Why can't "red pilled game theorists" seal the deal, have children and perpetuate their race? Is PUA a Jewish trick?
> Muh PUA
Probably because having casual sex with women you barely know is the exact opposite of red pilled.
They’re just cringe larpers who score a 3/10 every once in a while
>PUA get laid and aren't adult virgins scamming other adult virgins so they get the money to pay for Eastern European whores.
Topkek lad.
PUA just gets you casual sex, not a family. It's basically a strategy for taking advantage of the "sexual revolution" where sex has no real consequences.
> Is PUA a Jewish trick?
It makes you (((their))) golem
(((they))) know you’ll buy some nice clothes, a gym membership, some health care products and some e-commerce books, all in pursuit of getting your dick wet by some roastie.
Eventually you’ll get stuck in a rut, where
You can’t commit to a woman and raise a family. You’ll be stuck in Peter Pan mode, an incomplete human being, not fully developed, a golem.
Because Game only teaches you how to get whores. Roosh even admitted that he has no processes detailing how you would get a conservative virgin to settle down with. He recommended becoming christian.
Getting s that on your dick is easy af. Tell these losers to talk when they get a good submissive virgin catholic girl to marry them.
the answer is in the question
>a conservative virgin
do these even exist
they are coping betas who dance to the jewniggerwahmen piper thinking they are hot shit when they are just good goys
I found one. Look for shy girls who went to Christian schools.
They're fags
PUA s like neil strauss, rsd guys etc are jewish puppets
guys like rooah and roissy are based
>Is PUA a Jewish trick?
PUA aka formerly known as Speed Seduction was started by Ross Jeffries (pic related) which is basically a spin off of NLP.
This but the opposite
Owen even has two kids and it's pretty obvious that everyone in RSD is anti-left
Ah yes the underground NLP communities of pre-2010 internet, good times. Thank god that this knowledge suddenly vanished from the net and newer generations have no idea if it even exists, else the number of shills would exponentiate every year. Especially the hardcore hypno stuff
>memeflaggot OP
you're gonna have to take that memeflag off to prove you're not a streetsharter, otherwise your thread is worth shit
watch just a few minutes in roosh's streams on youtube. he he names the jew like every 5 minutes. he is /ourguy
Yes, they're called ugly girls. LMAO
it can help guys with good intentions but awkwardness break the ice better imo. true PUA is about developing confidence and charm. just using lines from a book or video is never enough and in some cases comes across even worse.
Why would anybody want this dune coon to have brown children with Polish women?
other dune coons and non-whites who love this "pua" shit, because they can't get laid
Because he’s based and redpilled.
>Ah yes the underground NLP communities of pre-2010 internet, good times. Thank god that this knowledge suddenly vanished from the net and newer generations have no idea if it even exists, else the number of shills would exponentiate every year. Especially the hardcore hypno stuff
I still have DVD binders full of all that stuff and also backed on several TBs of data, I was able to get a lot of the more obscure stuff from MIRC private audiobook/ebook hubs where users uploaded their own pdf scans of some rare out of print stuff which they called in those days Psychophysiology, some really esoteric stuff, you wouldn't happen to know if any of these places are still around, would you? Seems indeed unfortunately died out circa 2010, would love to get some more OCR pdf scans of some out of print books in subjects related.
what are you guys talking about?
>Thank god that this knowledge suddenly vanished from the net and newer generations have no idea if it even exists, else the number of shills would exponentiate every year. Especially the hardcore hypno stuff
lol oh what a clusterfuck if the millenial/zoomer crowd knew wtf we were talking about
>what are you guys talking about?
>Based civnat who is only cozying up to the alt right after years being apart of the multiculti cock carousel
>Not a tradthot
>you wouldn't happen to know if any of these places are still around, would you?
nope, everything is gone and finding a person who actually knows about this stuff, even on a website like Jow Forums that is supposed to have a lot of those types of guys browsing it, is highly unlikely
But come to think of it it's actually better that way
>what are you guys talking about?
