Step aside, Linux, macOS *bsd, winshit, anything else. You're time is up

>Step aside, Linux, macOS *bsd, winshit, anything else. You're time is up.
>Webdevs, now is your time to shine!

Attached: icecat_XEFkB9t8KD.png (501x491, 31K)

Other urls found in this thread:

so its just based of web shit?
>no bash here.
Won't be used on Jow Forums no neofetch.

And in the trash it goes

javascript was a mistake

Attached: 1478909812574.png (1388x924, 173K)


>uses the linux kernel

Oh fuck

>"NodeOS is a lightweight operating system "

choose none

They use lightweight anymore to mean a lack of features not a low cost on your hardware



Lightweight has meant featureless since at least the 1970s

This is scary if true. I can imagine all the major cloud providers using this and abandoning the standard Linux distros. We need to kill it before it gets more press.

It was only a matter of time before a true lisp-based OS took off. If stallman wasn't so autistic he could have created it, but we had to wait another 30 years, so now we are getting Node-OS. I'm happy. It just should have been sooner.

>chode os

Attached: 89e9cee6c68e2dc28116f0259f3f8b37.jpg (800x1130, 138K)

is this a fucking joke?

>you're time

Attached: nK0Jk95.png (450x427, 202K)

a lot of Linux applications and DE's use javascript as their scripting language anyways



there's no many incorrect uses of you're and your on channel4 at this point it seems intentional but i can't tell...

I think the idea behind this is to have the bare minimum to run node-based server scripts for containerization, not as an actual desktop or bare-metal OS.

Thanks redpillbro

kill me

your retarded

But we can change that. Personally I would love a fully hackable NodeJS Desktop OS™. Sounds comfy, desu. Basically like if Emacs didn't pussy out and actually just built the whole OS.

>node-os is a full operating system built on top of the linux kernel
Nice try mongoloid. And as i expect it will run flawlessly on SSD and suck ass like Winshit on mechanical drives

>nodeos is built on top of the linux kernel
In the trash it goes, probably would have got worse if I kept reading.




I unironically like JS and Node, but this is something that I really don't wish to see being a thing

I get irrationally angry every time those soiboy cunt startup trash use a picture of a fucking iMac for a general picture of a computer. They also always use iPhone shaped smartphones, going as far as putting the fucking notch in them. I really hate the *pple cult.