Why do imageboards use UNIX timestamps to label images, instead of a simple...

Why do imageboards use UNIX timestamps to label images, instead of a simple, monotonically increasing counter like they do for posts?

Attached: the-melting-watch.jpg (1000x787, 130K)

[spoiler] efficiency [/spoiler]

How is it more efficient?

Nobody knows?

pm'ed you the answer :)

Thank, but I had it figured out on my own

the counter would take up memory and processor cycles
to check the clock is just a system call
please fuck off to /v/


Isn't UNIX timestamps just seconds since the epoch? How is this not simple you brainlet

UNIX timestamps is a simple monotonically increasing counter.

what's the "certified" tick on your post?

what happens if two images on the same board are uploaded at the same second?

It means he's certified

isn’t this done client side and not server side? i.e when you save a picture to your computer it’ll use unix time?

Shit breaks. Sometimes youll see thumbnails and when you click on them get a completely different image

This happens somewhat often when Jow Forums is active. People go full retard and think the jews are hiding their generic infographs

Yes but evidently there's some kind bug that they haven't figured out yet because sometimes you can post an image but end up with a completely different one

timestamp is almost always original and only contains numbers as opposed to special characters

I would imagine that it’s something like a race condition which ~could~ be fixed but gook moot obviously isn’t going to spend the money to patch a bug that happens once in a blue moon like that

Your fortune: Bad Luck

The fuck do you mean? Hover the link and see for yourself.

it’s more aesthetic

>save in db
>use primary key
wow that was hard


Because it's simple and also leads to race conditions like when the thumbnail is a totally different image.

The DB probably doesn't have a separate table for images, they must have a column with the filename in the post table. Sure they could use the post id, but that would need them to save the record first to generate an id and then rename the image to the correct name.

its more fun this way anyway

I too would like a concrete answer on this topic.

collisions due to 1 second resolution, thus name is not the unique identifier