In the bad ol days you had newsgroups and MIRC hubs that would exchange thousands of dollars worth of NLP, Remote Viewing, Occult studies related audiobooks and ebooks which much of it got scrubbed off the internet once those places died out and torrent and filehosting sites got shut down.
PUA are handsome retards with no friends who think they get girls attention because of their personality
Post some please
>tfw always been fascjnated by the subject.
>modern shit is god awful quality or porn fetish asmr bullshit
Its hardly a secret, its also pretty crap. All i remember about it was some weirdo wiggling fingers to trigger responses or something and writing certain words in caps lock.
>Is PUA a Jewish trick?
Uh, yeah, was that not obvious? Whoremongering doesn't make you masculine or a better future father or husband. It makes you a degenerate.
RooshV is a fucking kike
Most of these PUA people are more interested in despising women more then any kind of greater purpose
They disgust me personally
Hes hardly a kike
Post it
neurolinguistic programming?
Im at a loss here m8
I guess guys like Roosh V are addicted to the lifestyle. That being said, I think some PUA's offered a great deal of help to a lot of men
RSD on the other hand is pretty cancerous. Their whole philosophy is to approach as much women as possible. If a lot of men do this, this can really ruin a given city's women
>nope, everything is gone and finding a person who actually knows about this stuff, even on a website like Jow Forums that is supposed to have a lot of those types of guys browsing it, is highly unlikely
>But come to think of it it's actually better that way
yeah, the odds of that, now that I look back it seems perhaps those were setup by glow in the darks who were recruiting people to train, its kind of strange, it seemed like those communities were only made up of a few hundred users.
General idea is, as chimps, there are combinations of words and body language tricks that can get you to do anything
user is claiming to have read much of that literature but won’t share it here bc either a larp or a mean person
Rooshv is based and his podcasts and books are highly recommendable, his other politics aside. Poor man can't help since he's the quintessential 56% mutt.
t. RvIDF
you couldn't upload some of those pdf's to mega and lend a link could you?
Fine I'll spoonfeed
Basically, around late 90s, people finally discovered how to successfully manipulate most other people and make them do things they wouldn't otherwise do by doing a lot of social experiments and sharing their results on the net. Of course the entire community was male, so the very first thing they thought of was "how do I apply this to get sum fuk", which in turn created what we now call "PUA". The primordial PUA was entirely based around manipulating females and using legitimate hypnosis to create attraction in them for you, even if you were genetic trash.
NLP stands for "neuro-linguistic programming" and is basically the very first thing you learn when you get into that community. Considering that NLP exist, and is very legitimate, is scary enough, and now imagine that but a couple times more effective - that was the more hardcore stuff that was being actively field tested by those communities before they suddenly vanished (for good)
>Its hardly a secret, its also pretty crap. All i remember about it was some weirdo wiggling fingers to trigger responses or something and writing certain words in caps lock.
Why yes, the NLP courses but you have to go back before NLP was created and start with the works of hypnotist Milton Ericsson and Virginia Satyr, the clinical side to it will lead you down the rabbit hole unless you're completely skeptical of the Government's work and research into these subjects to of ever yielded any tangible results.
"PUA"s are a cringefest of manchildren making a business of what teenagers in non cucked countries do until they grow up.
Whoremongers/PUAs are autistic retards who give women a canned, rehearsed, 30 min- 1 hr long courtship song and dance so they can get into her pants by convincing her he's charming, suave, mature, loves kids, etc
This is objectively a huge problem for everyone involved because these women, when they invariably get pumped and dumped, are going to expect that canned, rehearsed, retarded shit from actual men who want actual long term relationships and families.
Guys who spent their late teens and early 20s working their dicks off so they can provide for a future family are not going to be gay, preened, pick up artists with cute, canned replies for everything. Theyre going to be human beings who just want a family.
