A linux distro that looks and behaves just like windows

>a linux distro that looks and behaves just like windows
what is your excuse now, wintards

Attached: zorin-os-logo-781AF377A3-seeklogo.com.png (300x119, 9K)

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>just like Windows
You mean like a grognard's completely false idea of Windows.

We already have hundreds of Windows clones. And they all fucking suck because they lack most of the things that make Windows good, like the ability to use a PC entirely without the command line (the moment you remove the mouse acceleration checkbox from mouse settings you make CLI mandatory for a portion of your users), to use the GUI with keyboard shortcuts (seriously, every section of the task bar has its own hotkey combination for getting focused) and to have coherent systems under the hood (I know why I have twenty different disparate and redundant networking commands, but this doesn't make it good from a usability perspective).

i don't think so, senpai

>ability to use a PC entirely without the command line
>coherent systems
>what make windows great

What's the difference between that and the houndeds of other distros?

Well, if you can't read a single line.... then possibly you won't notice the difference between this and the other "houndeds" of distros.

Tell me, how do you invoke a text editor as root? What is the equivalent of ipconfig /all?

>invoke a text editor as root
>ipconfig /all
>what makes windows great

Looking at their site it looks like Ubuntu with a different wallpaper honestly, however unlike Ubuntu they charge for it. You can use other distros without touching the terminal too if you're referring to that.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-01-19-22-29~2.png (1440x508, 35K)