Linux can`t into g-gaming, guys

>linux can`t into g-gaming, guys

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I use arch Linux and play videogames daily

tell me more

after all, DOOM is the best game ever made

>Look guys we finally made an almost 30 year old game work!
Call me when you can run games without needing to tweak your nipples differently for every single game and pray to every god and your waifu that it will work this time.

The only people who say that are luddites who haver never played warzone 2100.

Attached: drop the hammer.jpg (611x480, 67K)

>I'm getting the team back together, are you in?
>GNU never abandons gamers. You'll need an engine. I know just the one: BLENDER

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why does every lunix DE look like fucking shit
the only one sort of okay is deepin DE and default i3 even though that's a window manager

even battlefield V(agina) can be run at 60 fps on loonix so idk wtf ur smoking my man

There's lots of older games I've still never played and plenty of proton/wine/native steam etc games to also play. "Oh no I can't play fortnite, my life is over" is a stupid way to think of it. Besides go get a console for it then.

Sure what's your phone number?

>shitting circular maps with keycard hell maze
>best anything
DOOM was revolutionary, but it is in no way good by any measure today.

Seriously. Just because it was revolutionary doesn't mean it holds up. Citizen Kane was absolutely revolutionary and ask anyone how that holds up today.

Do not play closed source proprietary games. They are the enemy of your freedom.

I think Linux is good enough for gaming, where it really lacks is in the media development department.

This... is the power... of Windows...

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There is only one thing it doesn't lack. Legacy support for shit no one uses anymore.
What it does lack is:
>even just a single proper working DE
It lacks severely for games, music production, video production, etc. Basically any industry besides web shit.
It's a hot steaming pile of shit.

I watched Citizen Kane two months ago for the first time and it is still absolutely excellent. Your point is fucking dumb, and you may or may not be a fucking failure no gf no hand holding edgy fedora atheist asocial neckbeard who is a giant fucking faggot sucking dicks daily and being gay as fuck only to lick cum out of his hands after masturbating while imagining himself paying some equally dirty prostitutes for a handjob.

>Imagine being this triggered over someone calling Citizen Kane a good movie at the times but not holding up today

The wheel was revolutionary. How many people drive around with chiseled stone circles on their car like the flintstones


nigger just shut the fuck up

Revolutionary things:
>the wheel
>analog telephone

Not even one of the good ones.

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Jokes on you, I can play on Linux just fine.

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Linux can run all the games worth playing, i.e. Valve games, indie games, and emulated Nintendo games. Games other than that are pretty much categorically nothing but cultural engineering designed by the corporate shadow government as a small cog in the machine of an ongoing effort to disseminate far-right ideologies into the innocent youth, with the end goal of building an army to reverse the past victories of social justice and return control of the west to the hands of the privileged elite.

All these idiot Linux users can FUCK OFF!!! NO, you CAN'T run games! They were designed FOR WINDOWS. The developers intentionally made it so you CANNOT PLAY THEM. STOP LYING. The only thing Linux is good for is research my REAL scientists. YOU shouldn't be using it! GO BUY A WINDOWS LICENSE AND STOP BEING A DRAIN ON SOCIETY.

Played elder scrolls online on arch regularly. No problems whatsoever.

Roguelikes are much more fun tho, rather have abyssal deep game depth than graphics

Lmao what the fuck is that link?
A fucking schizo rant about video games, Jesus Christ.

kek, good troll

>tfw old jrpgs with pc ports run better on my ancient Debian stable than on windows 10.
Maximum comfy desu

okay now show me gta v online

but linux is a kernel REEEEEEEEE

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What's this game?

notOP but what about city building games? I like those games. Simcity 4 works, Cities Skylines is native, etc. ?

A handful of small publishers and most indies support linux, i'd love it if GOG adopted proton and made a native GOG galaxy client, though Lutris works fairly well.

Okay then show me:
>Tiberian Sun
>Hitman 2 (2018)
>Stronghold Crusader
>Any Metal Gear games
And so on and so forth. You neither got proper support for old games nor for new games. Go fuck yourself you shit shill.

>tfw STILL no DF Linux update

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>Any Metal Gear games
I don't know about any of the other games, but you can just emulate PS1 and play metal gear.

what do you mean? DF is released for both platforms at the same time, used to play it years ago when I was on arch

>Metal Gear

Wow what a great argument! You totally showed me how loonix just werks!

go on jewtube and look it up

Shut up nigger

>B-But loonix can't into gayming

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Based. I love this game

>If I post this one game that actually works over and over again surely people won't notice that I am full of shit

I think it's the Vampire the Masquerade game that's not bloodlines, can't remember the name though.

>VtM: Redeption
Surprised to see anyone playing it let alone mentioning the game. All anyone ever does is gush over Bloodlines.

It took too long to get modern weapons, all I wanted to do was blast other vampires with a shotgun.

arx fatalis