But these women will expect that PUA roleplay gay shit from these men 24/7 because thats what theyre used to.
tldr shits fucked. At least I found an un-ruined blonde woman my age to gf and I dont have to deal with the insanity of the dating world any more
this. pua is anti-family therefore it's leftwing trash
>you couldn't upload some of those pdf's to mega and lend a link could you?
lol oh fuck I'd have to dig through my DVD's and do so, idk maybe this week I can upload it and will post links in one of the /SIG/ general threads
sounds very larpy, are you saying this was legit in some way?
idk about pua but it's true that there are certain ways of acting that attract girls, that's common knowledge to basically all men since like middle school
I actually used to follow PUA culture quite closely. Nailed a few girls because of it.
I ended up getting married and having two kids.
Yeah the whole PUA thing is a big scam. It's mostly a bunch of pajeets and arab mutts desperately trying to lay white women. The other ones are white chads who just use the youtube views, e-books, online coaching and other assorted bullshit to make shekels off of socially akward lonely losers who see it as a way to not have to think for themselves.
Every man gets married and has kids if he wants to. The whole incel thing only applies to
PUA focus on insecure women who wouldn't make good partners.
>that was the more hardcore stuff that was being actively field tested by those communities before they suddenly vanished (for good)
Not just the NLP but the Autogenic training and Remote Viewing courses too, the self hypnosis stuff works but as you know takes practice like anything else, lot of this stuff is pretty dated circa 1960's during the peak of the CIA's research into psychic phenomena not to mention the founders of NLP Richard Bandler and John Grinder are glow in the darks, John Grinder working for naval intelligence.
All women are insecure
He's larping for sure. There's some truth to what he's saying. Yes it can help you with girls. But it's not some kind of hypnosis that will make a model sleep with an ugly manlet with no job. Read Cialdini if you're interested. It's the psychology behind why marketing works so well and why normalfags will buy things they don't need.
>very legitimate
every PUA community I have ever been a part of called it pseudoscience, but interesting and worth learning.
Hello brainlet
>idk about pua but it's true that there are certain ways of acting that attract girls, that's common knowledge to basically all men since like middle school
the best way to attract is by not giving a fuck and having to socialize, if you're an introvert by default this will be quite difficult or almost impossible imho
Hello woman
i would never have gotten into any girls' pants if i hadn't read 'the game' and 'mystery method' as a teen.
how you apply the stuff is up to you, but there are fundamental, all-but-universal truths to what these people teach.
no doubt most of this 'red pill lifestyle' garbage that's been coming out probably since like 2010 is jewish scam trash at best, but roosh is pretty based at least.
>Every man gets married and has kids if he wants to. The whole incel thing only applies to It does however tell you to fornicate
and fornicate I did.
somewhat offtopic but when I was a kid marketing worked on me very well, i would desperately want to have an ipod or whatever. After about age 17 it just stopped working and i stopped wanting to buy things, ive never quite understood why that happened
It's not a bad thing. So long as a woman is partnered with a good and decent man. Women are this way because it's the price they pay for being incubators for the next generation of men.
Our society is sick because we allow women to select their own mates. We dont marry them off when theyre a teenager like society used to.
Influence by Cialdini is a book that I cannot stop recommending. You can get the pdf off gen.lib.rus.ec
Yeah because you've only seen Derren Brown's lightweight version. I still remember reading about cases like a guy with a scat fetish instilling that scat fetish into his completely innocent and sexually normal girlfriend, and yes, it's actually possible
Yes. There are three types of PUA - the modernized "socially acceptable" PUA with companies like RSD, who are more around self-help and unfucking your fucked up brain, the pretend-PUAs who're trying to call themselves PUAs without actually knowing anything about this shit and just randomly filming themselves pick up girls, and the old school PUAs who used (or still use) hypnosis and emotional manipulation. From those the most I'd recommend is the first group, i.e RSD, but to answer your question, no, the hardcore hypnosis stuff has nothing to do with teenage highschool drama and is legitimate hypnosis, as in sci-fi tier hypnosis
>by not giving a fuck
basically this yeah. but like really not giving a fuck, including not caring about being arrested and etc. Getting butthurt for any reason whatsoever is woman repellant
>Attention down trodden guys who are feeling vulnerable because they are failures at life because you are too ugly to get a woman.
