I've just finished my coffee. Now I'm going to stare at the wall for some hours. Thanks for reading my blog!

I've just finished my coffee. Now I'm going to stare at the wall for some hours. Thanks for reading my blog!

Attached: 1539028312313.jpg (498x564, 63K)

Other urls found in this thread:


the slothful suebi

Im taking over this thread. This is now an antisemite heterosexual white male thread

Attached: 9F7EE2CF-413F-47F1-8DA8-E4CC5CC0F0C4.jpg (700x700, 65K)

How do we ban Uruguayans from Jow Forums Mateo?

Kill yourself

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im a girl
he's not uruguaian

Attached: 1543617794194.jpg (1124x1200, 113K)

Greeks and Uruguayans can both take the hammer just in case

Post proof

Get a job you parasite

Attached: ECDF64BE-C065-4113-9923-126BEC8876D2.jpg (1000x941, 117K)

greeks on bant are all weirdos, wait there's only 1
pic related

Attached: 1540446085150.png (480x600, 117K)