vim users BTFO
Vim users BTFO
based and redpiled
Install nano
use emacs🐷
emacs has opposite problem, because it's too easy to quit by accident🐰
Richard please...
i know webfaggots have a hard time focusing on the screen with all the cocks they chug but quitting vim is as easy as ":wq". Anyone who says that's hard is legit retarded.
Stay mad retards, go back to electron bullshit
It's even easier. ZZ
Oh, that’s quite unfortunate for vim users. Good thing I use VS Code!
They call it Electron because when you see the electrons making up Electron you turn 360 degrees and lag away
>python programmers some of the least likely to get stuck in vim
bugs....easy on the carrots...
Your fortune: Godly Luck
met a girl today who couldn't figure out how to exit nano
it's open sores you dumb freetard
doesn't it tell you how on the main screen, though?
it does, but she couldn't figure out the ^.
actually I think she was trying to click on the ^X at first and gave up
hey stupid, stick to shitting on Apple while using Satania. We need to be subtle aboutthis
Oh really🦖
>implying reddit won't run this meme into the ground.
I still don't get why people have trouble with this in the year of our lord, 2019.
Python is pretty common for Linux Sysadmins.
t. Sysadmin scripting python in vim.
Asians really are the best programmers. The Pajeets, who you neckbeards and weebs like to insult, happen to be the second best programmers. Not surprisingly, Slavs are the worst with Arabs slightly behind. Of the white countries, the US is, of course, the best. In a most embarrassing display, most of Europe and Canada lost to Brazil. Australia surprises everyone being the second best white country, but I suspect they just reboot their computer when they get stuck.
Python was a scripting language made for C hackers, so it’s unsurprising.
Do asians even use Linux? Everyone i’ve met is Windows or Itoddler.
The data is based on vim users from the countries not just visitors from the countries, so of vim users asians are the most proficient.
Vim is absolutely wonderful. It’s even better if you use tmux as well.
t. retarded emacs user
Your fortune: Godly Luck, this can't be happening!
I made vi and vim symlinks to nano on all my systems.
>webdevs are retarded
Nothing new under the sun.
Webdevs are also faggots.
ebil size
It's only 650kB for me.
What browser are you using?
Yeah, whatever gave that user 666kB is clearly wrong
650 kiB = 666 kB
u fell for it
>In the five years since this question was asked, there have been over a million other developers who got stuck in Vim and couldn’t escape without a bit of help.
"developers" ftfy
merely pretending
Your fortune: Average Luck
>this far behind Huezil
>behind Spain
Must be Eclipse users
There was an actual chart about programming skill, slavs are soem of the ebst.