT page?

Yep, thats how I watch Youtube now. I have a love-hate relationship with Qutebrowser. It's SO CLOSE to being perfect but it lacks some critical features like Ublock Origin or just extensions beyond Greasemonkey scripts. I use Pihole to block ads but the lack of Ublock is infuriating. The dev is very motivated and the browser is 100% botnet free but fuck does it have some edges.

ok, kid

Install bspwm

Only real engineers know how to use it.
That's why TempleOS Term is tiled by default.
MIT NIGGERS can't use tiling WM.

>450mb ram used
>Something cool and "lightweight"
kids these days...
windows 98se used like 24mbs in its full glory, and it fucking worked

the weebs on here HATE tiling window managers cause they can't see their waifus in the background while they pretend to read SICP

If Hearts, i3 is not a meme.♦️

i3 is not meant for tiling