>I have discovered the secret and it has nothing at all to do with looks...Look at this ugly guy who is a paid actor for my commercial and see how he is a pussy slaying stud, YOU TOO COULD BE HIM.
>It's all a matter of saying magical words in the correct magical order and SHAZAM any chick who thought you were an ugly creep loser will fling her legs up in the air and throw pussy at you!
>All you got to do to learn these magical incantations that will make you a pussy slayer is send me $200 dollars and I will send you a PDF work sheet that will teach you the secrets that you are too fucking dumb to figure out on your own!
>what's that, you already bought the $200 work sheet and it's not working? You literal brainlet didn't you know that was only volume 1 of 20? You didn't think you were going to learn all the secrets from only purchasing vol 1, did you???
>To get volume 2 through 20 you just got to pay me $200 more for each volume and then you will be on your way to being a PUSSY SLAYER RAWRRRRRRRR!!!
>Now let me see your game face, Loser!
When you fornicate you pavlovian train yourself to enjoy sleeping with loose women. And that means you're going to be more tempted to cheat on your wife when you're finally in a committed relationship.
You'll likely cheat on your wife and it'll cause problems. Good job, dude. Hope your kids like having two Christmases.
unironically before I learned about all this stupid shit when I was a dope smoking burnout I had more women interested in me because I never really talked about anything interesting, so the more of a retard you are the more potential you have of getting a mate, if you're an INTP you're sol buddy.
>Is PUA a Jewish trick?
>pitting men and women against each other
It does smell (((fishy))). I'm not knocking PUA all together though, some of those smaller YouTube channels taught me a useful thing or two about dealing with women.
roosh is 40 and lives with his mom after touring the world raping women with his friend mike cernovich and milo
roosh still can't get women without paying for sex
heres a pdf
Ill read this tonight ty
>focusing your energy on forming meaningless sexual relationships instead of productivity
from my experience women tend to gravitate toward me when i'm striving towards goals in my life, although it's less frequent compared to going out to meet women and hook up with them
I delved into all that PUA stuff and realized my destiny was to becoming a wizard, not a pickup artist.
(((heartiste))) has some retard name (((captain obvious))) and a bunch of other sock puppets spamming the jew agenda
women and men are naturally somewhat pitted against each other.
check out the chapter 'Battle of the sexes' in this book
explain why you believe heartiste echoes
White men don't fornicate. Its not in our DNA. It naturally repulses us
(((roissy))) is a fag who sold his blog to an college aged jewish kid who gets no pussy
but you didn't know that because you haven't been around for a while
>Is PUA a Jewish trick?
PUA moves work and attrack only certain type of women. Why would you risk your own health and get permanent life consequences for cummies? that is nigger behaviour.
Roosh is a pseudo ladies man.
Growing out your beard does not make you a man.
Women don't have a sexuality as you or I understand sexuality. They have a desire to please and are excited by demeaning themselves. that's all that exists in their brains, in terms of sexuality.
So if you tell a woman you are sexually aroused by the idea of her doing [debasing thing], in 99% of cases she will want to do that thing
Women are retarded herd animals
i doubled my dating with david
that shit was more based and pilled
and it was before internet (((pua))) like roissy roosh even hit
internet (((pua))) is just jew scam business by dudes who get no pussy lol
(((heartiste))) is an insecure jew
any opinions on Mark Manson? his book Models was the only one out of all the PUA stuff that made sense and helped me
(((heartiste))) posts anti-white female posts
then follows it up with posts about how to text da white pussy to get the tingles...
then gets insecure when called out for being a shitty jewish sockpuppet blog
Male hypergamy negates all of that kek
that actually makes a lot of sense
You are not wrong. Since my second kid was born my wife has not been wanting to have sex. I have not been able to have sex or even get a blowjob from her. I got her to jerk me off 2x since then.
Meanwhile, I know of a chick (who has only had 1 sexual partner) that would suck me off today if I told her to.
Since you are already giving me advice, what do you suggest I do here?
I really need some sex.
if they echo then why do they have so many anti-jew posts
>t. roosh